
Reputation: 1621

x86 assembly - masm32: Issues with waiting for response

I have created this program that takes two inputs and prints them out (simple, yes, but it's for practise). It compiles, and runs fine, but it doesn't do what I intended. Here is my code:

.model flat, stdcall 
option casemap :none 
include \masm32\include\ 
include \masm32\include\ 
include \masm32\include\ 
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib 
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
   num1 db "Enter a number:", 0 
   num2 db "Enter another number:", 0
       buffer1 dd 100 dup(?)
   buffer2 dd 100 dup(?)
   lea eax, num1
   push eax
   call StdOut
   lea ebx, buffer1
   push ebx
   call StdIn
   lea eax, num2
   push eax
   call StdOut
   lea edx, buffer2
   push edx
   call StdIn
   xor eax, eax
   xor ebx, ebx
   xor edx, edx
   lea eax, buffer1
   push eax
   call StdOut
   lea ebx, buffer2
   push ebx
   call StdOut
   push 0 
   call ExitProcess
end start 

It displays this output:

Enter a number: Enter another number:

It should do:

Enter a number:
; wait for input.
Enter another number:
; wait for input.
; continue with program.

Why does it print on one line? I tried putting halt in there to stop the process, but Windows stops the program from running, and says the program is not responding.


Here is the code that I said I would edit in:

xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
lea eax, buffer1
push eax
call StdOut
lea ebx, buffer2
push ebx
call StdOut

When I run this with the previous code, it says "This program is not responding." Why is this?

Any help would be appreciated.



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Views: 1821

Answers (1)


Reputation: 4237

hlt will, plainly, halt execution. It should only be used to wait for the next hardware interrupt, and should only be used by the operating system.

StdIn isn't working for you, because you aren't providing the length of buffer. So StdIn fails and the next StdOut is executed.

Don't use hlt, and push the length of buffer and then push the address to buffer.

.model flat, stdcall 
option casemap :none 

include \masm32\include\ 
include \masm32\include\ 
include \masm32\include\ 
include \masm32\include\ 
include \MASM32\INCLUDE\

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib 
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib
includelib \MASM32\LIB\user32.lib

atoi PROTO C strptr:DWORD

   num1 db "Enter a number:", 0 
   num2 db "Enter another number:", 0
   formatStr db "%s+%s=%d", 0

   buffer1 dw 100 dup(?)
   buffer2 dw 100 dup(?)
   buffer3 dw 100 dup(?)
   lea eax, num1
   push eax
   call StdOut

   mov eax,100
   push eax
   lea eax, buffer1
   push eax
   call StdIn

   lea eax, num2
   push eax
   call StdOut

   mov eax,100
   push eax
   lea eax, buffer2
   push eax
   call StdIn

   lea eax, buffer1
   push eax
   call atoi
   mov ebx,eax

   lea eax, buffer2
   push eax
   call atoi 
   add eax,ebx

   push eax
   lea eax,buffer2
   push eax
   lea eax,buffer1
   push eax
   lea eax,formatStr
   push eax
   lea eax,buffer3
   push eax
   call wsprintf

   lea eax,buffer3
   push eax
   call StdOut

   push 0 
   call ExitProcess

end start

Output: Output

stdcall dictates you push parameters from right to left. Also, you might benefit from reviewing the code for StdIn and StdOut:

StdIn proc lpszBuffer:DWORD,bLen:DWORD

   LOCAL hInput :DWORD
   LOCAL bRead  :DWORD

   invoke GetStdHandle,STD_INPUT_HANDLE
   mov hInput, eax

   invoke SetConsoleMode,hInput,ENABLE_LINE_INPUT or \
                                ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT or \

   invoke ReadFile,hInput,lpszBuffer,bLen,ADDR bRead,NULL

   mov eax, bRead


StdIn endp

StdOut proc lpszText:DWORD

    LOCAL hOutPut  :DWORD
    LOCAL bWritten :DWORD
    LOCAL sl       :DWORD

    invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov hOutPut, eax

    invoke StrLen,lpszText
    mov sl, eax

    invoke WriteFile,hOutPut,lpszText,sl,ADDR bWritten,NULL

    mov eax, bWritten

StdOut endp

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