Reputation: 2607
In MATLAB R2011b, I have a script which explicitly specifies a figure number (say, Figure 1) and plots on it. I wish to keep this plot open and run the script again with different parameters, so that I can visually compare the new and previous plots.
How can I rename the previous figure (to, say, Figure 2) so that the new plot does not overwrite it, and thus allowing both plots to be visible, without
from both
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2043
Reputation: 2607
Just spoke with a Mathworks employee and was told that a better solution is to set the 'HandleVisibility' parameter of the figure to 'off' to protect it. For example, to keep figures 1 and 2, do
set(1:2, 'HandleVisibility', 'off')
MATLAB will then map any reference to these figures to new figures, so that the originals (including tool settings) remain untouched.
Though this doesn't exactly answer the question, it achieves what I wanted to do.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2607
Based on H.Muster's answer, I wrote this function to clone a figure:
%% Clone a figure
% clone_figure() - Clone the current figure to a new figure
% clone_figure(N) - Clone the current figure to figure N
% clone_figure(0, M) - Clone figure M to a new figure
% clone_figure(N, M) - Clone figure M to a figure N
function clone_figure(new_index, old_index)
% Get handle of original figure
if (exist('old_index', 'var'))
if (not(ishandle(old_index)))
error('myApp:argChk', ['Figure ',num2str(old_index),' undefined']);
old_handle = gcf;
% Get handle of clone
if (exist('new_index', 'var') && new_index)
if (new_index < 0)
error('myApp:argChk', ['Index ',num2str(new_index),' invalid']);
new_handle = gcf;
% Copy figure's contents and properties
copyobj(get(old_handle, 'Children'), new_handle);
copyobj(get(old_handle, 'CurrentAxes'), new_handle);
set(new_handle, 'Alphamap', get(old_handle, 'Alphamap'));
set(new_handle, 'CloseRequestFcn', get(old_handle, 'CloseRequestFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'Color', get(old_handle, 'Color'));
set(new_handle, 'Colormap', get(old_handle, 'Colormap'));
set(new_handle, 'CurrentPoint', get(old_handle, 'CurrentPoint'));
set(new_handle, 'DockControls', get(old_handle, 'DockControls'));
set(new_handle, 'FileName', get(old_handle, 'FileName'));
set(new_handle, 'IntegerHandle', get(old_handle, 'IntegerHandle'));
set(new_handle, 'InvertHardcopy', get(old_handle, 'InvertHardcopy'));
set(new_handle, 'KeyPressFcn', get(old_handle, 'KeyPressFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'KeyReleaseFcn', get(old_handle, 'KeyReleaseFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'MenuBar', get(old_handle, 'MenuBar'));
set(new_handle, 'Name', get(old_handle, 'Name'));
set(new_handle, 'NextPlot', get(old_handle, 'NextPlot'));
set(new_handle, 'NumberTitle', get(old_handle, 'NumberTitle'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperUnits', get(old_handle, 'PaperUnits'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperOrientation', get(old_handle, 'PaperOrientation'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperPosition', get(old_handle, 'PaperPosition'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperPositionMode', get(old_handle, 'PaperPositionMode'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperSize', get(old_handle, 'PaperSize'));
set(new_handle, 'PaperType', get(old_handle, 'PaperType'));
set(new_handle, 'Pointer', get(old_handle, 'Pointer'));
set(new_handle, 'PointerShapeCData', get(old_handle, 'PointerShapeCData'));
set(new_handle, 'PointerShapeHotSpot', get(old_handle, 'PointerShapeHotSpot'));
set(new_handle, 'Position', get(old_handle, 'Position'));
set(new_handle, 'Renderer', get(old_handle, 'Renderer'));
set(new_handle, 'RendererMode', get(old_handle, 'RendererMode'));
set(new_handle, 'Resize', get(old_handle, 'Resize'));
set(new_handle, 'ResizeFcn', get(old_handle, 'ResizeFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'SelectionType', get(old_handle, 'SelectionType'));
set(new_handle, 'ToolBar', get(old_handle, 'ToolBar'));
set(new_handle, 'Units', get(old_handle, 'Units'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowButtonDownFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowButtonDownFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowButtonUpFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowButtonUpFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowKeyPressFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowKeyPressFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowKeyReleaseFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowKeyReleaseFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowScrollWheelFcn', get(old_handle, 'WindowScrollWheelFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'WindowStyle', get(old_handle, 'WindowStyle'));
set(new_handle, 'WVisual', get(old_handle, 'WVisual'));
set(new_handle, 'WVisualMode', get(old_handle, 'WVisualMode'));
set(new_handle, 'ButtonDownFcn', get(old_handle, 'ButtonDownFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'Clipping', get(old_handle, 'Clipping'));
set(new_handle, 'CreateFcn', get(old_handle, 'CreateFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'DeleteFcn', get(old_handle, 'DeleteFcn'));
set(new_handle, 'BusyAction', get(old_handle, 'BusyAction'));
set(new_handle, 'HandleVisibility', get(old_handle, 'HandleVisibility'));
set(new_handle, 'HitTest', get(old_handle, 'HitTest'));
set(new_handle, 'Interruptible', get(old_handle, 'Interruptible'));
set(new_handle, 'Parent', get(old_handle, 'Parent'));
set(new_handle, 'Selected', get(old_handle, 'Selected'));
set(new_handle, 'SelectionHighlight', get(old_handle, 'SelectionHighlight'));
set(new_handle, 'Tag', get(old_handle, 'Tag'));
set(new_handle, 'UIContextMenu', get(old_handle, 'UIContextMenu'));
set(new_handle, 'UserData', get(old_handle, 'UserData'));
set(new_handle, 'Visible', get(old_handle, 'Visible'));
% from get(gcf) but skip CurrentCharacter, CurrentObject, BeingDeleted, Type
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9317
You can use getobj
to copy the contents of one figure to another:
% get handle of the old figure
oldFigHandle = gcf;
% create new figure
newFigHandle = figure+1;
% copy the contents from one figure the other
copyobj(get(oldFigHandle , 'children'), newFigHandle);
Other properties can be copied using the set
and get
set(newFigHandle, 'color', get(oldFigHandle , 'color'));
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 45741
You can just save a handle to the current figure
h = [];
for i = 1:NumGraphs
h(i) = gcf;
%Your code to create the next graph here
Then to get back a specific graph:
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