Reputation: 6035
I have this issue on my EditText
and Button
views, where I have a nice padding for them to space away from the text, but when I change the background with setBackgroundDrawable
or setBackgroundResource
that padding is lost forever.
Upvotes: 98
Views: 31656
Reputation: 1339
Unfortunately the method public void setBackground(Drawable background)
resets the previously defined padding of a View, as mentioned in the java docs:
Set the background to a given Drawable, or remove the background. If the background has padding, this View's padding is set to the background's padding. However, when a background is removed, this View's padding isn't touched. If setting the padding is desired, please use setPadding(int, int, int, int).
In order to keep the View's padding you can do something like this:
fun View.setBackgroundWithPreviousPadding(@DrawableRes value: Int) {
val paddingBottom = this.paddingBottom
val paddingStart = this.paddingStart
val paddingEnd = this.paddingEnd
val paddingTop = this.paddingTop
background = AppCompatResources.getDrawable(this.context, value)
setPaddingRelative(paddingStart, paddingTop, paddingEnd, paddingBottom)
Basically this answer is a mix of the other answers but I resolved all deprecation warnings and added some background information. (21. June 2024)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 411
maybe it will be relevant for someone
small hack using drawable in selector doesn't remove padding
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/anything" />
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 730
In my case I had a drawable and was so stupid I didn't see the paddings were all set to 0 in the xml.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1375
Just to explain what's happening :
It's actually a feature. Layout drawables you might use as backgrounds can define a padding this way :
This padding will be set along with the new drawable background. When there's no padding, the default value is 0.
More info from an email written by Romain Guy:[email protected]/msg09595.html
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 116040
Combining the solutions of all, I wrote one in Kotlin:
fun View.setViewBackgroundWithoutResettingPadding(@DrawableRes backgroundResId: Int) {
val paddingBottom = this.paddingBottom
val paddingStart = ViewCompat.getPaddingStart(this)
val paddingEnd = ViewCompat.getPaddingEnd(this)
val paddingTop = this.paddingTop
ViewCompat.setPaddingRelative(this, paddingStart, paddingTop, paddingEnd, paddingBottom)
fun View.setViewBackgroundWithoutResettingPadding(background: Drawable?) {
val paddingBottom = this.paddingBottom
val paddingStart = ViewCompat.getPaddingStart(this)
val paddingEnd = ViewCompat.getPaddingEnd(this)
val paddingTop = this.paddingTop
ViewCompat.setBackground(this, background)
ViewCompat.setPaddingRelative(this, paddingStart, paddingTop, paddingEnd, paddingBottom)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 624
I found another solution. I was facing the similar problem with Buttons. Eventually, i added:
android:scaleX= "0.85"
android:scaleY= "0.85"
it worked for me. The default padding is almost the same.
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Reputation: 538
I was able to wrap the element inside another layout, in this case, a FrameLayout
. That enabled me to change the background on the FrameLayout
without destroying the padding, which is on the contained RelativeLayout
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
android:background="@drawable/comment_cell_bg_single" >
<RelativeLayout android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:padding="20dp" >
<ImageView android:id="@+id/sourcePic"
The other option is to set it programmatically after setting the background Drawable
as suggested above. Just make sure to calculate the pixels to correct for the resolution of the device.
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 2789
My solution was to extend the view (in my case an EditText) and override setBackgroundDrawable()
and setBackgroundResource()
// Stores padding to avoid padding removed on background change issue
public void storePadding(){
mPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
mPaddingBottom = getPaddingTop();
mPaddingRight = getPaddingRight();
mPaddingTop = getPaddingBottom();
// Restores padding to avoid padding removed on background change issue
private void restorePadding() {
this.setPadding(mPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, mPaddingRight, mPaddingBottom);
public void setBackgroundResource(@DrawableRes int resId) {
public void setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable background) {
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10537
Most of answers are correct but should handle the background setting correctly.
First get the padding of your view
//Here my view has the same padding in all directions so I need to get just 1 padding
int padding = myView.getPaddingTop();
Then set the background
//If your are supporting lower OS versions make sure to verify the version
if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
//getDrawable was deprecated so use ContextCompat
myView.setBackgroundDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.bg_accent_underlined_white));
} else {
myView.setBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.bg_accent_underlined_white));
Then set the padding the view had before the background change
myView.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1968
I use this pretty easy workaround I define a accentColor
in my style.xml
like below
<item name="colorAccent">#0288D1</item>
and then I use the either of following styles in my Button
for Example :
android:text="Visit Website" />
android:text="Save" />
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 1557
Backward compatable version of cottonBallPaws's answer
* Sets the background for a view while preserving its current padding. If the background drawable
* has its own padding, that padding will be added to the current padding.
