
Reputation: 443

How can a Postgres Stored Function return a table

I would like to find out how a Postgres stored function can return a table, with identified columns. I've used returns setof returnType:

-- create employeeSearchResult returnType
create type employeeAllReturnType as
  id bigserial,
  "positionId" integer,
  "subjectId" bigint,
  "dateEngaged" date,
  "nextKin" text,
  "nrcNo" text,
  dob date,
  father text,
  mother text,
  wife text,
  "userId" integer,
  "statusId" integer,
  "mainCode" text,
  "subCode" text

-- Search for emmployee by name
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "employee_search_by_name"(employeeNameIN text)
returns setof employeeAllReturnType as 
    results record;
    resultsRow employee%rowtype;
    nameIn text;
    nameIn = employeeNameIN || '%';
    for results in select,-- bigserial NOT NULL,
  employee."positionId",-- integer,
  employee."subjectId",-- bigint NOT NULL,
  employee."dateEngaged",-- date,
  employee."nextKin",-- text,
  employee."nrcNo",-- text,
  employee.dob,-- date,
  employee.father,-- text,
  employee.mother,-- text,
  employee.wife,-- text,
  employee."userId",-- integer NOT NULL,
  employee."statusId",-- integer,
  employee."mainCode",-- character(5) NOT NULL,
  employee."subCode"-- character(10),
     from employee, subject where employee."subjectId" = and (subject.name1 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name2 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name3 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name4 ILIKE nameIn) loop
      return next results;
    end loop;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

and also return table():

-- Search for emmployee by name
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "employee_search_by_name"(employeeNameIN text)
returns table (id bigserial,
  position integer,
  subject bigint,
  date_engaged date,
  next_kin text,
  nrc_no text,
  dob date,
  father text,
  mother text,
  wife text,
  user_id integer,
  status_id integer,
  main_code text,
  sub_code text) as 
    results record;
    resultsRow employee%rowtype;
    nameIn text;
    nameIn = employeeNameIN || '%';
    for results in select,-- bigserial NOT NULL,
        employee."positionId",-- integer,
        employee."subjectId",-- bigint NOT NULL,
        employee."dateEngaged",-- date,
        employee."nextKin",-- text,
        employee."nrcNo",-- text,
        employee.dob,-- date,
        employee.father,-- text,
        employee.mother,-- text,
        employee.wife,-- text,
        employee."userId",-- integer NOT NULL,
        employee."statusId",-- integer,
        employee."mainCode",-- character(5) NOT NULL,
        employee."subCode"-- character(10),
     from employee, subject where employee."subjectId" = and (subject.name1 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name2 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name3 ILIKE nameIn OR subject.name4 ILIKE nameIn) loop
      return next results;
    end loop;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

But both have outputs in the following formats:

"(1,1,1,2011-12-01,Timea,fg1254,1981-12-27,moses,sarada,timea,1,1,"ADM  ","1         ")"
"(37,3,10,2011-11-11,s,s,2011-11-11,s,s,s,1,1,"OP   ","1         ")"

Is there anyway in which I can have outputs such as those of a select result from a table?

"1";1;1;"2011-12-01";"Timea";"fg1254";"1981-12-27";"moses";"sarada";"timea";1;1;"ADM  ";"1         "

Such that handling result data from the front end wont require a parser.

Upvotes: 11

Views: 22643

Answers (1)


Reputation: 22905

You should query your function like this:

SELECT * FROM employee_search_by_name('Bob');

Also, to simplify your function, you might look into the RETURN QUERY EXECUTE ... construct. And there's no need to quote plpgsql keyword.

Upvotes: 13

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