
Reputation: 2661

Qtip's arrow doesn't display in IE

qTip has not arrow in IE, but arrow displays in FF. Arrow disappeared after then jquery has been updated from 1.3 to 1.7.2

                content: {
                    text: text,
                    prerender: true,
                    title: {
                        text: this.settings.translationDictionary.lblWarningText,
                        button: "<div class='confWarningClose'>" + this.settings.translationDictionary.tblCloseWarningText + "</div>"
                position: {
                    corner: {
                        target: "bottomMiddle",
                        tooltip: "topMiddle"
                style: {
                    tip: { corner: "topMiddle", size: { x: 20, y: 10} },
                    width: 220,
                    "word-wrap": "break-word",
                    "font-size": "13px",
                    color: "Red",
                    "text-align": "center",
                    title: {
                        "padding-right": "5px",
                        "padding-top": "3px",
                        "padding-left": "60px",
                        "color": "#F4D546",
                        background: "#424242",
                        height: "8px"
                    border: {
                        width: 3,
                        radius: 5,
                        color: '#424242'
                show: {
                    solo: true,
                    delay: 0,
                    when: {
                        target: false,
                        event: "click"
                hide: ""

image with example here http://content.screencast.com/users/blackvoodoo/folders/Jing/media/30fabe28-1fc5-475e-a042-3bb551ee0968/arrow.png

Upvotes: 0

Views: 1183

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2661

Ok I've resolved this problem. Need to update function createTip(corner). We cannot add VML elements via function prepend(). Instead this we add VML elements via html() to self.elements.tip. Updated function createTip(corner) below:

    function createTip(corner) {
    var self, color, coordinates, coordsize, path;
    self = this;

    // Destroy previous tip, if there is one
    if (self.elements.tip !== null) self.elements.tip.remove();

    // Setup color and corner values
    color = self.options.style.tip.color || self.options.style.border.color;
    if (self.options.style.tip.corner === false) return;
    else if (!corner) corner = self.options.style.tip.corner;

    // Calculate tip coordinates
    coordinates = calculateTip(corner, self.options.style.tip.size.width, self.options.style.tip.size.height);

    // Create tip element
    self.elements.tip = $('<div class="' + self.options.style.classes.tip + '" dir="ltr" rel="' + corner + '" style="position:absolute; ' +
     'height:' + self.options.style.tip.size.height + 'px; width:' + self.options.style.tip.size.width + 'px; ' +
     'margin:0 auto; line-height:0.1px; font-size:1px;"></div>');
    var tipobject = '';
    // Use canvas element if supported
    if ($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
        tipobject += '<canvas height="' + self.options.style.tip.size.height + '" width="' + self.options.style.tip.size.width + '"></canvas>';

    // Canvas not supported - Use VML (IE)
    else if ($.browser.msie) {
        // Create coordize and tip path using tip coordinates
        coordsize = self.options.style.tip.size.width + ',' + self.options.style.tip.size.height;
        path = 'm' + coordinates[0][0] + ',' + coordinates[0][1];
        path += ' l' + coordinates[1][0] + ',' + coordinates[1][1];
        path += ' ' + coordinates[2][0] + ',' + coordinates[2][1];
        path += ' xe';

        // Create VML element
        tipobject += '<v:shape fillcolor="' + color + '" stroked="false" filled="true" path="' + path + '" coordsize="' + coordsize + '" ' +
        'style="width:' + self.options.style.tip.size.width + 'px; height:' + self.options.style.tip.size.height + 'px; ' +
        'line-height:0.1px; display:inline-block; behavior:url(#default#VML); ' +
        'vertical-align:' + ((corner.search(/top/) !== -1) ? 'bottom' : 'top') + '"></v:shape>';

        // Create a phantom VML element (IE won't show the last created VML element otherwise)
        tipobject += '<v:image style="behavior:url(#default#VML);"></v:image>';

        // Prevent tooltip appearing above the content (IE z-index bug)
        self.elements.contentWrapper.css('position', 'relative');

    // Attach new tip to tooltip element

    // Create element reference and draw the canvas tip (Delayed til after DOM creation)
    self.elements.tip = self.elements.tooltip.find('.' + self.options.style.classes.tip).eq(0);
    if ($('<canvas>').get(0).getContext)
        drawTip.call(self, self.elements.tip.find('canvas:first'), coordinates, color);

    // Fix IE small tip bug
    if (corner.search(/top/) !== -1 && $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version.charAt(0)) === 6)
        self.elements.tip.css({ marginTop: -4 });

    // Set the tip position
    positionTip.call(self, corner);

Upvotes: 2

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