Reputation: 1223
I've been looking all around SO and MSDN for an answer to this question, but cannot seem to find a clear and final answer...
I know that it's in the C++11 standard and that current GCC version behave this way, but does VC2010 currently guarantees thread-safety of a local static variable initialization?
i.e.: Is this thread-safe with VC2010?
static S& getInstance()
static S instance;
return instance;
...And if not, what is the current best practice to get a thread-safe singleton implementation in C++ with VC2010?
EDIT: As pointed out by Chris Betti's answer, VC2010 doesn't implement thread-safeness of local static variable init.
Upvotes: 10
Views: 5063
Reputation: 2923
From Visual Studio 2010's documentation on Static:
Assigning a value to a static local variable in a multithreaded application is not thread safe and we do not recommend it as a programming practice.
The second part of your question has some good existing answers.
Updated Nov 22, 2015:
Others have verified, specifically, that static initialization is not thread safe either (see comment and other answer).
User squelart on VS2015:
you may want to add that VS2015 finally gets it right: ("Magic statics")
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 2193
The following code snippet shows "locally scoped static object initialisation" is NOT thread-safe:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
struct X {
~X() { puts("~X()"); }
int i_ ;
void print(void) {
printf("thread id=%u, i = %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), i_);
X(int i) {
puts("begin to sleep 10 seconds");
Sleep(1000 * 10);
i_ = i;
printf("X(int) i = %d\n", i_);
X & getX()
static X static_x(1000);
return static_x;
void thread_proc(void *)
X & x = getX();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
HANDLE all_threads[2] = {};
all_threads[0] = HANDLE( _beginthread(thread_proc, 0, 0) );
printf("First thread Id: %u\n", GetThreadId(all_threads[0]) );
all_threads[1] = HANDLE( _beginthread(thread_proc, 0, 0) );
printf("Second thread Id: %u\n", GetThreadId(all_threads[1]) );
WaitForMultipleObjects( _countof(all_threads), all_threads, TRUE, 1000 * 20);
puts("main exit");
return 0;
The output will be(of course thread id will be different on your machine):
First thread Id: 20104
begin to sleep 10 seconds
Second thread Id: 20248
thread id=20248, i = 0
X(int) i = 4247392
thread id=20104, i = 1000
main exit
Before the first thread returns which means the singleton's ctor is called and returned, the second thread get the un-initialized object and call it's member method(because the static object is in BSS segment, it'll be initilized to zero after loader load the executable) and get the wrong value: 0.
Turning on assembly listing by /FAsc /Fastatic.asm will get the assembly code for function getX():
01: ?getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ PROC ; getX
03: ; 20 : {
05: 00000 55 push ebp
06: 00001 8b ec mov ebp, esp
08: ; 21 : static X static_x(1000);
10: 00003 a1 00 00 00 00 mov eax, DWORD PTR ?$S1@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4IA
11: 00008 83 e0 01 and eax, 1
12: 0000b 75 2b jne SHORT $LN1@getX
13: 0000d 8b 0d 00 00 00
14: 00 mov ecx, DWORD PTR ?$S1@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4IA
15: 00013 83 c9 01 or ecx, 1
16: 00016 89 0d 00 00 00
17: 00 mov DWORD PTR ?$S1@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4IA, ecx
18: 0001c 68 e8 03 00 00 push 1000 ; 000003e8H
19: 00021 b9 00 00 00 00 mov ecx, OFFSET ?static_x@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4U2@A
20: 00026 e8 00 00 00 00 call ??0X@@QAE@H@Z ; X::X
21: 0002b 68 00 00 00 00 push OFFSET ??__Fstatic_x@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@YAXXZ ; `getX'::`2'::`dynamic atexit destructor for 'static_x''
22: 00030 e8 00 00 00 00 call _atexit
23: 00035 83 c4 04 add esp, 4
24: $LN1@getX:
26: ; 22 : return static_x;
28: 00038 b8 00 00 00 00 mov eax, OFFSET ?static_x@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4U2@A
30: ; 23 : }
At line 10 the cryptic symbol [?$S1@?1??getX@@YAAAUX@@XZ@4IA] is the global indicator(also in BSS) which flags whether the singleton is ctored or not, it will be flaged as true by line 14-17, just before calling into the ctor, that's the problem, this also explains why the second thread immediately got the un-initialized singleton object and happily call it's member function. There's no thread-safety related code inserted by the compiler.
Upvotes: 6