
Reputation: 7699

No unspecified launch error only if a loop is unrolled?

Updated: The title is misleading. Originally I could make the error disappear by unrolling the block loop in the code below. Now, even a simple code change lets it disappear. (See code example below).


An CUDA C kernel implementation of a Cholesky decomposition of a 12x12 matrix results in a quite large CUDA kernel (280 code lines, lots of loops).

I reproduced the error with a reduced setup (code below). NVCC (CUDA 4.2) invoked with

nvcc -arch sm_20 -o main main.cu

executed on Fermi architecture on Linux:

kernel call: unspecified launch failure

The kernel body contains a conditional preprocessor block #if 1, #else, #endif. I inserted this to easily switch between a working and non-working version. Compiling the first alternative results in the unspecified launch failure. Whereas the second alternative runs fine.

The tricky part is, that the code actually executed should be the same in either case. (hasOrderedRep is true!!)

One can still make the error disappear even when the #if 1 statement is left untouched. Therefor the block loop must be unrolled. This is where the title originates from.

#include "cuda.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// First some basic types I need
// Implementation of a templated
// scalar and complex number

template<class T> class RScalar
  __device__  RScalar() {}

  __device__  ~RScalar() {}

  template<class T1>  __device__   
  RScalar(const RScalar<T1>& rhs) : F(rhs.elem()) {}

  template<class T1>  __device__
  RScalar(const T1& rhs) : F(rhs) {}

  template<class T1> __device__ inline
  RScalar& operator=(const RScalar<T1>& rhs)  {
    elem() = rhs.elem();
    return *this;

  __device__ T& elem() {return F;}
  __device__ const T& elem() const {return F;}

  T F;

template<class T> class RComplex
  __device__  RComplex() {}

  __device__  ~RComplex() {}

  template<class T1, class T2>  __device__
  RComplex(const RScalar<T1>& _re, const RScalar<T2>& _im): 
    re(_re.elem()), im(_im.elem()) {}

  template<class T1, class T2>  __device__
  RComplex(const T1& _re, const T2& _im): re(_re), im(_im) {}

  template<class T1>  __device__
  RComplex(const T1& _re): re(_re), im() {}

  template<class T1>
  __device__ inline
  RComplex& operator*=(const RScalar<T1>& rhs) 
      real() *= rhs.elem();
      imag() *= rhs.elem();
      return *this;

  template<class T1>
  __device__ inline
  RComplex& operator-=(const RComplex<T1>& rhs) 
      real() -= rhs.real();
      imag() -= rhs.imag();
      return *this;

  template<class T1>  __device__ inline
  RComplex& operator/=(const RComplex<T1>& rhs) 
      RComplex<T> d;
      d = *this / rhs;
      real() = d.real();
      imag() = d.imag();
      return *this;

  __device__ T& real() {return re;}
  __device__ const T& real() const {return re;}

  __device__ T& imag() {return im;}
  __device__ const T& imag() const {return im;}

  T re;
  T im;

template<class T> __device__ RComplex<T>
operator*(const RComplex<T>& __restrict__ l, 
      const RComplex<T>& __restrict__ r) 
  return RComplex<T>(l.real()*r.real() - l.imag()*r.imag(),
             l.real()*r.imag() + l.imag()*r.real());

template<class T> __device__ RComplex<T>
operator/(const RComplex<T>& l, const RComplex<T>& r)
  T tmp = T(1.0) / (r.real()*r.real() + r.imag()*r.imag());

  return RComplex<T>((l.real()*r.real() + l.imag()*r.imag()) * tmp,
             (l.imag()*r.real() - l.real()*r.imag()) * tmp);

template<class T> __device__ RComplex<T>
operator*(const RComplex<T>& l, const RScalar<T>& r)
  return RComplex<T>(l.real()*r.elem(), 


#define REALT float
#define Nc 3

struct PrimitiveClovTriang
  RScalar<REALT>   diag[2][2*Nc];
  RComplex<REALT>  offd[2][2*Nc*Nc-Nc];

__global__ void kernel(bool hasOrderedRep, int * siteTable, 
               PrimitiveClovTriang* tri)
  RScalar<REALT> zip=0;
  int N = 2*Nc;
  int site;

