Reputation: 1573
I have information about some time periods given as start and end weeks (defined as ISO weeks, so they may start not only on Monday).
Regarding ISO definition, a month may contain 4 or 5 weeks description on wikip. I want to check if some time periods are entirely contained in some months and after it execute next commands.
How can I do this in Excel VBA? Are there any special functions which can help me to achieve the mentioned check?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1798
Reputation: 4367
Does this help?
Function ContainedInMonth(OriginalStartDate As String, _
OriginalEndDate As String) As Boolean
Dim MonthSet As Variant
Dim AryCounter As Integer, ISOOffset As Integer
Dim StartYear As Integer, EndYear As Integer
Dim StartWeek As Integer, EndWeek As Integer
Dim StartDay As Integer, EndDay As Integer
Dim FormattedStartDate As Date, FormattedEndDate As Date
' This section may (will) vary, depending on your data.
' I'm assuming "YYYY-WW" is passed...
' Also, error/formatting checking for these values is needed
' and wil differ depending on that format.
StartYear = Val(Left(OriginalStartDate, 4))
StartWeek = Val(Right(OriginalStartDate, 2))
EndYear = Val(Left(OriginalEndDate, 4))
EndWeek = Val(Right(OriginalEndDate, 2))
If StartYear <> EndYear Or StartWeek > EndWeek Then
ContainedInMonth = False
ElseIf StartWeek = EndWeek Then
ContainedInMonth = True
' Using the calculation from wikipedia. Honestly, I'm not sure that
' I understand this bit, but it seemed to work for my test cases.
ISOOffset = Weekday(CDate("1/4/" & StartYear), vbMonday) + 3
StartDay = (StartWeek * 7) - ISOOffset ' Adding 0 for start of week
EndDay = (EndWeek * 7) + 6 - ISOOffset ' Adding 6 for end of week
' Set the starting day for each month, depending on leap year.
If StartYear Mod 4 = 0 Then
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334)
End If
FormattedStartDate = 0:FormattedEndDate = 0
For AryCounter = 11 To 0 Step -1
If StartDay > MonthSet(AryCounter) And FormattedStartDate = 0 Then
' Using MM/DD/YYYY format - this may be different for you
FormattedStartDate = CDate(AryCounter + 1 & _
"/" & StartDay - MonthSet(AryCounter) & "/" & StartYear)
End If
If EndDay > MonthSet(AryCounter) And FormattedEndDate = 0 Then
FormattedEndDate = CDate(AryCounter + 1 & _
"/" & EndDay - MonthSet(AryCounter) & "/" & EndYear)
End If
Next AryCounter
ContainedInMonth = IIf(Month(FormattedStartDate) = Month(FormattedEndDate), True, False)
End If
End Function
This is tested code (which works as a worksheet function or through VBA) based on some of my own assumptions. (Need your data to test for sure...) If you do have a specific format example, I will change this code to match.
This assumes you will be passing the right variables to the right position in the function. There is not a proper check for start/end date order, though you should not get any errors at least.
Also, there may be more efficient ways to do this rather than looping through those arrays, but this works.
What this does, simply, is calculate dates of the first day of the given starting week and the last day of the given ending week. If both of these dates are in the same month, then the function returns true.
With minor tweaking, this can we made to report the starting dates of both the first and last week, in case you are worried about the start of the week more than the full week.
Test cases used:
Start End Result
2012-01 2012-05 FALSE
2012-01 2012-04 TRUE
2012-05 2012-07 FALSE
2012-25 2012-26 TRUE
2012-52 2012-01 FALSE
2012-28 2012-25 FALSE
Following your examples provided, here is an updated function. This will work as-is as a VBA function returning an array (variant) of the formatted dates/months that you are looking for. To convert this to a worksheet function, just some minor tweaking to return a string (already created in the function - see comments) is needed.
I am running with the assumption that your examples were wrong (see my test cases), but this can be modified to work if it is me who is wrong.
