
Reputation: 589

Objective-C: typedef'd a block, used it in a method declaration. How do I implement this?

Just trying to get a handle on blocks. I get the concept. They're like function pointers, but they're actually objects; you can declare a block variable and assign it a block value; call it like a function; they get "frozen in time," for lack of a term, when they get executed, etc. I've created a few blocks and run them successfully, in a few different formats, but when it comes to using them in a method--either with a typedef or without--I'm having a lot of trouble. For example, here's an object interface I created, just to get a handle on the syntax. I have almost no idea how to implement it.

// AnObject.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// The idea with the block and the method below is for the block to take
// an int, multiply it by 3, and return a "tripled" int.  The method
// will then repeat: this process however many times the user wants via
// the howManyTimes parameter and return that value in the form of an int.

typedef int (^triple)(int);

@interface AnObject : NSObject
    int num;

-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock;


Here's what I have for an implementation, so far:

#import "AnObject.h"

@implementation AnObject

@synthesize num;

-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock {
    for (int i = 0; i <= howManyTimes; i++) {
        // What the heck am I supposed to put here?  I'm baffled by the
        // syntax over and over again.


I know I'm not addressing the instance variable yet. Again, this is a rough draft, just trying to get a handle on how blocks work. Am I even declaring this method right? I'm reading Big Nerd Ranch's Objective-C Programming, Mike Clark's article on blocks from Pragmatic Studio, and several SO threads. Can't find anything relevant. Thanks.

EDIT: XCode 4.3.2, if it matters.

FURTHER EDIT: Ok. Using BJ's (slightly modified) example, I think I've come up with a really complicated way of multiplying 5 by 3. :)

// BJ's implementation:

-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(Triple)someBlock {

    int blockReturnValue;

    for (int i = 0; i <= howManyTimes; i++) {
        blockReturnValue = someBlock(i);
    return blockReturnValue;


        AnObject *obj = [[AnObject alloc] init];

        NSLog(@"%d", [obj repeat: 5 withBlock: ^ (int number) {
            return number * 3;

    return 0;

And the output is:


Now, it's kicking back 15, because the block I defined as an argument is run only once, right? It multiplies "number," which is 5 in this case, by 3 and freezes that answer, right? I'm sure I just created a completely useless method, and I don't yet understand how to utilize the benefits/features of a block. Am I correct?

/********************* UPDATE *********************/

UPDATE: I understand what you're saying, CRD. Just a correction though, for any new programmers who might be reading this, getting a different output and going, "Que?" Your for loop should be either:

for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
            value = someBlock(value);


(i = 1; i <= howManyTimes; i++) get the answer 243.

And, yes, this is exactly what I was initially trying to do with this code. At least that's what I thought was supposed to be happening. Turns out the author's intent wasn't to triple a number, store that value, triple the stored value, store that...etc., but rather just to print x * 3 for numbers 1-5 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15).

Here is the finished product. I just typedef'd a block that takes an int and returns an int, called Tripler. I also changed the name of the argument from "someBlock" to "triple" to more clearly indicate the intended use of the block. I think those are the only changes to the code.

/********************  interface  ********************/

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef int (^Tripler)(int);

@interface AnObject : NSObject

-(void)iterateFromOneTo:(int)number withBlock:(Tripler)triple;


/********************  implementation  ********************/

#import "AnObject.h"

@implementation AnObject

-(void)iterateFromOneTo:(int)number withBlock:(Tripler)triple {
    for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
        NSLog(@"%d", triple(i));


/********************  main.m  ********************/

#import "AnObject.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
        AnObject *obj = [[AnObject alloc] init];

        [obj iterateFromOneTo:5 withBlock:^(int number) {
            return number * 3;
    return 0;

As you can probably imagine, the resulting output is:

2012-05-05 17:10:13.418 Untitled 2[71735:707] 3
2012-05-05 17:10:13.445 Untitled 2[71735:707] 6
2012-05-05 17:10:13.446 Untitled 2[71735:707] 9
2012-05-05 17:10:13.446 Untitled 2[71735:707] 12
2012-05-05 17:10:13.447 Untitled 2[71735:707] 15

I was making it a lot more complicated than it needed to be. Sorry for explaining it so poorly in the OP. Thanks for your help! /thread? :)

Upvotes: 9

Views: 18972

Answers (3)



@import Foundation;

typedef int(^MyBlockType)(int);

@implementation NSObject(extra)
+ (int)invokeBlock:(MyBlockType)block withArgument:(int)arg
    return block(arg);

int main() {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"executeBlock(3) returns %d",
              [NSObject invokeBlock:^(int param) { return param * param; } withArgument:3]);
    } return 0;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 53000

From reading your question I understood, or maybe misunderstood, that your intention was to produce the result of applying your block n times; e.g. if you applied a tripling function twice you'd get the original value multiplied by nine.

Just in case it helps, here is the code to do that:

@interface AnObject

typedef int (^monadic)(int); // an function which takes an int and return an int

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock;


@implementation AnObject

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock
   for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
      value = someBlock(value);

   return value;


Now call this with:

AnObject *myObject = [AnObject new];

int z = [myObject repeat:5  
               withBlock: ^(int number)
                             return number * 3;

and z will have the value 243.

Upvotes: 8

BJ Homer
BJ Homer

Reputation: 49034

Just call the block like a regular C function.

-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock {
    for (int i = 0; i <= howManyTimes; i++) {
        int blockReturnValue = someBlock(i);
        // do something with blockReturnValue

Update after your "further edit"

No, the block you passed in as an argument is run five times, each pass through the for loop.

  • The first time, it invokes the block with 1 as the argument, and gets back 3. It stores that in blockReturnValue, then goes on to the next iteration of the loop.
  • The second time, it invokes the block with 2 as the argument, and gets back 6. It stores that in blockReturnValue, completely overwriting the value we stored there in the previous pass.
  • The third time, it inbokes the block with 3 as the argument, and gets back 9. Again, it overwrites the value in blockReturnValue.
  • The fourth time, we store 12 in blockReturnValue.
  • The fifth time, we store 15 in blockReturnValue.

Then we exit the for loop, and return 15. So yes, you're correct that you've made a pointless method to multiply by 3. But you're doing it in a way that also does a bunch of useless calculations.

Upvotes: 7

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