Reputation: 3550
How can i reference category name and image from a static block in magento through the magento backend? I'm running 1.7.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4149
Reputation: 1
I wanted the image to link to the category as well so I added ...
public function getCategoryUrl()
return $this->_category->getUrl();
$_categoryName = $this->getCategoryName();
$_categoryImage = $this->getCategoryImage();
$_categoryUrl = $this->getCategoryUrl();
<div class="categoryinfo_block block">
<p><strong><?php echo $_categoryName ?></strong></p>
<a href="<?php echo $_categoryUrl ?>" title="<?php echo $_categoryName ?>" alt="<?php echo $_categoryName ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $_categoryImage ?>" alt="<?php echo $_categoryName ?>" />
If that helps anyone else?
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Reputation: 10114
I am not aware of a way in which you can easily reference these values from within a static block.
Instead, I would suggest you create and use a widget (one of the most underused features of Magento in my opinion) which will provide a much cleaner and more extendible way of achieving this - though it does require more work upfront :)
Please see code below for a full (simplified) example of a Magento Widget which does exactly what you have asked from the static block:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<category_widget type="categorywidget/catalog_category_widget_info" translate="name description" module="categorywidget">
<name>Category Info Block</name>
<description>Category Info Block showing name, image etc</description>
<block_title translate="label">
<label>Block Title</label>
<default translate="label">
<label>Category Widget Info Block - Default Template</label>
<!-- Add different temmplates here for different block positions -->
<category translate="label">
<button translate="open">
<open>Select Category...</open>
class MyCompany_Categorywidget_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
class MyCompany_Categorywidget_Block_Catalog_Category_Widget_Info
extends MyCompany_Categorywidget_Block_Catalog_Category_Info
implements Mage_Widget_Block_Interface
protected function _prepareCategory()
$category = $this->_getData('category');
if (false !== strpos($category, '/')) {
$category = explode('/', $category);
$this->setData('category', (int)end($category));
return parent::_prepareCategory();
class MyCompany_Categorywidget_Block_Catalog_Category_Info extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
protected $_category;
protected function _beforeToHtml()
$this->_category = $this->_prepareCategory();
return parent::_beforeToHtml();
protected function _prepareCategory()
return Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($this->_getData('category'));
protected function _validateCategory()
if (! $this->hasData('category')) {
throw new Exception('Category must be set for info block');
public function getCategoryName()
return $this->_category->getName();
public function getCategoryImage()
return $this->_category->getImageUrl();
$_categoryName = $this->getCategoryName();
$_categoryImage = $this->getCategoryImage();
<div class="categoryinfo_block block">
<p><strong><?php echo $_categoryName ?></strong></p>
<img src="<?php echo $_categoryImage ?>" alt="<?php echo $_categoryName ?>" />
Upvotes: 3