* @param view View to receive the new background.
* @param backgroundDrawable Drawable to set as new background.
public static void setBackgroundAndKeepPadding(View view, Drawable backgroundDrawable) {
Rect drawablePadding = new Rect();
int top = view.getPaddingTop() +;
int left = view.getPaddingLeft() + drawablePadding.left;
int right = view.getPaddingRight() + drawablePadding.right;
int bottom = view.getPaddingBottom() + drawablePadding.bottom;
int sdk = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
if(sdk < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
} else {
view.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1
just change lib to v7:22.1.0 in android studio like this compile ''
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
For common searcher,
just add setPadding after setBackgroudDrawable. When you change your drawable, you have to call setPadding again.
view.setPadding(x, x, x, x);
The cleanest way is define your paddings inside a xml-drawable which points to the drawable-image-file
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1248
Here an improved version of cottonBallPaws' setBackgroundAndKeepPadding. This maintains the padding even if you call the method multiple times:
* Sets the background for a view while preserving its current padding. If the background drawable
* has its own padding, that padding will be added to the current padding.
public static void setBackgroundAndKeepPadding(View view, Drawable backgroundDrawable) {
Rect drawablePadding = new Rect();
// Add background padding to view padding and subtract any previous background padding
Rect prevBackgroundPadding = (Rect) view.getTag(;
int left = view.getPaddingLeft() + drawablePadding.left -
(prevBackgroundPadding == null ? 0 : prevBackgroundPadding.left);
int top = view.getPaddingTop() + -
(prevBackgroundPadding == null ? 0 :;
int right = view.getPaddingRight() + drawablePadding.right -
(prevBackgroundPadding == null ? 0 : prevBackgroundPadding.right);
int bottom = view.getPaddingBottom() + drawablePadding.bottom -
(prevBackgroundPadding == null ? 0 : prevBackgroundPadding.bottom);
view.setTag(, drawablePadding);
view.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
You need to define a resource id via values/ids.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<item name="prev_background_padding" type="id"/>
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 8909
I had this problem in a TextView, so I subclassed TextView and made an Override method of the TextView.setBackgroundResource(int resid)
method. Like this:
public void setBackgroundResource(int resid) {
int pl = getPaddingLeft();
int pt = getPaddingTop();
int pr = getPaddingRight();
int pb = getPaddingBottom();
this.setPadding(pl, pt, pr, pb);
This way, it gets the padding of the item before it sets the resource, but doesn't actually mess with the original functionality of the method, other than keeping the padding.
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 16311
What I found was adding a 9 patch as a background resource reset the padding - although interestingly if I added a color, or non-9 patch image, it didn't. The solution was to save the padding values before the background gets added, then set them again afterwards.
private EditText value = (EditText) findViewById(;
int pL = value.getPaddingLeft();
int pT = value.getPaddingTop();
int pR = value.getPaddingRight();
int pB = value.getPaddingBottom();
value.setPadding(pL, pT, pR, pB);
Upvotes: 103
Reputation: 21620
Haven't tested this super thoroughly, but this method might be of use:
* Sets the background for a view while preserving its current padding. If the background drawable
* has its own padding, that padding will be added to the current padding.
* @param view View to receive the new background.
* @param backgroundDrawable Drawable to set as new background.
public static void setBackgroundAndKeepPadding(View view, Drawable backgroundDrawable) {
Rect drawablePadding = new Rect();
int top = view.getPaddingTop() +;
int left = view.getPaddingLeft() + drawablePadding.left;
int right = view.getPaddingRight() + drawablePadding.right;
int bottom = view.getPaddingBottom() + drawablePadding.bottom;
view.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom);
Use this instead of view.setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable).
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 4746
You can give some padding by using 9-patch images and defining the content area in the drawable. Check this
You can also set the padding in your layout from xml or programatically
xml padding tags
You can try setting the padding manually from the code after you call the setBackgroundDrawable by calling setPadding on your EditText or Button Views
Upvotes: 1