Function ContainsWhatMonths(OriginalStartDate As String, _
OriginalEndDate As String) As Variant
Dim MonthSet As Variant
Dim AryCounter As Integer, ISOOffset As Integer
Dim StartYear As Integer, EndYear As Integer
Dim StartWeek As Integer, EndWeek As Integer
Dim StartDay As Integer, EndDay As Integer
Dim StartWeekStartDate As Date, StartWeekEndDate As Date
Dim EndWeekStartDate As Date, EndWeekEndDate As Date
Dim FormattedStartDate As Date, FormattedEndDate As Date
Dim TotalMonths As Integer, OutputMonths As String
StartYear = Val(Right(OriginalStartDate, 4))
StartWeek = Val(Left(OriginalStartDate, 2))
EndYear = Val(Right(OriginalEndDate, 4))
EndWeek = Val(Left(OriginalEndDate, 2))
If StartYear <= EndYear Then
' Using the calculation from wikipedia. Honestly, I'm not sure that
' I understand this bit, but it seemed to work for my test cases.
ISOOffset = Weekday(CDate("1/4/" & StartYear), vbMonday) + 3
StartDay = (StartWeek * 7) - ISOOffset ' Adding 0 for start of week
EndDay = (EndWeek * 7) + 6 - ISOOffset ' Adding 6 for end of week
' Set the starting day for each month, depending on leap year.
If StartYear Mod 4 = 0 Then
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334)
End If
For AryCounter = 11 To 0 Step -1
If StartDay > MonthSet(AryCounter) Then
' Using MM/DD/YYYY format - this may be different for you
StartWeekStartDate = CDate(AryCounter + 1 & _
"/" & StartDay - MonthSet(AryCounter) & "/" & StartYear)
StartWeekEndDate = StartWeekStartDate + 6
If Month(StartWeekStartDate) <> Month(StartWeekEndDate) Then
FormattedStartDate = DateSerial(StartYear, Month(StartWeekEndDate), 1)
FormattedStartDate = DateSerial(StartYear, Month(StartWeekEndDate) + 1, 1)
End If
Exit For
End If
Next AryCounter
If EndYear Mod 4 = 0 Then
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)
MonthSet = Array(0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334)
End If
For AryCounter = 11 To 0 Step -1
If EndDay > MonthSet(AryCounter) Then
EndWeekStartDate = CDate(AryCounter + 1 & _
"/" & EndDay - MonthSet(AryCounter) & "/" & EndYear)
EndWeekEndDate = EndWeekStartDate + 6
If Month(EndWeekStartDate) <> Month(EndWeekEndDate) Then
FormattedEndDate = CDate(Month(EndWeekEndDate) & "/1/" & EndYear) - 1
FormattedEndDate = CDate(Month(EndWeekEndDate) & "/1/" & EndYear)
End If
Exit For
End If
Next AryCounter
' Switch the commenting on these two lines to return the string
ContainsWhatMonths = Array()
'ContainsWhatMonths = vbNullString
TotalMonths = (Year(FormattedEndDate) - Year(FormattedStartDate)) * 12 + _
Month(FormattedEndDate) - Month(FormattedStartDate)
If TotalMonths >= 0 Then
For AryCounter = 0 To TotalMonths
OutputMonths = OutputMonths & "," & _
Format(DateAdd("m", AryCounter, FormattedStartDate), "MM/YYYY")
OutputMonths = Right(OutputMonths, Len(OutputMonths) - 1)
' Switch the commenting on these two lines to return the string
ContainsWhatMonths = Split(OutputMonths, ",")
'ContainsWhatMonths = OutputMonths
End If
End If
End Function
Test cases:
"18-2010", "20-2010" 'Null
"17-2010", "20-2010" 'Null
"17-2010", "21-2010" '05/2010
"18-2010", "25-2010" '06/2010
"17-2010", "25-2010" '05/2010,06/2010
"19-2010", "26-2010" '06/2010
Upvotes: 1