Reputation: 3722
Disclaimer: I'm an iOS developer with little JQuery, PHP or MySQL experience.
Here's the deal: I have a MySQL database containing Film info (FilmTitle
, FilmGenre
, FilmDirector
, etc).
My goal is to:
to a JavaScript Array
, I want to populate a drop-Down menu with its contents using createElement()
.I'm getting all sorts of goofy stuff: Some document.write()
commands are working and some aren't; The drop-down menu isn't getting populated; etc.
First question: Is this even a good strategy to begin with? I figured that as the number of films in the database changes, the only way to properly update the drop-down menu would be to do what I described.
Second Question: This should all be in a PHP file, not an HTML file, correct? But can PHP even execute JavaScript functions? Or does something special need to be done to make this work?
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>";
echo "<allFilms>";
$link = mysql_connect(" . . . . ");
$query = "select * from FilmsSmallTable";
$result = mysql_query($query);
// Declare array variable:
$allFilmTitles = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo "<film>";
echo "<FilmName>";
echo $row['FilmTitle'];
array_push($allFilmTitles, $row["FilmTitle"]);
echo "</FilmName>";
echo "</film>";
// Print array out to verify:
echo "Here is the array's full contents:<br/>";
print_r ($allFilmTitles);
//convert array to string using ":#:" as separator
$stringedArray = implode(":#:",$allFilmTitles);
echo "<br/><br/>";
echo "PHP Array converted to a PHP String (the 'stringedArray' variable) = <br/>";
print_r ($stringedArray);
echo "</allFilms>";
<title>PHP & JS</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showArray() {
//Convert PHP string to JavaScript string
var JSArrayString = "<? print $stringedArray; ?>";
//Create JavaScript array
var JSarray = new Array();
var x;
//Fill JavaScript array from the converted string
JSarray = JSArrayString.split(":#:");
// And sort it:
//document.write("JSarray's length = ", JSarray.length);
document.write("JSarray contains: ", JSarray);
// reset the Form's drop-down menu to contain no elements:
FilmsDropDownMenu.length = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < JSarray.length; counter++) {
document.write("Counter = " + counter + "<br/>");
var newMenuItem=document.createElement("option");
newMenuItem.text = JSarray[counter];
try {
//currentMenu.add(newMenuItem, null); // standards compliant
FilmsDropDownMenu.add(newMenuItem, null); // standards compliant
catch(ex) {
//currentMenu.add(newMenuItem); // IE only
function displayUsersChoice() {
// Grab the INDEX number of the choice the user selected from that menu:
var tempMenu = document.getElementById("FilmsDropDownMenu").selectedIndex;
choice = tempMenu[choiceSelected].value;
alert ("You chose: " + choice);
<body onload="showArray()">
<form id="myForm">
<select id="FilmsDropDownMenu" onChange="displayUsersChoice()">
<option>==Choose Film to Edit:==</option>
<option>Star Wars</option>
<input type="submit" value="Display Array" onclick="showArray()" />
Upvotes: 1
Views: 146
Reputation: 1481
This is just an example how you can create the drop down directly from PHP. Sometimes the easy way is the right way:
$allFilmTitles = array("Godfather", "Colombo", "Naked Gun");
print '<select name="FilmsDropDownMenu" id="FilmsDropDownMenu">';
foreach ($allFilmTitles as $film)
print "<option>{$film}</option>";
print "</select>";
Upvotes: 3