Reputation: 2451
I am using Entity Framework and have a table of BusinessUnits which can reference another record of the same type to form a child-parent hierarchy.
I also have a set of users, and user permissions, where each user defined in this table should have access to the BusinessUnit and all sub-business units in the hierarchy. Users should not have access to the BusinessUnit above the one referenced (if exists).
How can I go about forming LINQ queries to handle this self-referencing relationship tree and return all the business units (with child units) for which this user has access? Is it possible to do it in one query, or do I need to manually build the tree myself with a for-loop?
I have seen schema's reference in this way from node to parent, does this mean I have to start at the furthest child node to build the tree by one parent at a time?
Thanks in advance,
class BusinessUnit
int BusinessUnitID {get;set;}
public string BusinessName {get;set;}
BusinessUnit ParentBusinessUnit {get;set;}
class User
int UserID {get;set;}
string Firstname {get;set;}
class UserPermissions
[Key, ForeignKey("BusinessUnit"), Column(Order = 0)]
BusinessUnit BusinessUnit {get;set;}
[Key, ForeignKey("User"), Column(Order = 1)]
User User {get;set;}
IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> GetUnitsForWhichUserHasAccess(User user)
/* Example 1
given: BusinessUnitA (ID 1) -> BusinessUnitB (ID 2) -> BusinessUnitC (ID 3)
with user with ID 1:
and UserPermissions with an entry: BusinessUnit(2), User(1)
the list { BusinessUnitB, BusinessUnitC } should be returned
/* Example 2
given: BusinessUnitA (ID 1) -> BusinessUnitB (ID 2) -> BusinessUnitC (ID 3)
with user with ID 1:
and UserPermissions with an entry: BusinessUnit(1), User(1)
the list { BusinessUnitA, BusinessUnitB, BusinessUnitC } should be returned
Upvotes: 14
Views: 23289
Reputation: 9477
I had to solve a problem of returning hierarchal json data to the web and I started off by using Olly suggestion of using Common Expression table (CET) and my code was
static public IEnumerable<TagMaster> GetHierarchy(IEnumerable<int> surveyId, Entities dbContext)
var sql = String.Format( @"
WITH SurveyTags ([TagID], [TagTitle], [SurveyID], [ParentTagID]) AS (
SELECT [TagID], [TagTitle], [SurveyID], [ParentTagID]
FROM [dbo].[TagMaster]
WHERE [SurveyID] in ({0}) and ParentTagID is null
TagMaster.[TagID], TagMaster.[TagTitle], TagMaster.[SurveyID], TagMaster.[ParentTagID]
FROM [dbo].[TagMaster]
INNER JOIN SurveyTags ON TagMaster.ParentTagID = SurveyTags.TagID
SELECT [TagID], [TagTitle], [SurveyID], [ParentTagID]
FROM SurveyTags", String.Join(",", surveyId));
return dbContext.TagMasters.SqlQuery(sql).Where(r => r.ParentTagID == null).ToList();
But I noticed when accessing the children, the web app was still making round trips to the database! It is also painful to just pass the Entity object to Json because you many end up with fields you don’t want.
The final solution I came up with does not need CET and only makes one trip to the DB. In my case, I could pull up all the records based on the SurveyId but if you don’t have such a key to use, you can still use the CET to get the hierarchy.
This is how I converted the flat records to a tree and just took the fields I need.
1) First load the records I need from the db.
var tags = db.TagMasters.Where(r => surveyIds.Contains(r.SurveyID)).Select(r => new { id = r.TagID, name = r.TagTitle, parentId = r.ParentTagID }).ToList();
2) Create a dictionary of ViewModels for it.
var tagDictionary = tags.Select(r => new TagHierarchyViewModel { Id =, Name = }).ToDictionary(r => r.Id);
3) Then convert it to a hierarchy.
foreach (var tag in tags) {
if (tag.parentId.HasValue) {
4) Remove all the child nodes.
var tagHierarchy = from td in tagDictionary
join t in tags on td.Key equals
where t.parentId == null
select td.Value;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6026
OK, there are a few things here. We can make this a bit easier by adding some more properties to your model. Is that an option? If so, add collection properties to the entities. Now, I don't know which EF API you're using: DbContext (code first or edmx) or ObjectContext. In my sample I've used the DbContext API with an edmx model to generate these classes.
