Reputation: 12465
I am trying to write a prolog program that can find the tiles that are completely surrounded by b or w in a 2D-array.
For example, given a dataset like this:
[b, w, +, +],
[w, +, w, b],
[+, w, b, +],
[+, +, +, b],
It would return another Variable containing:
[-, -, -, -],
[-, w, -, -],
[-, -, -, b],
[-, -, -, -],
That is, it replaced all the +
which were completely surrounded with b
with a b
, and the same for those surrounded by a w
, and replaced everything else with a -
Can anyone give any ideas on how to build a program to do this?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 343
Reputation: 60034
With this rep/2 predicate
rep(L0, L1) :-
rep(b, L0, L1) ;
rep(w, L0, L1).
rep(E, [E|Ps], [-|Rs]) :-
rep1(E, Ps, Rs).
rep(E, [X|Ps], [-|Rs]) :-
E \= X,
rep(Ps, Rs).
rep1(E, [+|Ps], [E|Rs]) :-
rep2(E, Ps, Rs).
rep2(E, [+|Ps], [E|Rs]) :-
rep2(E, Ps, Rs).
rep2(E, [E|Ps], [-|Rs]) :-
dash(Ps, Rs).
dash([], []).
dash([_|Ps], [-|Rs]) :- dash(Ps, Rs).
that performs this way
?- rep([b,+,b,b],L).
L = [-, b, -, -] ;
?- rep([b,+,+,+,+,+,b,+,b],L).
L = [-, b, b, b, b, b, -, -, -] .
?- rep([w,+,+,+,+,+,w,+,b],L).
L = [-, w, w, w, w, w, -, -, -] .
?- rep([b,+,+,+,+,+,w,+,b],L).
?- rep([b,+,+,+,+,+,+,b],L).
L = [-, b, b, b, b, b, b, -] .
?- rep([b,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,b],L).
L = [-, b, b, b, b, b, b, b, -] .
?- rep([b,+,+,w,+,+,w,+,b],L).
L = [-, -, -, -, w, w, -, -, -] .
and a transposition predicate to enable rep/2 to work on columns
transpose_col_row([], []).
transpose_col_row([U], B) :- gen(U, B).
transpose_col_row([H|T], R) :- transpose_col_row(T, TC), splash(H, TC, R).
gen([H|T], [[H]|RT]) :- gen(T,RT).
gen([], []).
splash([], [], []).
splash([H|T], [R|K], [[H|R]|U]) :-
you could combine them to solve your problem. HTH
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 49920
This might help: it takes the representation you gave, and gives back a list whose elements are each of the form [ColumnIndex, RowIndex, Value]. You can then use member to find an element at a particular row/column.
encodearray( A, AA ) :- ( A, 0, 0, AA ).
encodearray( [], _, _, [] ).
encodearray( [[]|A], _, R, AA ) :- R1 is R+1, encodeArray( A, 0, R1, AA ).
encodearray( [[A|B]|X], C, R, [[C,R,A]|AA] ) :- C1 is C+1, encodeArray( [B|X], C1, R, AA ).
Upvotes: 1