I am trying to execute some stored procedures in groovy way. I am able to do it quite easily by using straight JDBC but this does not seem in the spirit of Grails.
I am trying to call the stored procedure as:
sql.query( "{call web_GetCityStateByZip(?,?,?,?,?)}",[params.postalcode,
sql.out(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR), sql.out(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR),
sql.out(java.sql.Types.INTEGER), sql.out(java.sql.Types.VARCHAR)]) { rs -> = rs.getString(2)
params.state = rs.getString(3)
I tried various ways like
. I was trying to get output variable value after this.
Everytime error:
Message: Cannot register out parameter.
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot register out parameter.
Class: SessionExpirationFilter
but this does not seem to work.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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Views: 4486
groovy way could be this code:
def getHours(java.sql.Date date, User user) throws CallProceduresServiceException { "Calling stored procedure for getting hours statistics."
def procedure
def hour
try {
def sql = Sql.newInstance(dataSource.url, user.username, user.password, dataSource.driverClassName)
log.debug "Date(first param): '${date}'"
procedure = "call ${dbPrefixName}.GK_WD_GET_SCHEDULED_TIME_SUM(?, ?, ?, ?)"
log.debug "procedure: ${procedure}""{${procedure}}", [date, Sql.out(Sql.VARCHAR.getType()), Sql.out(Sql.VARCHAR.getType()), Sql.out(Sql.VARCHAR.getType())]) {
hourInDay, hourInWeek, hourInMonth ->
log.debug "Hours in day: '${hourInDay}'"
log.debug "Hours in week: '${hourInWeek}'"
log.debug "Hours in month: '${hourInMonth}'"
hour = new Hour(hourInDay, hourInWeek, hourInMonth)
} "Procedure was executed."
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CallProceduresServiceException("Executing sql procedure failed!"
+ "\nProcedure: ${procedure}", e)
return hour
In my app it works great.
Tomas Peterka
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Thanks Internet Friend, If i write code like-
Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource)
Connection conn
ResultSet rs
try {
conn = sql.createConnection()
CallableStatement callable = conn.prepareCall(
"{call web_GetCityStateByZip(?,?,?,?,?)}")
callable.execute() = callable.getString(2)
params.state = callable.getString(3)
It working well in JDBC way. But i wanted to try it like the previous code using sql.query/
Any comments??
Thanks Sadhna
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This is still unanswered, so I did a bit of digging although I don't fully understand the problem. The following turned up from the Groovy source, perhaps it's of some help:
This line seems to be the origin of the exception:
This would seem to indicate that you have a Statement object implementing PreparedStatement, when you need the subinterface CallableStatement, which has the registerOutParameter() method which should be ultimately invoked.
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