I want to have a function in my type which takes an optional argument. I have successfully used optional arguments in functions which do not belong to a type, however, I cannot seem to get it working within a protocol and type.
My failed trial:
Clojure 1.4.0
user=> (defprotocol OptArg
(func [this a & b]))
user=> (deftype Imp [] OptArg
(func [this a & b] (println a b)))
user=> (func (Imp.) 1 2)
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No single method: func of interface: user.OptArg found for function: func of protocol: OptArg, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:5)
user=> (defn opt-arg [a & b] (println a b))
user=> (opt-arg 1 2)
1 (2)
user=> (opt-arg 1)
1 nil
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I made a defprotocol+
for you to define protocol with optional arguments. The idea is to make & args
as a fixed argument in protocol and create a wrapper function automatically.
Check out this gist for macro.
(defprotocol+ IPipeline (run-and-wait [this & args])) (defrecord+ Pipeline [] IPipeline (run-and-wait [this & args] )) (run-and-wait (Pipeline.) 1 2 3 4 5)
Upvotes: 2