Reputation: 11
I know user's name in Twitter. How to get user's country using Twitter gem?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1388
Reputation: 114218
It's the very first usage example:
However, location
is just a string. The user's country isn't stored explicitly.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 655
The user object holds country information
"user":{"statuses_count":3080, "favourites_count":22, "protected":false,
"profile_text_color":"437792", "profile_image_url":"...", "name":"Twitter API",
"profile_sidebar_fill_color":"a9d9f1", "listed_count":9252, "following":true,
"profile_background_tile":false, "utc_offset":-28800, "description":"The Real Twitter API.
I tweet about API changes, service issues and happily answer questions about Twitter and
our API. Don't get an answer? It's on my website.", "location":"San Francisco, CA",
"contributors_enabled":true, "verified":true, "profile_link_color":"0094C2",
"followers_count":665829, "url":"http:\/\/", "default_profile":false,
"profile_sidebar_border_color":"0094C2", "screen_name":"twitterapi",
"default_profile_image":false, "notifications":false, "display_url":null,
"show_all_inline_media":false, "geo_enabled":true, "profile_use_background_image":true,
"friends_count":32, "id_str":"6253282", "entities":{"hashtags":[], "urls":[],
"user_mentions":[]}, "expanded_url":null, "is_translator":false, "lang":"en",
"time_zone":"Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "created_at":"Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000
2007", "profile_background_color":"e8f2f7", "id":6253282, "follow_request_sent":false,
"profile_background_image_url_https":"...", "profile_background_image_url":"...",
It can also be determined by the Coordinates object - if you care to use a mapping service to try and determine where the latitude and longitude lines place the tweet in terms of country or you could delineate the corners of a country to try and get a general idea. For example, you could use
Northernmost point Northwest Angle, Minnesota (49°23'4.1" N)
Southernmost point Ballast Key, Florida ( 24°31′15″ N)
Easternmost point Sail Rock, just offshore of West Quoddy Head, Maine (66°57' W)
Westernmost point Bodelteh Islands offshore from Cape Alava, Washington (124°46' W)
as the contiguous 48 US States as both the places object and the location of the users object are frequently null or not specified in practice:
or lastly by the places object
"country":"United States",
"full_name":"Washington, DC",
"url": ""
Upvotes: 1