
Reputation: 2131

zabbix search for a string on trigger

I have a userparameter on the agent which returns a string. This string contains a line with E:x where x==0 if no errors were found and x>0 if errors found. I want to check this number on the trigger but cannot find how to do it. Alternatively I could use the exit status of my command if possible. Thank you.

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Views: 13949

Answers (2)


Reputation: 95

Try this Approach:

{HP LaserJet P2055dn:display.str(Load Paper)}

It should works.

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Stephen Wood
Stephen Wood

Reputation: 1345

Zabbix triggers run an expression on a value.

If your key returns a string, you'll have to use a regular expression match to do what you're describing:


This will trigger an alert if the hostname key returns a value that does not match "IMPORTANT-SERVER" (case sensitive).

If your key returns an unsigned integer, you can use expressions that check values.


This will return an alert if the value returned from the key "uptime" is less than 300, which in this case would mean the machine has less than 5 minutes of uptime and was probably restarted. This ONLY works if the value returns an unsigned integer.

My suggestion is to change your check to only respond with a number (or exit code). Collect the data as an unsigned integer. Set up a trigger to say if the number is not a 0, then send a trigger.

Otherwise you're going to have to match a regular expression against a string.

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