Reputation: 217
I have problems with smooth scrolling in OpenGL (testing on SGS2 and ACE)
I created simple applications - only fixed speed horizontal scrolling of images, or only one image (player) moving by accelerator,
but it's movement is not smooth :-(
I tried many various of code but no satisfaction...
first I tried work with GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY and I put all code to onDrawFrame:
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl)
updateGame(gl, 0.017f);
this is the simplest and absolute smooth!! - but it's dependent on hardware speed (= useless)
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl)
frameTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
elapsedTime = (frameTime - lastTime) / 1000;
updateGame(gl, elapsedTime);
lastTime = frameTime;
this is the best of all but it's not as smooth as the previous, sometimes flick
second I tried GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_WHEN_DIRTY, in onDrawFrame i have only drawing objects and this code in separate Thread:
while (true)
updateGame(renderer, 0.017f);
next_game_tick += SKIP_TICKS;
sleep_time = next_game_tick - System.currentTimeMillis();
if (sleep_time >= 0)
catch (Exception e) {}
Log.d("running behind: ", String.valueOf(sleep_time));
this is not smooth and it's not problem with "running behind"
My objective is smooth image movement like in first code example above.
Possible error is somewhere else then I looking. Please, Can somebody help me with this?
Thank you.
Upvotes: 19
Views: 13636
Reputation: 453
I was fighting with the exact same issue for several days. The loop looks smooth without any Android time reference, but as soon it includes any type of “time sync” , external factors out of the android development control introduce serious discontinuities to the final result.
Basically, these factors are:
The issue is independent of the drawing technology (drawing, openGL 1.0/1.1 and 2.0) and the game loop method (fixed time step, interpolation, variable time step). Like you, I was trying Thread.sleep, crazy interpolations, timers, etc. Doesn’t matter what you will do, we don’t have control over this factors.
According with many Q&A on this site, the basic rules to produce smooth continuous animations are:
For sure, you made a lot of previous work before post this question by optimizing your updateGame() and drawGame() (without appreciable GC and relative constant execution time) in order to get a smooth animation in your main loop as you mention: “simple and absolute smooth”.
Your particular case with variable stepTime and no special requirements to be in perfect sync with realTime events (like music), the solution is simple: “smooth the step Time variable”.
The solution works with other game loop schemes (fixed time step with variable rendering) and is easy to port the concept (smooth the amount of displacement produced by the updateGame and the real time clock across several frames.)
// avoid GC in your threads. declare nonprimitive variables out of onDraw
float smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms=17.5f; // initial value, Optionally you can save the new computed value (will change with each hardware) in Preferences to optimize the first drawing frames
float movAverageDeltaTime_ms=smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms; // mov Average start with default value
long lastRealTimeMeasurement_ms; // temporal storage for last time measurement
// smooth constant elements to play with
static final float movAveragePeriod=40; // #frames involved in average calc (suggested values 5-100)
static final float smoothFactor=0.1f; // adjusting ratio (suggested values 0.01-0.5)
// sample with opengl. Works with canvas drawing: public void OnDraw(Canvas c)
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl){
updateGame(gl, smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms); // divide 1000 if your UpdateGame routine is waiting seconds instead mili-seconds.
// Moving average calc
long currTimePick_ms=SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
float realTimeElapsed_ms;
if (lastRealTimeMeasurement_ms>0){
realTimeElapsed_ms=(currTimePick_ms - lastRealTimeMeasurement_ms);
} else {
realTimeElapsed_ms=smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms; // just the first time
movAverageDeltaTime_ms=(realTimeElapsed_ms + movAverageDeltaTime_ms*(movAveragePeriod-1))/movAveragePeriod;
// Calc a better aproximation for smooth stepTime
smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms=smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms +(movAverageDeltaTime_ms - smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms)* smoothFactor;
// Optional: check if the smoothedDeltaRealTIme_ms is too different from original and save it in Permanent preferences for further use.
For a fixed time step scheme, an intermetiate updateGame can be implemented to improve the results:
float totalVirtualRealTime_ms=0;
float speedAdjustments_ms=0; // to introduce a virtual Time for the animation (reduce or increase animation speed)
float totalAnimationTime_ms=0;
float fixedStepAnimation_ms=20; // 20ms for a 50FPS descriptive animation
int currVirtualAnimationFrame=0; // useful if the updateGameFixedStep routine ask for a frame number
private void updateGame(){
totalVirtualRealTime_ms+=smoothedDeltaRealTime_ms + speedAdjustments_ms;
while (totalVirtualRealTime_ms> totalAnimationTime_ms){
// original updateGame with fixed step
float interpolationRatio=(totalAnimationTime_ms-totalVirtualRealTime_ms)/fixedStepAnimation_ms;
Tested with canvas and openGlES10 drawing with the following devices: SG SII (57 FPS), SG Note(57 FPS) , SG tab(60 FPS), unbranded Android 2.3 (43 FPS) slow emulator running on Windows XP(8 FPS). The test platform draws around 45 objects + 1 huge background (texture from 70MP source image) moving along a path specified in real physics parameters (km/h and G’s), without spikes or flick between several devices (well, 8 FPS on the emulator doesn’t look good, but its flow at constant speed as expected)
Check The graphs for how android report the time. Some times Android report a large delta time and just the next loop it's small than average, meaning an offset on the reading of realTime value.
with more detail:
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY?
System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime
Does the method System.currentTimeMillis() really return the current time?
Upvotes: 34