Reputation: 1
I have written a trigger for unique asset name.I have to write a test case for it can someone please help I am new to apex.
trigger NameTrigger on Asset (before insert)
list al = new List ();
al = [select Name from Asset];
For(integer i=0;i<al.size();i++)
for(Asset a2 : Trigger.New)
if(al[i].Name == a2.Name)
a2.Name.addError('This value already Exist');
Upvotes: 0
Views: 4890
Reputation: 416
A test class for your trigger would look something like this.
private class AssetTriggerTest {
private static string assetName = 'TestAsset';
private static Id accId;
private static void createAccount(){
Account acc = new Account(name='TestAcc');
insert acc;
accId = acc.Id;
private static Asset createAsset(){
if(accId == null)
return new Asset(Name=assetName, AccountId=accId);
private static testMethod void testSingleInsert(){
insert createAsset();
List<Asset> assets = [SELECT Id FROM Asset WHERE Name = :assetName];
system.assertEquals(1, assets.size());
private static testMethod void testInsertExistingName(){
insert createAsset();
Exception e;
insert createAsset();
} catch(Exception ex){
e = ex;
system.assertNotEquals(null, e);
system.assert(e instanceOf system.Dmlexception);
system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('This name is already used'));
private static testMethod void testDoubleInsertSameName(){
Exception e;
insert new List<Asset>{createAsset(), createAsset()};
} catch(Exception ex){
e = ex;
system.assertNotEquals(null, e);
system.assert(e instanceOf system.Dmlexception);
system.assert(e.getMessage().contains('This name is already used'));
The class test that the trigger doesn't stop valid data being saved as well as ensuring it stops duplicates being created. I added a third test as well which looks to make sure data isn't saved if there are duplicates within the
collection as well. Your trigger currently doesn't cater for this so I have included a copy of how I would right this trigger to pass all three tests; feel free to ignore.
trigger AssetTrigger on Asset (before insert) {
Map<string, Asset> newAssets = new Map<string, Asset>();
for(Asset a :{
newAssets.put(a.Name, a);
a.Name.addError('This name is already used');
for(Asset a : [SELECT Name FROM Asset WHERE Name IN :newAssets.keySet()]){
newAssets.get(a.Name).Name.addError('This name is already used');
Upvotes: 1