Reputation: 167
I have tried asking this in another question, but I may have put too many details.
I am using Grails and multiple datasources. If you want to use services to declare the datasource, that does NOT work at all for me.
static datasource = "db1"
No matter what, this has not worked for me in Grails Services
Thank you for any help/suggestions.
== I am editing this to include my Datasource.groovy
Now, this works fine if I use the static mapping on the domain object for my second database. However, I want the service to decide what database must be written to, therefore I was hoping that the service datasource attribute works as in the documentation.
If I declare that my domain object uses "ALL" datasources, the service will write to the default datasource, despite the fact that I set the
static datasource = "db21"
If I declare that my domain object uses "db1" datasource, the service will write to the db1 datasource
=============== edit ==============
dataSource {
pooled = true
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
username = "sa"
password = ""
hibernate {
cache.use_second_level_cache = true
cache.use_query_cache = true
cache.region.factory_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheRegionFactory'
// environment specific settings
environments {
development {
dataSource {
dbCreate = "validate"
url = "jdbc:h2:devDb;MVCC=TRUE"
dataSource_db1 {
dbCreate = "validate"
url = "jdbc:h2:dev1Db;MVCC=TRUE"
pooled = true
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
username = "sa"
password = ""
test {
dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb;MVCC=TRUE"
production {
dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb;MVCC=TRUE"
pooled = true
properties {
maxActive = -1
validationQuery="SELECT 1"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1627
Reputation: 67
We have used multiple datasources in our Grails applications and have had success switching the datasource in the Service using the approach that you indicated above...
static datasource = "db1"
However, the difference is that in all of our domain objects we have defined which datasource the domain object belongs to. I am not sure if it is possible to do without defining the non-default datasource in the mapping.
static mapping = { datasource 'db1' }
In some cases, we will have 2 different domain classes that have the same name but point to different datasources. In order to keep this clean, we will put the 2 domain classes in different packages and the service that uses those domain classes/datasources in the same package.
for example...
//Domain Classes
package com.yourcompany
class Student {
static mapping = {
//if you don't indicate the datasource it will use the default
package com.yourcompany.db1
class Student {
static mapping = {
datasource 'db1'
package com.yourcompany
class DefaultDbService {
def getStudents() {
//This will query the default datasource
package com.yourcompany.db1
class Db1Service {
static datasource = "db1"
def getStudents() {
//This will query the 'db1' datasource
You might try this approach and see if it gets you the result that you are looking for.
Upvotes: 1