
Reputation: 199

Coldfusion CFC Return JSON display in Jquery, how do I handle multiple records from CFC and display in Jquery?

I need a way to grab the json return from coldfusion and display it in jquery I can display the first result fine, but if more that one record comes back I am stuck Here is my cfc

<cfquery name="users" datasource="#thedb#">
In this query I can get 1 record to 25 or even more results         

Here is my out put to jquery, not sure if this is a good way to do this, but.... this is how I handle mutliple records right now.

<cfset var user = structNew()/>

<cfset thenumber = 1>   
        <cfloop query="users"> 
        <cfset user["newrequestor#theNumber#"] = users.requestor/>
        <cfset user["newrequestorusername#theNumber#"] = users.requestor_username/>
        <cfset user["newrequestorphone#theNumber#"] = users.requestorphone/>
        <cfset user["newrequestoremail#theNumber#"] = users.requestoremail/>
        <cfset user["newthedate#theNumber#"] = users.thedate/>
        <cfset user["newapproved#theNumber#"] = users.approved/>
        <cfset user["newcomments#theNumber#"] = users.comments/>
        <cfset user["newviewed#theNumber#"] = users.viewed/>
        <cfset thenumber = thenumber + 1>

<cfreturn user>

End of CFC

Here is my jquery, I have it manually set to grab first record... not sure how to loop over to get all records returned.

Here I pass my arguments to the cfc to get my result. works great

thedata = instance.getSearch($("#therequestor").val(), $("#fromDate").val(), $("#toDate").val(), $("#theapproved").val(), $("#theroom").val());

Next I build a row in jquery to handle my first record, manual setting not dynamic.

var new_Return = '<tr id="newReturn"><th style="text-align:left;" id="first">Request Date:</th><td>'+thedata.newthedate1+'</td><td>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</td><th style="text-align:left;" id="first">Requestor:</th><td>'+thedata.newrequestor1+'</td><td>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</td><th style="text-align:left;" id="first">Approved:</th><td>'+thedata.newapproved1+'</td><td>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp</td><th style="text-align:left;" id="first">Viewed:</th><td>'+thedata.newviewed1+'</td></tr>';

Displays first result in my div tag great, how can I loop over if I have multiple records Example thedata.newrequestor1 is my first record

then I could have more many more

thedata.newrequestor2 is my 2nd thedata.newrequestor3 is my 3rd etc. on and on

How can I handle this in jquery, or do I have to start different in coldfusion cfc??

Upvotes: 4

Views: 11822

Answers (3)

Ticka Ellem
Ticka Ellem

Reputation: 1

If you want something with the normal json structure, you are going to have to create it. If you're battling with CORS, PM me. I am using this on an Angular 7 front end. Remove the returnType="query" from your cffunction tag; it just returns the half baked quasi json format. Hope this helps someone.

<cffunction name="getRecipies" access="remote" returnFormat="JSON"

    <cfquery name="qryRecipies" datasource="#VARIABLES._dsnName#" username="#VARIABLES._dsnUsername#" password="#VARIABLES._dsnPassword#">
        SELECT *        
        FROM recipes

    <cfset prepArr = arrayNew(1)/>
    <cfloop query="qryRecipies">
        <cfset prep = structNew()>
        <cfset prep["id"] =>    
        <cfset prep["name"] =>
        <cfset prep["description"] = qryRecipies.description>
        <cfset prep["imagePath"] = qryRecipies.imagePath>
        <cfset ArrayAppend(prepArr, prep)/>

    <cfreturn serializeJSON(prepArr) />   

Upvotes: 0

Kevin B
Kevin B

Reputation: 95017

Store your users in an array and return that array.

<cfset var userArr = arrayNew(1)/>
<cfloop query="users">
    <cfset var user = structNew()/>
    <cfloop list="#users.columnlist#" index="column">
        <cfset user[column] = users[column]>
    <cfset ArrayAppend(userArr, user)/>
<cfreturn userArr />

That creates an array of objects in javascript like this:


Update: I made code a little more dynamic. I use a custom function in my udf library to make this conversion from query structure to array of rowstructs, I modified it to use your variables.

Upvotes: 3

Josh Siok
Josh Siok

Reputation: 936

You could just call the remote function and let ColdFusion serialize the query object to JSON? (notice returnFormat="JSON")

<cffunction name="getUsers" access="remote" returnType="query" returnFormat="JSON">
   <cfquery name="users" datasource="#thedb#">
       In this query I can get 1 record to 25 or even more results         
   <cfreturn users>

JSON formatting will look like this:


Upvotes: 7

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