Reputation: 63687
I am trying to insert a few rows into the MySQL table using Codeigniter and Active Records.
PHP Code
$data = array('......'); // some rows of data to insert
$this->db->insert_batch('my_table', $data);
However this may cause duplicate rows to be inserted into the table. To handle the insertion of duplicate data, I plan to use the INSERT IGNORE
command to not insert the row if the row is a duplicate.
Problem: I cannot find the INSERT IGNORE
equivalent in Active Records and do not want to edit the Active Record class. Are there any other alternatives?
The following looks interesting, but if I do the following, wont the query be run twice?
$insert_query = $this->db->insert_batch('my_table', $data); // QUERY RUNS ONCE
$insert_query = str_replace('INSERT INTO','INSERT IGNORE INTO',$insert_query);
$this->db->query($insert_query); // QUERY RUNS A SECOND TIME
Upvotes: 28
Views: 44859
Reputation: 75
Avoid duplicate data insertion in codeigniter is a tricky task. But you can ignore duplicate values insertion using customized library method in very simple and accurate way. I have found a suitable solution at: how-to-avoid-duplicate-data-insertion-in-codeigniter-php
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Reputation: 18567
If still someone is struggling with insert_batch to use ignore,
Check this path,
Search for function
protected function _insert_batch
Thank me later. :)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 71
solution :
$sql = $this->db->set($data)->get_compiled_insert($table);
$sql = str_replace('INSERT INTO', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', $sql);
works in codeigniter 3.0.6 :)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 112
add to file DB_query_builder.php
this 2 functions
public function insert_ignore_batch($table = '', $set = NULL, $escape = NULL) {
if ($set !== NULL)
$this->set_insert_batch($set, '', $escape);
if (count($this->qb_set) === 0)
// No valid data array. Folds in cases where keys and values did not match up
return ($this->db_debug) ? $this->display_error('db_must_use_set') : FALSE;
if ($table === '')
if ( ! isset($this->qb_from[0]))
return ($this->db_debug) ? $this->display_error('db_must_set_table') : FALSE;
$table = $this->qb_from[0];
// Batch this baby
$affected_rows = 0;
for ($i = 0, $total = count($this->qb_set); $i < $total; $i += 100)
$this->query($this->_insert_ignore_batch($this->protect_identifiers($table, TRUE, $escape, FALSE), $this->qb_keys, array_slice($this->qb_set, $i, 100)));
$affected_rows += $this->affected_rows();
return $affected_rows;
protected function _insert_ignore_batch($table, $keys, $values) {
return 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$table.' ('.implode(', ', $keys).') VALUES '.implode(', ', $values);
$this->db->insert_ignore_batch('TableName', $data);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 103
I too had same issue what helped me is :
Open : Codeigniter/system/database/DB_query_builder.php :
protected function _insert_batch($table, $keys, $values)
return 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.implode(', ', $keys).') VALUES '.implode(', ', $values);
and replace with :
protected function _insert_batch($table, $keys, $values)
return 'INSERT IGNORE INTO '.$table.' ('.implode(', ', $keys).') VALUES '.implode(', ', $values);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 61
This is basically a modification of Rocket Hazmat's suggestion, which is great, but doesn't take into account the fact that str_replace operates on the entire string and might inadvertently affect the data.
$insert_query = $this->db->insert_string('my_table', $data);
$insert_query = preg_replace('/INSERT INTO/','INSERT IGNORE INTO',$insert_query,1);
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 11
For this purpose i made this helper function:
function insert_batch_string($table='',$data=[],$ignore=false){
$CI = &get_instance();
$sql = '';
if ($table && !empty($data)){
$rows = [];
foreach ($data as $row) {
$insert_string = $CI->db->insert_string($table,$row);
if(empty($rows) && $sql ==''){
$sql = substr($insert_string,0,stripos($insert_string,'VALUES'));
$rows[] = trim(substr($insert_string,stripos($insert_string,'VALUES')+6));
$sql.=' VALUES '.implode(',',$rows);
if ($ignore) $sql = str_ireplace('INSERT INTO', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', $sql);
return $sql;
It can do batch insert and batch insert with ignore. To avoid duplicate rows you must set a unique key in the database table for a primary field.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1034
Not highly recommended but here is a hack to preserve the batch insert (which is more efficient wrt Mysql)
// try to insert as usual first
$this->db->insert_batch('my_table', $data);
// if it fails resort to IGNORE
$sql = $this->db->last_query();
$sql = str_replace('INSERT INTO', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', $sql);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3098
As I also encountered a similar problem, I finally chose a little bit more "elegant" solution like the one below. A complete insert_batch query that is something that uses Rocket's answer AND transactions:
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_query = $this->db->insert_string('table_name', $item);
$insert_query = str_replace('INSERT INTO', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', $insert_query);
That will also wrap everything on a transaction resulting on a faster query like doing a insert_batch(). Well not as fast as insert_batch() but faster than a single query for each entry of course. I hope it will help someone.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 834
For batch uploads you might need something more like:
foreach ($data as $data_item) {
$insert_query = $this->db->insert_string('my_table', $data_item);
$insert_query = str_replace('INSERT INTO', 'INSERT IGNORE INTO', $insert_query);
UPDATE: Use dcostalis's version (in the comments below this one), it will scale much better :-)
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 56
Using the technique of your second idea, you could generate a query by looping over the array and using:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 227280
Don't use insert_batch
, as it actually runs the query. You want insert_string
$insert_query = $this->db->insert_string('my_table', $data);
$insert_query = str_replace('INSERT INTO','INSERT IGNORE INTO',$insert_query);
UPDATE: This doesn't work for batch queries, only one row at a time.
Upvotes: 46
Reputation: 8579
Avoid duplicate rows by setting a unique key in the database table for at least one of the fields.
Upvotes: -1