Reputation: 733
This problem is in an Excel .xls file.
Simplest Use Case:
Column A has one row. Column B has 5 rows. The 5 rows in Column B need to be merged into one row, delimited by newlines.
I have a huge .xls document where there are a ton of IDs in column A. There are on average anywhere from 3 to 10 rows that belong to each column A row.
How to know which Column B rows belong to which Column A? By the positioning of the cells. One Column A row may have 5 Column B rows to the right of it.
I don't have any VBA experience. I have looked around for macros and functions but haven't had any luck finding anything that matches this problem.
Edit: I am now trying to figure out how to get the script to ignore rows that have a one-to-one mapping between column A and column B.
Edit again - 06-20-2012:
Now that I can attach images, here is a screenshot of an image for what I'm trying to get.
The rows for Brian and Mark should be ignored, while Scott and Tim get their values copied over.
Unmerging column A, using the code that Andy supplied, and then using this VB script afterwards does the trick:
Sub mergeA()
For i = 2 To Cells(65535, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) Then Range(Cells(i - 1, 1), Cells(i, 1)).Merge
End Sub
That VB script puts the cells in column A back together
I didn't make the script, it came from this web page:
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Views: 9274
Reputation: 2302
This will transform the data shown on the left to the output on the right:
Option Explicit
Sub Make_Severely_Denormalized()
Const HEADER_ROWS As Long = 1
Const OUTPUT_TO_COLUMN As Long = 3
Const DELIMITER As String = vbNewLine
Dim A_Range As Range
Dim B_Range As Range
Dim A_temp As Range
Dim B_temp As Range
Dim B_Cell As Range
Dim Concat As String
On Error GoTo Whoops
Set A_Range = Range("A1").Offset(HEADER_ROWS)
Do While Not A_Range Is Nothing
Set B_Range = A_Range.Offset(0, 1)
' some helper ranges
If A_Range.Offset(1, 0).Value = "" Then
Set A_temp = Range(A_Range, A_Range.End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0))
Set A_temp = A_Range.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Set B_temp = Range(B_Range, B_Range.End(xlDown)).Offset(0, -1)
' determine how high "B" is WRT no change in "A"
Set B_Range = Range(B_Range, B_Range.Resize( _
Application.Intersect(A_temp, B_temp, ActiveSheet.UsedRange).Count))
' loop through "B" and build up the string
Concat = ""
For Each B_Cell In B_Range
Concat = Concat & B_Cell.Value & DELIMITER
Concat = Left(Concat, Len(Concat) - Len(DELIMITER))
' do the needful
A_Range.Offset(0, OUTPUT_TO_COLUMN - 1).Value = Concat
' find the next change in "A"
If A_Range.Offset(1, 0).Value = "" Then
Set A_Range = Application.Intersect(A_Range.End(xlDown), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
Set A_Range = A_Range.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox (Err & " " & Error)
Resume Next
End Sub
Upvotes: 1