If you prefer, with a few annotations you could dispense with the edmx file.
public partial class BusinessUnit
public BusinessUnit()
this.ChlidBusinessUnits = new HashSet<BusinessUnit>();
this.UserPermissions = new HashSet<UserPermissions>();
public int BusinessUnitID { get; set; }
public string BusinessName { get; set; }
public int ParentBusinessUnitID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<BusinessUnit> ChlidBusinessUnits { get; set; }
public virtual BusinessUnit ParentBusinessUnit { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<UserPermissions> UserPermissions { get; set; }
public partial class User
public User()
this.UserPermissions = new HashSet<UserPermissions>();
public int UserID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<UserPermissions> UserPermissions { get; set; }
public partial class UserPermissions
public int UserPermissionsID { get; set; }
public int BusinessUnitID { get; set; }
public int UserID { get; set; }
public virtual BusinessUnit BusinessUnit { get; set; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public partial class BusinessModelContainer : DbContext
public BusinessModelContainer()
: base("name=BusinessModelContainer")
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();
public DbSet<BusinessUnit> BusinessUnits { get; set; }
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public DbSet<UserPermissions> UserPermissions { get; set; }
@Chase medallion is correct in that we can't write recursive LINQ (or even Entity SQL) queries.
Option 1: Lazy Loading
With lazy loading enabled, you could do something like this...
private static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> UnitsForUser(BusinessModelContainer container, User user)
var distinctTopLevelBusinessUnits = (from u in container.BusinessUnits
where u.UserPermissions.Any(p => p.UserID == user.UserID)
select u).Distinct().ToList();
List<BusinessUnit> allBusinessUnits = new List<BusinessUnit>();
foreach (BusinessUnit bu in distinctTopLevelBusinessUnits)
allBusinessUnits.AddRange(GetChildren(container, bu));
return (from bu in allBusinessUnits
group bu by bu.BusinessUnitID into d
select d.First()).ToList();
private static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> GetChildren(BusinessModelContainer container, BusinessUnit unit)
var eligibleChildren = (from u in unit.ChlidBusinessUnits
select u).Distinct().ToList();
foreach (BusinessUnit child in eligibleChildren)
yield return child;
foreach (BusinessUnit grandchild in child.ChlidBusinessUnits)
yield return grandchild;
Option 2: Pre-load Entities
However, there are some ways you could optimize this to avoid repeated trips to the server. If you have only a reasaonably small number of business units in the database you could load the entire list. Then, because of EFs ability to fix up relationships automatically, simply loading a user and his permissions from the database would give us all we need.
To clarify: this method means that you load all the BusinessUnit
entities; even the ones that the user has no permissions to. However, because it greatly reduces the 'chatter' with the SQL Server, it may still perform better than Option 1 above. Unlike Option 3 below, this is 'pure' EF without any dependency on a specific provider.
using (BusinessModelContainer bm = new BusinessModelContainer())
List<BusinessUnit> allBusinessUnits = bm.BusinessUnits.ToList();
var userWithPermissions = (from u in bm.Users.Include("UserPermissions")
where u.UserID == 1234
select u).Single();
List<BusinessUnit> unitsForUser = new List<BusinessUnit>();
var explicitlyPermittedUnits = from p in userWithPermissions.UserPermissions
select p.BusinessUnit;
foreach (var bu in explicitlyPermittedUnits)
unitsForUser.AddRange(GetChildren(bm, bu));
var distinctUnitsForUser = (from bu in unitsForUser
group bu by bu.BusinessUnitID into q
select q.First()).ToList();
Please note that the above two examples could be improved, but serve as an example to get you going.
Option 3: Bespoke SQL Query Using Common Table Expression
If you have a large number of business units, you might want to try the most efficient method. That would be to execute custom SQL that uses a hierarchical Common Table Expression to get back the information in one hit. This would of course tie the implementation to one provider, probably SQL Server.
Your SQL would be something like this:
WITH UserBusinessUnits
(SELECT Bu.BusinessUnitId,
CAST(NULL AS integer)
FROM Users U
INNER JOIN UserPermissions P ON P.UserID = U.UserID
INNER JOIN BusinessUnits Bu ON Bu.BusinessUnitId = P.BusinessUnitId
WHERE U.UserId = ?
