Reputation: 77
I have an object restriction defined as follows
hasYear some integer[minLength 2, maxLength 4, >=1995, <=2012]
How can i read the individual values defined in the restriction using Jena.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1461
Reputation: 2247
You can use different approaches. First of all you can traverse Jena Model
by the following code:;
StmtIterator si = model.listStatements(
model.getResource("required property uri"), RDFS.range, (RDFNode) null);
while (si.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt =;
Resource range = stmt.getObject().asResource();
// get restrictions collection
Resource nextNode = range.getPropertyResourceValue(OWL2.withRestrictions);
for (;;) {
Resource restr = nextNode.getPropertyResourceValue(RDF.first);
if (restr == null)
StmtIterator pi = restr.listProperties();
while (pi.hasNext()) {
Statement restrStmt =;
Property restrType = restrStmt.getPredicate();
Literal value = restrStmt.getObject().asLiteral();
// print type and value for each restriction
System.out.println(restrType + " = " + value);
// go to the next element of collection
nextNode = nextNode.getPropertyResourceValue(;
If you use OntModel
representation of RDF graph code can be simplified by using of
Good example of such approach (thanks to Ian Dickinson)
Another way is to use SPARQL 1.1 query with the same meaning
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?datatype ?restr_type ?restr_value {
?prop rdfs:range ?range.
?range owl:onDatatype ?datatype;
owl:withRestrictions ?restr_list.
?restr_list rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?restr.
?restr ?restr_type ?restr_value
Upvotes: 4