Reputation: 2983
I have a text file full of points. They are separated on each line by a comma-limited (x,y) pair. eg.
I now need to create a polygon around each of these points. The polygon has to have a 15 kilometer buffer from the point. I don't have access to ArcGIS or any other GIS that provides this functionality for me so at this point, I am wondering if anyone has the math that will help me get started?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2794
Reputation: 43722
You want to use GDAL/OGR/OSR, which does projections, buffers, and could even write the Shapefile for you.
In order to convert degrees lat/long into metres for your metric buffer, you need a projected coordinate system. In the below example I use UTM zones, which are dynamically loaded and cached. This will calculate 15 km on the geoid.
Also I calculate both the GIS buffer, which is a roundish polygon, and the envelope from the calculated buffer, which is the rectangle you seek.
from osgeo import ogr, osr
# EPSG:4326 : WGS84 lat/lon :
wgs = osr.SpatialReference()
coord_trans_cache = {}
def utm_zone(lat, lon):
"""Args for osr.SpatialReference.SetUTM(int zone, int north = 1)"""
return int(round(((float(lon) - 180)%360)/6)), int(lat > 0)
# Your data from a text file, i.e., fp.readlines()
lines = ['-43.1234,40.1234\n', '-43.1244,40.1244\n']
for ft, line in enumerate(lines):
print("### Feature " + str(ft) + " ###")
lat, lon = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')]
# Get projections sorted out for that UTM zone
cur_utm_zone = utm_zone(lat, lon)
if cur_utm_zone in coord_trans_cache:
wgs2utm, utm2wgs = coord_trans_cache[cur_utm_zone]
else: # define new UTM Zone
utm = osr.SpatialReference()
# Define spatial transformations to/from UTM and lat/lon
wgs2utm = osr.CoordinateTransformation(wgs, utm)
utm2wgs = osr.CoordinateTransformation(utm, wgs)
coord_trans_cache[cur_utm_zone] = wgs2utm, utm2wgs
# Create 2D point
pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint)
pt.SetPoint_2D(0, lon, lat) # X, Y; in that order!
orig_wkt = pt.ExportToWkt()
# Project to UTM
res = pt.Transform(wgs2utm)
if res != 0:
print("spatial transform failed with code " + str(res))
print(orig_wkt + " -> " + pt.ExportToWkt())
# Compute a 15 km buffer
buff = pt.Buffer(15000)
print("Area: " + str(buff.GetArea()/1e6) + " km^2")
# Transform UTM buffer back to lat/long
res = buff.Transform(utm2wgs)
if res != 0:
print("spatial transform failed with code " + str(res))
print("Envelope: " + str(buff.GetEnvelope()))
# print("WKT: " + buff.ExportToWkt())
Upvotes: 2