
Reputation: 415

OpenMP and array summation with Fortran 90

I'm trying to to compute pressure tensor of a crystal structure. To do so, I have to go throught all pair of particle like in the simplify code below

  do i=1, atom_number      ! sum over atoms i
   type1 = ATOMS(i)
   do nj=POINT(i), POINT(i+1)-1  ! sum over atoms j of i's atoms list
       j = LIST(nj)
       type2 = ATOMS(j) 
       call get_ff_param(type1,type2,Aab,Bab,Cab,Dab)
       call distance_sqr2(i,j,r,VECT_R)
       call gettensor_rij(i,j,T)
       r = sqrt(r)
       if (r<coub_cutoff) then
          local_sum_real(id+1) = local_sum_real(id+1) + ( erfc(alpha_ewald*r) 
          derivative = -( erfc(alpha_ewald*r)
          ff = - (1.0d0/r)*derivative  
          STRESS_EWALDD = STRESS_EWALDD + ff * T  ! A 3x3 matrix    
          FDX(i) = FDX(i) + VECT_R(1) * ff
          FDY(i) = FDY(i) + VECT_R(2) * ff
          FDZ(i) = FDZ(i) + VECT_R(3) * ff
          FDX(j) = FDX(j) - VECT_R(1) * ff
          FDY(j) = FDY(j) - VECT_R(2) * ff
          FDZ(j) = FDZ(j) - VECT_R(3) * ff     
       end if                                  
   end do               ! sum over atoms j 

   sum_kin = sum_kin + ATMMASS(i) * (VX(i)**2 + VY(i)**2 + VZ(i)**2)  
   call gettensor_v(i,Q)

 end do 

I tried to parallelized this double loop with the "paralle do" directive but got some issue with the tensor STRESS_EWALDD and the forces FDX .... I therefore tried to assign manualy to each thread a number of particles like in the follwing code but still get the wrong tensor value.

!$omp parallel  private(id,j,i,nj,type1,type2,T,Q,r,VECT_R,derivative,Aab,Bab,Cab,Dab,ff)

 id = omp_get_thread_num()      
 do i=id+1, atom_number,nthreads       ! sum over atoms i
       type1 = ATOMS(i)
       do nj=POINT(i), POINT(i+1)-1  ! sum over atoms j of i's atoms list
           j = LIST(nj)
           type2 = ATOMS(j) 
           call get_ff_param(type1,type2,Aab,Bab,Cab,Dab)
           call distance_sqr2(i,j,r,VECT_R)
           call gettensor_rij(i,j,T)
           r = sqrt(r)
           if (r<coub_cutoff) then
              local_sum_real(id+1) = local_sum_real(id+1) + ( erfc(alpha_ewald*r) 
              derivative = -( erfc(alpha_ewald*r)
              ff = - (1.0d0/r)*derivative  
          local_STRESS_EWALDD(id+1,:,:) = local_STRESS_EWALDD(id+1,:,:) + ff * T    
          FDX(i) = FDX(i) + VECT_R(1) * ff
              FDY(i) = FDY(i) + VECT_R(2) * ff
              FDZ(i) = FDZ(i) + VECT_R(3) * ff
              FDX(j) = FDX(j) - VECT_R(1) * ff
              FDY(j) = FDY(j) - VECT_R(2) * ff
              FDZ(j) = FDZ(j) - VECT_R(3) * ff     
           end if                                  
       end do               ! sum over atoms j 

   local_sum_kin(id+1) = local_sum_kin(id+1) + ATMMASS(i) * (VX(i)**2 + VY(i)**2 + VZ(i)**2)  
   call gettensor_v(i,Q)
   local_STRESS_KINETIC(id+1,:,:) = local_STRESS_KINETIC(id+1,:,:) + ATMMASS(i) * Q

 end do               ! sum over atoms i

!$omp end parallel

 do i=1,nthreads  
   sum_real = sum_real + local_sum_real(i)
   sum_virial_buck = sum_virial_buck + local_sum_virial_buck(i)
   sum_buck = sum_buck + local_sum_buck(i)
   sum_kin  = sum_kin + local_sum_kin(i)
 end do 

Scalars and STRESS_KINETIC values are correct but the STRESS_EWALDD is wrong and I can't figure out why. I've no idea about forces so far. So I'd really appreciate some hit here. Thanks,


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Views: 1859

Answers (1)

Hristo Iliev
Hristo Iliev

Reputation: 74405

You have taken a somewhat unorthodox approach to using OpenMP.

OpenMP provides the reduction(op:vars) clause that performs reduction with op over local values of the variables in vars and you should use it for STRESS_EWALD, sum_kin, sum_real and STRESS_KINETIC. Force accumulation for the i-th atom should work since atoms in the Verlet list POINT are ordered (you took the code that builds it from the book from Allen & Tildesley, right?) but not for the j-th atom. That's why you should perform reduction on them too. Don't worry if you read in some older OpenMP manual that reduction variables have to be scalar - newer OpenMP versions support reduction over array variables in Fortran 90+.

do i=1, atom_number      ! sum over atoms i
 type1 = ATOMS(i)
 do nj=POINT(i), POINT(i+1)-1  ! sum over atoms j of i's atoms list
     j = LIST(nj)
     type2 = ATOMS(j) 
     call get_ff_param(type1,type2,Aab,Bab,Cab,Dab)
     call distance_sqr2(i,j,r,VECT_R)
     call gettensor_rij(i,j,T)
     r = sqrt(r)
     if (r<coub_cutoff) then
        sum_real = sum_real + ( erfc(alpha_ewald*r) 
        derivative = -( erfc(alpha_ewald*r)
        ff = - (1.0d0/r)*derivative  
        STRESS_EWALDD = STRESS_EWALDD + ff * T  ! A 3x3 matrix    
        FDX(i) = FDX(i) + VECT_R(1) * ff
        FDY(i) = FDY(i) + VECT_R(2) * ff
        FDZ(i) = FDZ(i) + VECT_R(3) * ff
        FDX(j) = FDX(j) - VECT_R(1) * ff
        FDY(j) = FDY(j) - VECT_R(2) * ff
        FDZ(j) = FDZ(j) - VECT_R(3) * ff     
     end if                                  
 end do               ! sum over atoms j 

 sum_kin = sum_kin + ATMMASS(i) * (VX(i)**2 + VY(i)**2 + VZ(i)**2)  
 call gettensor_v(i,Q)

end do

Using dynamic loop scheduling will reduce the load imbalance when the number of neighbours to each atom varies wildly.

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