SELECT Bu.BusinessUnitId,
FROM UserBusinessUnits Uu
INNER JOIN BusinessUnits Bu ON Bu.ParentBusinessUnitID = Uu.BusinessUnitId)
FROM UserBusinessUnits
You would use code like the following to materialize a collection of BusinessUnit objects for which the user has permissions.
bm.BusinessUnits.SqlQuery(mySqlString, userId);
There is a subtle difference between the above line and the very similar code suggested by @Jeffrey. The above uses DbSet.SqlQuery() while his uses Database.SqlQuery. The latter produces entities that are not tracked by the context, while the former returns (by default) tracked entities. Tracked entities give you the ability to make and save changes, and automatic fix-up of the navigation properties. If you don't need those features, disable change tracking (either with .AsNoTracking() or by using Database.SqlQuery).
Nothing beats testing with a realistic data set to determine which method is most effective. Using hand-crafted SQL code (Option 3) is always likely to perform best, but at the expense of having more complicated code that is less portable (because it's tied to the underlying db technology).
Note also that the options available to you depend on the "flavour" of EF that you're using, and of course, on your chosen database platform. If you would like some more specific guidance that accounts for this please update your question with the extra information.
) code generation technique, or T4 templates?Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 11964
To get hierarchy in single request, you need to use special table structure. One of possible solutions is to have a special key that contains all parents of this record. In this case you have simple and very fast (it will be faster than cte recursion) query to get all childs.
But if you want to move record to another branch of hierarchy it will be very expansive operation.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3696
Recursive CTE in SQL is just a technique using ground rules. You can build the same query in LINQ using those ground rules.
Here are the simple steps to follow
1) Get the list of permissions from UserPermissions table 2) Foreach permission, recurse the tree to find the subset of permission
There are lot of ways to optmize\adapt these queries but here is the core:
//Gets the list of permissions for this user
static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> GetPermissions(int userID)
//create a permission tree result set object
List<BusinessUnit> permissionTree = new List<BusinessUnit>();
//Get the list of records for this user from UserPermissions table
IEnumerable<UserPermissions> userPermissions = from UP in UPs
where UP.User.UserID == userID
select UP;
//for each entry in UserPermissions, build the permission tree
foreach (UserPermissions UP in userPermissions)
BuildPermissionTree(UP.BusinessUnit, permissionTree);
return permissionTree;
//recursive query that drills the tree.
static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> BuildPermissionTree(BusinessUnit pBU,List<BusinessUnit> permissionTree)
var query = from BU in BUs
where BU.ParentBusinessUnit == pBU
select BU;
foreach (var BU in query)
return permissionTree;
O\p when queried for User 1 -> Permissions in (B,C) (refer diagram)
Here is the full code :
class BusinessUnit
public int BusinessUnitID { get; set; }
public string BusinessName { get; set; }
public BusinessUnit ParentBusinessUnit { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return BusinessUnitID + " " + BusinessName + " " + ParentBusinessUnit;
class User
public int UserID { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return UserID + " " + Firstname;
class UserPermissions
public BusinessUnit BusinessUnit { get; set; }
public User User { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return BusinessUnit + " " + User;
class SOBUProblem
static List<BusinessUnit> BUs = new List<BusinessUnit>();
static List<User> Users = new List<User>();
static List<UserPermissions> UPs = new List<UserPermissions>();
static void Main()
int userID = 1;
foreach (var BU in GetPermissions(userID))
//Gets the lsit of permissions for this user
static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> GetPermissions(int userID)
//create a permission tree result set object
List<BusinessUnit> permissionTree = new List<BusinessUnit>();
//Get the list of records for this user from UserPermissions table
IEnumerable<UserPermissions> userPermissions = from UP in UPs
where UP.User.UserID == userID
select UP;
//for each entry in UserPermissions, build the permission tree
foreach (UserPermissions UP in userPermissions)
BuildPermissionTree(UP.BusinessUnit, permissionTree);
return permissionTree;
//recursive query that drills the tree.