  // First if-block results in an error,
  // second, runs fine! Since hasOrderedRep
  // is true, the code blocks should be
  // identical.
#if 1
  if (hasOrderedRep) {
    site = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 
      blockDim.x * gridDim.x * blockIdx.y + 
  } else {
    int idx0 = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + 
      blockDim.x * gridDim.x * blockIdx.y + 
    site = ((int*)(siteTable))[idx0];
  site = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + blockDim.x * gridDim.x * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.x;

  int site_neg_logdet=0;
  for(int block=0; block < 2; block++) { 
    RScalar<REALT> inv_d[6];
    RComplex<REALT> inv_offd[15];
    RComplex<REALT> v[6];
    RScalar<REALT>  diag_g[6];
    for(int i=0; i < N; i++) { 
      inv_d[i] = tri[site].diag[block][i];
    for(int i=0; i < 15; i++) { 
      inv_offd[i]  =tri[site].offd[block][i];
    for(int j=0; j < N; ++j) { 
      for(int i=0; i < j; i++) { 
    int elem_ji = j*(j-1)/2 + i;
    RComplex<REALT> A_ii = RComplex<REALT>( inv_d[i], zip );
    v[i] = A_ii*RComplex<REALT>(inv_offd[elem_ji].real(),-inv_offd[elem_ji].imag());
      v[j] = RComplex<REALT>(inv_d[j],zip);
      for(int k=0; k < j; k++) { 
    int elem_jk = j*(j-1)/2 + k;
    v[j] -= inv_offd[elem_jk]*v[k];
      inv_d[j].elem() = v[j].real();
      for(int k=j+1; k < N; k++) { 
    int elem_kj = k*(k-1)/2 + j;
    for(int l=0; l < j; l++) { 
      int elem_kl = k*(k-1)/2 + l;
      inv_offd[elem_kj] -= inv_offd[elem_kl] * v[l];
    inv_offd[elem_kj] /= v[j];
    RScalar<REALT> one;
    one.elem() = (REALT)1;
    for(int i=0; i < N; i++) { 
      diag_g[i].elem() = one.elem()/inv_d[i].elem();
      //      ((PScalar<PScalar<RScalar<float> > > *)(args->dev_ptr[ 1 ] ))[site] .elem().elem().elem() += log(fabs(inv_d[i].elem()));
      if( inv_d[i].elem() < 0 ) { 
    RComplex<REALT> sum;
    for(int k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
      for(int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
      v[k] = RComplex<REALT>(diag_g[k],zip);
      for(int i = k+1; i < N; ++i) {
    for(int j = k; j < i; ++j) {
      int elem_ij = i*(i-1)/2+j;    
      v[i] -= inv_offd[elem_ij] *inv_d[j]*v[j];
    v[i] *= diag_g[i];
      for(int i = N-2; (int)i >= (int)k; --i) {
    for(int j = i+1; j < N; ++j) {
      int elem_ji = j*(j-1)/2 + i;
      v[i] -= RComplex<REALT>(inv_offd[elem_ji].real(),-inv_offd[elem_ji].imag()) * v[j];
      inv_d[k].elem() = v[k].real();
      for(int i = k+1; i < N; ++i) {
    int elem_ik = i*(i-1)/2+k;
    inv_offd[elem_ik] = v[i];
    for(int i=0; i < N; i++) { 
      tri[site].diag[block][i] = inv_d[i];
    for(int i=0; i < 15; i++) { 
      tri[site].offd[block][i] = inv_offd[i];
  if( site_neg_logdet != 0 ) { 


int main()
  int sites=1;

  dim3  blocksPerGrid( 1 , 1 , 1 );
  dim3  threadsPerBlock( sites , 1, 1);

  PrimitiveClovTriang* tri_dev;
  int * siteTable;
  cudaMalloc( (void**)&tri_dev , sizeof(PrimitiveClovTriang) * sites );
  cudaMalloc( (void**)&siteTable , sizeof(int) * sites );
  bool ord=true;

  kernel<<< blocksPerGrid , threadsPerBlock , 0 >>>( ord , siteTable , tri_dev );

  cudaError_t kernel_call = cudaGetLastError();

  cout << "kernel call: " << string(cudaGetErrorString(kernel_call)) << endl;


Note that siteTable contains uninitialized data. That's fine since its not used. I need it to make the error appear.


Just tried on a different machine which has CUDA 4.0 installed. There the error does not appear (same Fermi card model). Might be really a NVCC bug of CUDA 4.2. Since they switched to LLVM from CUDA 4.1 this is likely to be a bug.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 278

Answers (1)


Reputation: 72349

This problem appeared to be caused by a subtle compiler bug in an early release of the LLVM based CUDA toolchain. The error doesn't reproduce on more modern versions of the toolchain (CUDA 6.x and 7.x).

[This answer has bee added as a community wiki entry from comments and edits to get the question off the answered list for the CUDA tag]

Upvotes: 1

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