
Reputation: 1532

WPF Performance Issues

I have a WPF Application which allows user to enter production Data.

For that reason i created a Usercontrol which uses an WPF Toolkit Accordion. In Code behind i create 15 Accordion Items. Each Item has an Stackpanel and 5-10 Textboxes in it.

When adding 12 of these controls to the main Content Control it takes about 10 seconds.

What can be the cause of this behaviour?

    public XXXMeasurementControl(Measurement meas)


        if (meas.ID == -2)
            LineNameTextBlock.Text = "Total";
            LineNameTextBlock.Text = meas.MeasureDate.ToString("HH:mm") + " - " + meas.MeasureDate.AddHours(1).ToString("HH:mm");

        this.cells = meas.MainCells;
        this.meas = meas;

        Binding b = new Binding();
        Remark.DataContext = Meas;
        b.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
        b.Path = new PropertyPath("Remark");
        BindingOperations.SetBinding(Remark, TextBox.TextProperty, b);

        //Create Cells Start

        foreach (Cell c in cells)
            //Creating Textboxes & Bindings for Stations from Maincells

            if (c.Name != "OQC")

                //Setting Qualified Overall (=Qualified from Cell Appearance Check)

                Common.BindTextBlock(QualifiedOverallTextBlock, c, "Qualified");

                if (c.Name.Contains("Appearance Check"))
                    Common.BindTextBlock(QualifiedOverallTextBlock, c, "Qualified");

                //Setting Scrap Rate (=Waste from Cell Acoustic Test)

                if (c.Name.Contains("Acoustic Test"))
                      Common.BindTextBlock(ScrapRateTextBlock, c, "WasteRate");

                AccordionItem aci = new AccordionItem();

                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
                StackPanel groupData = new StackPanel();
                StackPanel all = new StackPanel();

                if (c.Stations != null)

                    //All Single Cell Line Controls

                    if (meas.ID != -2)
                        for (int i = 0; i < c.Stations.Count; i++)
                            NumberTextbox t = Common.CreateNumberTextbox(c.Stations[i], "Value", BindingMode.TwoWay, false, null, 80, 22);

                            t.LostFocus += new RoutedEventHandler(t_LostFocus);

                            c.Stations[i].PropertyChanged += new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler(LineControl_PropertyChanged);

                            //Handling if Qualified Field is Editable

                            if (c.Stations[i].Name.Contains("Qualified"))
                                t.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.BlanchedAlmond);



                groupData.Children.Add(Common.CreateNumberTextbox(c, "RejectQty", BindingMode.OneWay, true,null, 80, 22));
                groupData.Children.Add(Common.CreateNumberTextbox(c, "PassRate", BindingMode.OneWay, true, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.BlanchedAlmond), 80, 22));
                groupData.Children.Add(Common.CreateNumberTextbox(c, "RejectRate", BindingMode.OneWay, true, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.BlanchedAlmond), 80, 22));

                aci.Header = "";
                aci.Content = all;


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Views: 397

Answers (1)


Reputation: 8095

I too experience terrible performance with the Accordion control in the WPF Toolkit. I have an Accordion control within a tab, and whenever I switch to that tab it takes a solid 2-3 seconds to initialize the contents. I do not have this problem when the Accordion Control is not being used.

I think the Accordion is your culprit.

Upvotes: 1

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