Reputation: 2738
I'm using Clojure's Monger library to connect to a MongeoDB database.
I want to update, insert & remove subdocuments in my Mongo database. MongoDB's $push modifier lets me do this on the root of the searched document. But I want to be able to $push onto a sub-collection. Looking at Monger's tests, it looks possible. But I want to be sure I can push to the child-collection of the 3rd parent. Can Monger do something like this?
(mgcol/update mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" } { $push { "parent.3.child-collection" "fubar" }} )
Even better would be the ability to have a $where clause in my $push. Is something like this possible?
(mgcol/update mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" } { $push { { $where { parent.child.lastname: 'Smith' } } "fubar" } } )
But even on a basic level, when I try the following command in my repl, I get the below error.
The "fubar" database definitely exists
I'm definitely connected to the DB
The { :owner "[email protected]" }
criteria is definitely valid; and
I tried both "content.1.content"
and "content.$.content"
repl => (mc/update "fubar" { :owner "[email protected]" } { $push { "content.1.content" { "fu" "bar" } } } ) ClassCastException clojure.lang.Var$Unbound cannot be cast to com.mongodb.DB monger.collection/update (collection.clj:310) repl => repl => repl => (clojure.repl/pst *e) ClassCastException clojure.lang.Var$Unbound cannot be cast to com.mongodb.DB monger.collection/update (collection.clj:310) (NO_SOURCE_FILE:46) clojure.lang.Compiler.eval ( clojure.lang.Compiler.eval ( clojure.core/eval (core.clj:2745) clojure.main/repl/read-eval-print--6016 (main.clj:244) clojure.main/repl/fn--6021 (main.clj:265) clojure.main/repl (main.clj:265) user/eval27/acc--3869--auto----30/fn--32 (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1) (
Had anyone come across this and solved it?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1894
Reputation: 3402
You have a three part question, with some inconsistencies and holes in the description. So here is my best guess, hope that it is close.
I can get all three to work given schema matched to your update requests, see test/core.clj below for complete details.
First part: Yes, you can push to the child-collection of the 3rd parent, exactly as you have written.
Second part: You want to move your "$where" clause into the criteria, and use $ in the objNew.
Third part: Yes, your basic update works for me below, exactly as you have written.
The output of "lein test" follows at the bottom. All the best to you in your endeavors.
(ns free-11749-clojure-subdoc.test.core
(:use [free-11749-clojure-subdoc.core])
(:use [clojure.test])
(:require [monger.core :as mg] [monger.collection :as mgcol] [monger.query])
(:use [monger.operators])
(:import [org.bson.types ObjectId] [com.mongodb DB WriteConcern]))
(deftest monger-sub-document
(mg/set-db! (mg/get-db "test"))
(def mycollection "free11749")
;; first part
(mgcol/remove mycollection)
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(def doc1 {
:my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value"
:parent [
{ :child-collection [ "cc0" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc1" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc2" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc3" ] }
{ :child-collection [ "cc4" ] }
(mgcol/insert mycollection doc1)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(mgcol/update mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" } { $push { "parent.3.child-collection" "fubar" }} )
(def mymap1 (first (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" })))
(is (= "fubar" (peek (:child-collection (get (:parent mymap1) 3)))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value" }))
;; second part
(mgcol/remove mycollection)
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(def doc2 {
:doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value"
:parent [
{ :child { :lastname [ "Alias" ] } }
{ :child { :lastname [ "Smith" ] } }
{ :child { :lastname [ "Jones" ] } }
(mgcol/insert mycollection doc2)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count mycollection)))
(mgcol/update mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" "parent.child.lastname" "Smith"} { $push { :parent.$.child.lastname "fubar" } } )
(def mymap2 (first (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" })))
(is (= "fubar" (peek (:lastname (:child (get (:parent mymap2) 1))))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps mycollection { :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value" }))
;; third part
(mgcol/remove "fubar")
(is (= 0 (mgcol/count "fubar")))
(def doc3 {
:owner "[email protected]"
:content [
{ :content [ "cc0" ] }
{ :content [ "cc1" ] }
{ :content [ "cc2" ] }
(mgcol/insert "fubar" doc3)
(is (= 1 (mgcol/count "fubar")))
(mgcol/update "fubar" { :owner "[email protected]" } { $push { "content.1.content" { "fu" "bar" } } } )
(def mymap3 (first (mgcol/find-maps "fubar" { :owner "[email protected]" })))
(is (= { :fu "bar" } (peek (:content (get (:content mymap3) 1)))))
(prn (mgcol/find-maps "fubar" { :owner "[email protected]" }))
lein test
Testing free-11749-clojure-subdoc.test.core
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cac>, :my-criteria-key "my-criteria-value", :parent [{:child-collection ["cc0"]} {:child-collection ["cc1"]} {:child-collection ["cc2"]} {:child-collection ["cc3" "fubar"]} {:child-collection ["cc4"]}]})
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cad>, :doc-criteria-key "doc-criteria-value", :parent [{:child {:lastname ["Alias"]}} {:child {:lastname ["Smith" "fubar"]}} {:child {:lastname ["Jones"]}}]})
({:_id #<ObjectId 4fb3e98447281968f7d42cae>, :content [{:content ["cc0"]} {:content ["cc1" {:fu "bar"}]} {:content ["cc2"]}], :owner "[email protected]"})
Ran 1 tests containing 9 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Upvotes: 2