Reputation: 2732
I know you can extend a class when constructing it like the following:
class b extends a {
But is it possible to dynamically extend classes from the scripts? Such as:
$b = new b($input) extends a;
What I wish to accomplish is to extend the module differnetly wheither it's used in admin rather than the public pages. I know I can create two different parent classes by the same name and only include one per admin or public. But my question is, is it possible to do it dynamically in PHP?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4914
Reputation: 79069
Yes, as cory mentioned, this feature has been requested before. But before that, you can create a workaround. Here is my old school trick for this
Create two separate classes like these:
class a {
class b {
public $object;
Then, create an extended version too
class bextendeda extends a {
In the constructor method of class b, place few functions which redirects to the extended object if requested.
class b {
public $object;
public function __contruct($extend = false) {
if($extend) $this -> object = new bextendeda();
else $this -> object = $this;
function __get($prop) {
return $this-> object -> $prop;
function __set($prop, $val) {
$this-> object -> $prop = $val;
function __call($name, $arguments)
return call_user_func_array(array($this -> object, $name), $arguments);
And there you have it, IF you want the extended version just do this
$b = new b(true);
If not
$b = new b();
Enjoy :)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 59
You can look:
Author implemented JS-like objects with support of inheritance.
But perhaps it is not so good to use such objects instead of usual ones.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Alternatively, if you are comfortable with javascript-style inheritance and don't mind losing typechecking:
<? //PHP 5.4+
final class ExpandoLookalike {
//Allow callable properties to be executed
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
\call_user_func_array($this->$name, $arguments);
$newBaseModule = static function(){
$base = new ExpandoLookalike();
//Common base functions get assigned here.
$basePrivateVar = 42;
$base->commonFunction = static function($params1, $params2) use ($basePrivateVar){
echo "common function\n";
$base->comment = static function() use ($basePrivateVar){
echo "Doing base comment with $basePrivateVar\n";
return $base;
//Javascript-style extends
$newAdminModule = static function($param) use ($newBaseModule){
$base = $newBaseModule();
$privateVar = 5;
$base->adminProperty = 60;
$base->suspendSite = static function() use ($param, $privateVar){
echo 'Doing admin only function ';
echo "with $param, $privateVar\n";
return $base;
$newPublicModule = static function() use ($newBaseModule){
$base = $newBaseModule();
$privateVar = 3;
//Javascript-style overloading
$oldComment = $base->comment;
$base->comment = static function($data) use ($oldComment, $privateVar){
echo 'Doing public function ';
echo "with $data\n";
return $base;
$baseModule = $newBaseModule();
$adminModule = $newAdminModule('P');
$publicModule = $newPublicModule();
$adminModule->suspendSite(); //echos 'Doing admin only function with P, 5'
echo "{$adminModule->adminProperty}\n"; //echos '60'
$publicModule->comment('com'); //echos 'Doing base comment with 42'
//'Doing public function with com'
Despite closing the door to traits and interfaces, it opens up other interesting doors to compensate:
<? //PHP 5.4+
$inheritAllTheThings = static function(){
$base = new ExpandoLookalike();
foreach(\func_get_args() as $object){
foreach($object as $key => $value){
//Properties from later objects overwrite properties from earlier ones.
$base->$key = $value;
return $base;
$allOfEm = $inheritAllTheThings(
['anotherProp' => 69,]
$allOfEm->comment('f'); //echos 'Doing base comment with 42'
//Because AdminModule came after PublicModule, the function that echos 'f'
//from PublicModule was overridden by the function from AdminModule.
//Hence, order denotes resolutions for multiple inheritance collisions.
$allOfEm->suspendSite(); //echos 'Doing admin only function with Q, 5'
echo $allOfEm->anotherProp . "\n"; //echos '69'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14329
No, not without an extension like RunKit.
You might consider an alternative approach. If you want B to assume the functionality of A, perhaps something like the following could provide a sort of "mixin" approach. The general picture is that, instead of B being a child of A, B delegates to A.
class MixMeIn
public $favouriteNumber = 7;
public function sayHi() {
echo "Hello\n";
class BoringClass
private $mixins = array();
public function mixin($object)
$this->mixins[] = $object;
public function doNothing() {
echo "Zzz\n";
public function __call($method, $args)
foreach ($this->mixins as $mixin)
if (method_exists($mixin, $method))
return call_user_func_array(array($mixin, $method), $args);
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ + " has no method " + $method);
public function __get($attr)
foreach ($this->mixins as $mixin)
if (property_exists($mixin, $attr))
return $mixin->$attr;
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ + " has no property " + $attr);
public function __set($attr, $value)
foreach ($this->mixins as $mixin)
if (property_exists($mixin, $attr))
return $mixin->$attr = $value;
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ + " has no property " + $attr);
// testing
$boring = new BoringClass();
try {
$boring->sayHi(); // not available :-(
catch (Exception $e) {
echo "sayHi didn't work: ", $e->getMessage(), "\n";
// now we mixin the fun stuff!
$boring->mixin(new MixMeIn());
$boring->sayHi(); // works! :-)
echo $boring->favouriteNumber;
Just a zany idea. I hope I understood the question correctly.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 437
You can with typecasting. If a extends b then you could do
$a=(a)(new b($input));
Which isn't exactly the same, but similar.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
You can't, but this has been requested for a few years:
You can define the classes within an eval, but it's more trouble than declaring the class normally.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 17028
But you cannot use extends
while object creation. extends
is used in class definition only and defines which other class is "parent" for our new class.
Upvotes: 1