
Reputation: 2715

Problems with updatepanel

I have a problem, when i delete a item for example, it deletes from the database, do well the bindGridView(), but dont refresh the screen... what i'm doing wrong?

The other problem is for example when i delete a item i want to show a sucess message, but isnt refreshing with the update panel too..

is the same problem This is my code:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelListaUsers" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
                                <asp:GridView ID="gridviewListUsers" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" OnRowCreated="OnRowCreated"
                                AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" OnSorting="OnSort" DataKeyNames="Id" PageSize="2"
                                CssClass="cssTable" BorderWidth="0" Width="900px" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="alternate-row"
                                EmptyDataText="Não existe utilizadores..." 
                                <PagerStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Font-Bold="true" Font-Size="X-Large" ForeColor="black" />
                                <PagerSettings Mode="Numeric" />
                                    <asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-CssClass="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1" HeaderText="Nome"
                                        DataField="Name" SortExpression="Name" />
                                    <asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-CssClass="table-header-repeat line-left minwidth-1" HeaderText="Username"
                                        DataField="Username" SortExpression="Username" />
                                    <asp:BoundField HeaderStyle-CssClass="table-header-repeat line-left" HeaderText="Email"
                                        DataField="Email" SortExpression="Email" />
                                    <asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-CssClass="options-width" HeaderStyle-CssClass="table-header-options line-left">
                                            <a href="">Opções</a></HeaderTemplate>
                                            <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkEdit" CommandArgument='<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>' CssClass="icon-1 info-tooltip"
                                                CommandName="edit" ToolTip="Editar" runat="server"></asp:LinkButton>
                                            <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkDelete" CommandArgument='<%# ((GridViewRow) Container).RowIndex %>' CssClass="icon-2 info-tooltip"
                                                CommandName="delete" ToolTip="Remover" runat="server"></asp:LinkButton>


<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelMensagens" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
                            <asp:Panel ID="pnlMessageRed" Visible="false" runat="server">
                                <!--  start message-red -->
                                <div id="message-red">
                                    <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                            <td class="red-left">
                                                Erro. Ficou gravado a informação do erro, tente novamente
                                            <td class="red-right">
                                                <a class="close-red">
                                                    <img src="../images/table/icon_close_red.gif" alt="" /></a>
                                <!--  end message-red -->
                            <asp:Panel ID="pnlMessageBlue" Visible="false" runat="server">
                                <!--  start message-blue -->
                                <div id="message-blue">
                                    <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                            <td class="blue-left">
                                                <asp:Label ID="lblSucesso" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                                            <td class="blue-right">
                                                <a class="close-blue">
                                                    <img src="../images/table/icon_close_blue.gif" alt="" /></a>
                                <!--  end message-blue -->

this is the gridview code

private void bindGridView()
        String strSort = String.Empty;
        if (null != m_strSortExp &&
            String.Empty != m_strSortExp)
            strSort = String.Format("{0} {1}", m_strSortExp, (m_SortDirection == SortDirection.Descending) ? "DESC" : "ASC");
        DataView dv = new DataView(m_dsUsers.Tables[0], String.Empty, strSort, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
        gridviewListUsers.DataSource = dv;

protected void OnSort(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
        // There seems to be a bug in GridView sorting implementation. Value of
        // SortDirection is always set to "Ascending". Now we will have to play
        // little trick here to switch the direction ourselves.
        if (String.Empty != m_strSortExp)
            if (String.Compare(e.SortExpression, m_strSortExp, true) == 0)
                m_SortDirection =
                    (m_SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending) ? SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending;
        ViewState["_Direction_"] = m_SortDirection;
        ViewState["_SortExp_"] = m_strSortExp = e.SortExpression;

    void AddSortImage(GridViewRow headerRow)
        Int32 iCol = GetSortColumnIndex(m_strSortExp);
        if (-1 == iCol)
        // Create the sorting image based on the sort direction.
        Image sortImage = new Image();
        if (SortDirection.Ascending == m_SortDirection)
            sortImage.ImageUrl = "~/images/table/dwn.gif";
            sortImage.AlternateText = "Ordem Ascendente";
            sortImage.ImageUrl = "~/images/table/up.gif";
            sortImage.AlternateText = "Ordem Descendente";

        // Add the image to the appropriate header cell.

    // This is a helper method used to determine the index of the
    // column being sorted. If no column is being sorted, -1 is returned.
    int GetSortColumnIndex(String strCol)
        foreach (DataControlField field in gridviewListUsers.Columns)
            if (field.SortExpression == strCol)
                return gridviewListUsers.Columns.IndexOf(field);

        return -1;

    protected void gridviewListUsers_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "delete")
                //obter o id
                int index = int.Parse((string)e.CommandArgument);
                string key = gridviewListUsers.DataKeys[index]["Id"].ToString();

                //apagar o utilizador

                //mensagem de sucesso
                pnlMessageRed.Visible = false;
                pnlMessageBlue.Visible = true;
                lblSucesso.Text = "Utilizador adicionado com sucesso. A reencaminhar...";

                //força o update dos users, e nao da cache

                GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)(((LinkButton)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("lnkDelete");
                if (lb != null)

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alertUser", "alert('deleted');", true);

            catch (Exception er)
                pnlMessageRed.Visible = true;
                pnlMessageBlue.Visible = false;

        else if (e.CommandName == "edit")
                int index = int.Parse((string)e.CommandArgument);
                string key = gridviewListUsers.DataKeys[index]["Id"].ToString();

                Response.Redirect("EditarUtilizador.aspx?id=" + key);
            catch (Exception)
                pnlMessageRed.Visible = true;
                pnlMessageBlue.Visible = false;


    protected void gridviewListUsers_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
        gridviewListUsers.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
        gridviewListUsers.SelectedIndex = -1;
        bindGridView(); // Call bind here

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Views: 1102

Answers (2)


Reputation: 2715

Just changed the CommandName to myEdit and myDelete (like Ashwini Verma suggest before), and now it works.

Then i google it to find why, and seems that that words are reserved

Upvotes: 0

Ashwini Verma
Ashwini Verma

Reputation: 7525

2nd Problem: register the script from code behind

protected void gridviewListUsers_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "delete")
            //your code
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alertUser", "alert('deleted');", true);

As you are sure your loop going inside CommandName="delete" then javascript alert method should definitely call.

1st problem : set UpdateMode="Conditional" in UpdatePanel and use following approach in your code behind:

public UpdatePanelUpdateMode UpdateMode
    get { return this.UpdatePanelListaUsers.UpdateMode; }
    set { this.UpdatePanelListaUsers.UpdateMode = value; }
public void Update()
    //your girdview bind method.

Now just call bindGridView() any where you want to get refresh updatepanel.

Upvotes: 1

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