Read and Display CSV Files Using JavaScript

Source code to read csv files in html table using javascript.

Save this html and name it to "csv-file-reader.html" or anything what you want.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>csv file reader</title>

    <!-- Add a CSS style to the HTML page -->
        td {
            border: 2px solid maroon;
    <!-- Add a link to a tutorial on YouTube -->
    <!-- This link could be helpful for someone who is learning how to use this code. -->
    <a href="">tutorial link</a>

    <!-- Add an input element that allows the user to select a CSV file -->
    <input type="file">

    <!-- Add an empty table element to the HTML page -->

    <!-- Include a JavaScript file called "csv.js" -->
    <!-- This file might contain functions that handle the CSV file that the user selects. -->
    <script src="./csv.js"></script>

Explanation of above HTML

Copy and Save the below script file giving a name "csv.js"

     // Select the input element and store it in a variable named "x"
const x = document.querySelector("input");

// Add an event listener to the input element that listens for a "change" event
x.addEventListener("change", () => {
  // Create a new FileReader object
  const fr = new FileReader();

  // When the FileReader object has finished loading the file, run the following code
  fr.onloadend = e => {
    // Split the contents of the file into an array of lines, then split each line into an array of values
    let r = fr.result.split("\n").map(e => {
      return e.split(",");

    // For each row in the CSV file, create a new tr element and add it to the table element
    r.forEach(e => {
      // Map each value in the row to a string, then join the strings together with no separator
      let m = => {
        return `${e}`;
      // Create a new tr element and set its innerHTML to the string of values
      const ce = document.createElement("tr");
      ce.innerHTML = m;

      // Only add the tr element to the table element if it contains any text
      if (ce.innerText !== "") {

    // Uncomment the following line to log the parsed CSV data to the console
    // console.log(r)

  // Read the contents of the selected file as text

Explanation of above code

  1. The code selects the first `input` element on the page and stores it in a variable named `x` using the `document.querySelector` method.
  2. An event listener is added to `x` that listens for the `change` event, which is triggered when a new file is selected using the file input dialog.
  3. When the `change` event is triggered, a new `FileReader` object is created using the `FileReader` constructor. This object is used to read the contents of the selected file.
  4. The `FileReader` object's `onloadend` property is set to a function that will be called when the file has been completely loaded.
  5. Inside the `onloadend` function, the `result` property of the `FileReader` object is split by newline characters (`\n`) to create an array of lines.
  6. Each line in the array of lines is then split by commas (`,`) to create an array of values for each row of the CSV file.
  7. The resulting array of arrays is stored in a variable named `r`.
  8. A `forEach` loop is used to iterate over each row in `r`.
  9. For each row, a new `tr` element is created using the `document.createElement` method.
  10. The values in the row are mapped to an array of strings using the `map` method, and then joined together with an empty string (`""`) using the `join` method.
  11. The resulting string is set as the `innerHTML` property of the `tr` element.
  12. If the `innerText` property of the `tr` element is not an empty string, the `tr` element is appended to the `table` element on the page.
  13. If the `console.log` statement is uncommented, the parsed CSV data will be logged to the console.

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