Reputation: 304
I'm converting GeoPoints from a route to an overlay and inserting to the map, on the overlays list (using mapView.getOverlays()).
On the first execution, everything went fine, but after, the map doesn't display the route overlay. After researching, I've remembered I have to call populate() to update the map overlays, but I don't know how to do that outside the ItemizedOverlay class.
Someone could help me?
Thanks in advance, Danniel.
Method which gets the route and parse the polyline into GeoPoints
public void drawRoute(Location from, double toLat, double toLon) {
String url = RoadProvider.getUrl(from.getLatitude(), from.getLongitude(), toLat, toLon);
Log.i("rotaUrl", url);
JSONGet routeHttpObj = new JSONGet(mContext, url) {
protected void jsonHandler(JSONObject routeJsonObj) {
Log.i("Rota", "Rota recebida...");
try {
// Qual o status da requisição da rota?
String status = routeJsonObj.getString("status").toString();
// O webservice conseguiu traçar uma rota?
if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("OK")) {
Log.i("Rota", "Ok");
Log.i("overlay", mapOverlays.toString());
Log.i("overlay", mapOverlays.size()+"");
// Remove a rota, caso exista
if (mapOverlays.size() == 3) {
// Reseta o mapa
Log.i("overlay", mapOverlays.size()+"");
// Extração da polyline codificada
String polyline = routeJsonObj.getJSONArray("routes").getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("overview_polyline").getString("points");
// Decodificação da polyline para um array de GeoPoints
ArrayList<GeoPoint> route = RoadProvider.decodePolyline(polyline);
// Instanciamento do objeto da rota
RoadOverlay routeOverlay = new RoadOverlay(route);
// Pega a lista de overlays e adiciona a rota ao mapview
// Reseta o mapa
Log.i("overlay", mapOverlays.size()+"");
Log.i("overlay", mapOverlays.toString());
// Pega os passos da rota
/*JSONArray routeSteps = routeJsonObj.getJSONArray("routes").getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("legs").getJSONArray("steps");
// Percorre os passos da rota e insere nos vetores, para guiar o motorista
for (int i=0; i<routeSteps.length(); i++) {
// O objeto do passo no indice i
JSONObject stepObj = routeSteps.getJSONObject(i);
// Cria o array dos pontos
GeoPoint[] arrPoints = new GeoPoint[2];
// Insere a latitude e longitude no array
//arrPoints[0] = stepObj.getJSONObject(name)
// Insere o array na lista
// routeInstructions
// Copia os pontos para referencia futura
routePoints = (ArrayList<GeoPoint>) route.clone();
} else {
// Qual o erro?
if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("NOT_FOUND")) {
} else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("ZERO_RESULTS")) {
} else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED")) {
} else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("INVALID_REQUEST")) {
} else if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("OVER_QUERY_LIMIT") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("REQUEST_DENIED")) {
} else {
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Desabilita a exibição do loading
// Executa a requisição
Class which draws the route overlay
public class RoadOverlay extends Overlay {
private ArrayList<GeoPoint> pointList;
public RoadOverlay(ArrayList<GeoPoint> pointList) {
this.pointList = pointList;
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) {
Point current = new Point();
Path path = new Path();
Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
Iterator<GeoPoint> iterator = pointList.iterator();
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
projection.toPixels(, current);
path.moveTo((float) current.x, (float) current.y);
} else {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
projection.toPixels(, current);
path.lineTo((float) current.x, (float) current.y);
Paint pathPaint = new Paint();
pathPaint.setColor(Color.argb(64, 0, 0, 255));
canvas.drawPath(path, pathPaint);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 230
Reputation: 7526
Create a method inside your itemized overlay class
and put the populate();
inside that method and call that method using instance of itemized class.
Inside the Itemized class
void populateNow()
call it as follows
Upvotes: 1