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I've made three files using Visual C++ 2008 express for a text based RPG game. Before I really dive into the whole thing I want to get the basics ironed out: new game, save game, continue game, quit game. So far I have the make a character section (in this case find a weapon) and quit game all ironed out. I'm stuck on how to pass the weapon stats from a struct to a save file. I appear to pass the members of the struct without issue and check the file to find "junk": Ì and -858993460 in place of my values.
How should I go about fixing my save_game and continue_game functions? I've done a lot of research trying to figure this out and nothing I've tried seems to help.
Here's the important pieces of the code:
struct player_character
char type;
int damage;
int stability;
void save_game(player_character& pc, ofstream &save);
void continue_game(player_character& pc, ifstream &get);
int main()
player_character pc;
ofstream save;
ifstream get;
//rest of main() goes here.
//pause screen
return 0;
//rest of functions go here.
void save_game(player_character &pc, ofstream &save_data)
{ ("save.dat", ios::binary);
if (save_data.is_open())
save_data << "pc.type = " << pc.type << endl;
save_data << "pc.damage = " << pc.damage << endl;
save_data << "pc.stability = " << pc.stability << endl;
//doesn't work
//save_data.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pc), sizeof(pc));
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
void continue_game(player_character &pc, ifstream &get_data)
if (get_data.is_open())
//doesn't work
//<char*>(&pc), sizeof(pc));
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
Thanks for the reponse. I'm trying the following revisions. The continue_game function appears to work. I recieve no errors (yet). When I select save after making a character I recieve the following error: Unhandled exception at 0x69197a28 in Undone.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffcc.
Google shows it as some sort of Windows issue.
Why is my function causing this error?
void save_game(ofstream &save, player_character const &pc)
{ ("save.dat");
if (save.is_open())
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.type), sizeof pc.type);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability);
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
int continue_game(ifstream &get)
if (!<char *>(&pc.type), sizeof pc.type)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability)) { /* error */ }
return pc.type;
return pc.damage;
return pc.stability;
I've changed the save_game and continue_game code and included it here. I also collected the debugger and autos output (small version of autos, not all seven pages). Apparently my values are not being evaluated in save_game so continue_game has nothing to work with and doesn't cause errors.
Here's the code and debugger/autos printouts:
int save_game(ofstream &save, player_character& pc)
{ ("save.dat", ios::binary);
if (save.is_open())
//the error hits here:
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.type), sizeof pc.type);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability);
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
return pc.type;
return pc.damage;
return pc.stability;
int continue_game(ifstream &get, player_character& pc)
{ ("save.dat", ios::binary);
if (get.is_open())
if (!<char *>(&pc.type), sizeof pc.type)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability)) { /* error */ }
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
return pc.type;
return pc.damage;
return pc.stability;
Debugger Output Window: First-chance exception at 0x644e7a28 in Undone.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffcc. Unhandled exception at 0x644e7a28 in Undone.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xffffffcc.
Autos: - pc {type='Ì' damage=-858993460 stability=-858993460 } player_character & type -52 'Ì' char damage -858993460 int stability -858993460 int pc.type -52 'Ì' char - save {_Filebuffer={...} } std::basic_ofstream > & + std::basic_ostream > {...} std::basic_ostream > + _Filebuffer {_Pcvt=0x00000000 _Mychar='Ì' _Wrotesome=false ...} std::basic_filebuf >
Well I'vve managed to make some progress. I discovered I needed to place arguments into my main_menu function (mind you I'm not taking about the main() function, but one I made) so that they would be passed on to my save_game function. I was also able to stop the access error by adding an & into my write function. So this:
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(&pc.type), sizeof pc.type);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(&pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(&pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability);
instead of:
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.type), sizeof pc.type);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.damage), sizeof pc.damage);
save.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(pc.stability), sizeof pc.stability);
The savve_game code still doesn't work properly yet when it comes to putting data into a file but it does printout to the screen.
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Views: 1583
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It looks like I figured it out! Here's what I've come up with: struct in array...and it appears to work just fine.
void save_game(fstream& file, player_type& pc)
if (file.is_open())
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
file << pc.w_name << endl;
file << pc.d_rate << endl;
file << pc.s_rate << endl;
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
}//end save function
void continue_game(fstream& file, player_type player[])
if (file.is_open())
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
file >> player[i].w_name;
file >> player[i].d_rate;
file >> player[i].s_rate;
cout << " Error. Unable to open file.";
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
cout << "You are continuing the game with the following weapon: " << player[i].w_name << endl;
cout << "Which has a damage rating of " << player[i].d_rate << " and a stability rating of " << player[i].s_rate << endl;
cout << endl;
}//end continue_game
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Reputation: 3968
Follow-up to the previous answer and edited question.
Judging by your continue_game signature,
int continue_game(ifstream &get)
pc must be some form of global struct that holds the character you're trying to resume. If pc is allocated at run-time, then you are using it incorrectly.
When you do this:
return pc.type;
return pc.damage;
return pc.stability;
A function can only have one return-type; only pc.type would be returned. This is not the cause of the error, but rather a design flaw you should be aware of.
Your initial approach to continue_game, wherein you passed in the relevant struct as a parameter,
void continue_game(player_character &pc, ifstream &get_data)
was a much better idea. I believe that if you combine the two you will find yourself without the error.
If the error continues, please use a debugger and paste the line. In addition, I can provide a sample of the code I described if you wish me to.
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You have to read and write each primitive data type, one by one, and use unformatted I/O only. Example:
void serialize(std::ostream & o, Player const & p)
o.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(p.type), sizeof p.type);
o.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(p.damage), sizeof p.damage);
o.write(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(p.stability), sizeof p.stability);
Player deserialize(std::istream & i)
Player p;
char pt;
int pd, ps;
if (!<char *>(&pt), sizeof pt)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&pd), sizeof pd)) { /* error */ }
if (!<char *>(&ps), sizeof ps)) { /* error */ }
p.type = pt; p.damage = pd; p.stability = ps;
return p;
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