Reputation: 7338
I'd like if its possible to work out from inside sql server how long sql server has been running.
Would like to use this in conjunction with one of the DMV's for unused indexes, but the counters are re-set every time sql server loads, so I'd like to know how useful they're going to be.
Upvotes: 13
Views: 21091
Reputation: 621
I know this is super old, but Microsoft has added a new DMV with this information since this question was asked.
SELECT dosi.sqlserver_start_time
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info AS dosi
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7954
This simple query works for versions before SQL Server 2005 as well as recent ones:
crdate AS startup,
DATEDIFF(s, crdate, GETDATE()) / 3600. / 24 AS uptime_days
FROM master..sysdatabases
WHERE name = 'tempdb'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 82934
SELECT crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE [name] = 'tempdb'
The above will work on SQL Server 2000, 2005 and 2008.
The logic is that the result from the above SQL returns the created date of the tempdb database, which SQL Server recreates every time it is restarted. Hence, the created date of tempdb is the startup time of the server.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8335
To get it programmatically, you can run this script. It checks the creation time of your tempdb, since tempdb gets reinitialized every time Sql Server is started.
SELECT create_date
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'tempdb'
To make it more intuitive, you can run the script below, which will tell you how many days and hours Sql Server has been running. Minutes and seconds information will be truncated. If you need that, modify the script to get it yourself.
SELECT 'Sql Server Service has been running for about '
+ CAST((DATEDIFF(hh, create_date, GETDATE()))/24 AS varchar(3)) + ' days and '
+ CAST((DATEDIFF(hh, create_date, GETDATE())) % 24 AS varchar(2)) + ' hours'
FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = 'tempdb'
Source: How long SQL Server has been running
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 63340
session_id = 1
will give you a datetime
for when the server was started.
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 58431
Grabbed here
USE Master
DECLARE @crdate DATETIME, @hr VARCHAR(50), @min VARCHAR(5)
SELECT @crdate=crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME='tempdb'
SELECT @hr=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60
IF ((DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)=0
SELECT @min=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))
SELECT @min=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))-((DATEDIFF( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)*60
PRINT 'SQL Server "' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME'))+'" is Online for the past '+@hr+' hours & '+@min+' minutes'
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE program_name = N'SQLAgent - Generic Refresher')
PRINT 'SQL Server is running but SQL Server Agent <<NOT>> running'
PRINT 'SQL Server and SQL Server Agent both are running'
Upvotes: 0