static IEnumerable<BusinessUnit> BuildPermissionTree(BusinessUnit pBU,List<BusinessUnit> permissionTree)
var query = from BU in BUs
where BU.ParentBusinessUnit == pBU
select BU;
foreach (var BU in query)
return permissionTree;
static void Dump<T>(IEnumerable<T> items)
foreach (T item in items)
static void InitBU()
BusinessUnit BURoot = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 1, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitA" };
BusinessUnit BUlevel11 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 2, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitB", ParentBusinessUnit = BURoot };
BusinessUnit BUlevel12 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 3, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitC", ParentBusinessUnit = BURoot };
BusinessUnit BUlevel121 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 4, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitD", ParentBusinessUnit = BUlevel12 };
BusinessUnit BUlevel122 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 5, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitE", ParentBusinessUnit = BUlevel12 };
BusinessUnit BUlevel1211 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 6, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitF", ParentBusinessUnit = BUlevel121 };
BusinessUnit BUlevel111 = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 7, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitG", ParentBusinessUnit = BUlevel11 };
static void AutoInitBU()
BusinessUnit BURoot = new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = 1, BusinessName = "BusinessUnitA" };
Dictionary<int, string> transTable = new Dictionary<int, string>() {{2,"B"},{3,"C"} };
//Create Child nodes
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
BUs.Add(new BusinessUnit() { BusinessUnitID = i + 2, BusinessName = "BusinessUnit" + transTable[i+2],ParentBusinessUnit = BUs[i]});
static void InitUsers()
Users.Add(new User() {UserID = 1,Firstname="User1" });
static void InitUPs()
UPs.Add(new UserPermissions() { BusinessUnit = BUs[1], User = Users[0] });
UPs.Add(new UserPermissions() { BusinessUnit = BUs[2], User = Users[0] });
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2743
If you're not tied to using linq for the solution, its vastly simpler and faster to use a CTE in sql as such:
var sql = @"
WITH BusinessUnitHierarchy ( BusinessUnitID, BusinessName, ParentBusinessUnitID )
Select bu.BusinessUnitID, bu.BusinessName, bu.ParentBusinessUnitID
from BusinessUnit bu
inner join [UserPermissions] up on bu.BusinessUnitID = up.BusinessUnitID
where up.UserID = @userID
bu.BusinessUnitID, bu.BusinessName, bu.ParentBusinessUnitID
from BusinessUnit bu
inner join BusinessUnitHierarchy buh on bu.ParentBusinessUnitID = buh.BusinessUnitID
SELECT * FROM BusinessUnitHierarchy buh
context.Database.SqlQuery<BusinessUnit>(sql, new SqlParameter("userID", [[your user ID here]]));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21774
If I'm understanding correctly, what you want is a recursive query (a recursive common table expression in raw T-SQL). As far as I know, there is no way to write such a recursive query in pure LINQ to Entities.
However, if you know the max depth the hierarchy, you can build up a single query that joins on itself a fixed number of times to achieve the result that you want.
int userIdOfInterest = ...
IQueryable<BusinessUnit> units = ...
// start with a query of all units the user has direct permission to
var initialPermissionedUnits = units.Where(bu => bu.UserPermissions.Any(up => up.User.Id == userIdOfInterest));
var allHierarchyLevels = new Stack<IQueryable<BusinessUnit>();
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_DEPTH; ++i) {
// get the next level of permissioned units by joining the last level with
// it's children
var nextHierarchyLevel = allHierarchyLevels.Peek()
// if you set up a Children association on BusinessUnit, you could replace
// this join with SelectMany(parent => parent.Children)
.Join(units, parent => parent.BusinessUnitId, child => child.ParentBusinessUnit.BusinessUnitId, (parent, child) => child));
// build an IQueryable<> which represents ALL units the query is permissioned too
// by UNIONING together all levels of the hierarchy (the UNION will eliminate duplicates as well)
var allPermissionedUnits = allHierarchyLevels.Aggregate((q1, q2) => q1.Union(q2));
// finally, execute the big query we've built up
return allPermissionedUnits.ToList();
Of course, the performance of the generated query will most likely worsen as MAX_DEPTH increases. However, it will probably be better that executing 1 query per level of the hierarchy in a for loop.
If you don't know MAX_DEPTH, you could consider adding a depth column to your business units table (easy to set on insertion because it's always parent.depth + 1). Then you could easily query for MAX_DEPTH before running the permissioning query.
Upvotes: 2