Reputation: 1407
I want to show a tab container where each tab hosts a PresenterWidget.
Tabs are dynamic - they can be opened and closed. Moreover, the current selected tab should somehow be persistent in the URL so it can be shared or bookmarked.
I saw that GWTP has TabContainerPresenter, but it is for hosting a Presenter on each tab and not PresenterWidget. You also cannot add tabs dynamically, and the relation to place is (of course) static.
I also saw several discussions on this issue saying that if the tabs are hosting PresenterWidget, no special implementation is needed, so we can use any tab-container out there. For example GWT TabLayoutPanel.
But I don't understand how my PresenterWidget (that is hosted in a tab) life-cycle will be invoked on tab selection, or what should I do to have the life-cycle working (onReveal, onReset...)?
I guess I must build my own tab container that manages visible content through slots?
Any other ideas?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1111
Reputation: 364
Here is the sample UiBinder implementation, this is of course static implementation, you need to make your own dynamic implementation if the number of tabs is determined at runtime.
<g:PopupPanel styleName="{style.popupPanel}" modal="true">
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="titleHeader" height="20px">
<g:Label styleName="titleHeaderCaption" ui:field="titleLabel" />
<g:Image styleName="titleImage" ui:field="titleCloseImage" url="{images.actionCancel.getURL}"/>
<g:CaptionPanel captionText="{lbl.contractDetails}" styleName="captionPanel_popup">
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="contractDetail"/>
<g:TabLayoutPanel ui:field="tabPanel" barUnit="PX" barHeight="30">
<g:header size="7"><b>Permit</b></g:header>
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="permit"/>
<g:header size="7"><b>ERP</b></g:header>
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="erp"/>
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="{style.separator}">
<g:HTMLPanel styleName="buttons">
<g:Button text="{lbl.cancel}" styleName="button" ui:field="btnCancel"/>
<g:Button text="{lbl.submit}" styleName="button" ui:field="btnSubmit"/>
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Reputation: 364
Ben, the TabContainerPresenter is only applicable if each tab is a place. As for your problem you just need to set in each tab the same presenter widget. You might want that the presenter widget not to be a singleton if you are injecting them in multiple tabs. This is a sample of setting presenter widgets in slots in the main presenter:
protected void onBind() {
setInSlot(TYPE_PermitContent, permitPresenter);
setInSlot(TYPE_ErpMessageContent, orgErpMessagePresenter);
setInSlot(TYPE_ContractDetailContent, contractDetailPresenter);
Then on the view, on my sample permit and erp are tabs in the TabLayoutPanel:
public void setInSlot(Object slot, Widget content) {
if (content == null) return;
if (slot == ContractPopupWithTabPresenter.TYPE_PermitContent) {
} else if (slot == ContractPopupWithTabPresenter.TYPE_ErpMessageContent) {
} else if (slot == ContractPopupWithTabPresenter.TYPE_ContractDetailContent) {
} else {
super.setInSlot(slot, content);
Then add a beforeSelection handler on your TabLayoutPanel which may look something like this:
tabPanel.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() {
public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) {
//TODO: Set your presenter widget here with whatever argument it needs to populate itself
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 364
If any selected tab should be persistent in the URL then it is a Place and therefore should be represented by a Presenter and not by a PresenterWidget.
Upvotes: 0