Reputation: 359
I have an existing program which takes command line arguments (username, password, date) and then uses the Network.HTTP.Conduit
library to post an xml message to a server. I then parse the results, do some work and use blaze-html to write out to a file.
It all works like a charm; however, I thought I'd use haskeline
so that the password isn't visible. I'm able to create a command line program that gets the user-supplied values and prints them out, but if I call the function that uses conduit, it never returns.
Here is the offending code:
main = runInputT defaultSettings loop
loop :: InputT IO ()
loop = do
Just username <- getInputLine "WM username: "
Just password <- getPassword (Just '*') "WM password: "
Just date <- getInputLine "Date (YYYYMMDD): "
outputStrLn "querying WM..."
clients <- lift $ getWMClients username password
outputStrLn "successfully retrieved client list from WM..."
let outHeader = renderHeader date username
reportString <- mapM (\x -> createString x clients) cList
lift $ writeFile (date ++ "_report.html") (outHeader ++ concat reportString)
outputStrLn "Done"
The function getWMClients function is:
getWMClients :: Username -> String -> IO [Client]
getWMClients username password = do
let f = [Size "-1", Skip "0"]
let fs = [Select "id",
Select "status",
Select "last-name",
Select "first-name",
let query = WMQuery {transaction=SHARE,service=Query,businessObject=CONT,field=f,fields=fs}
results <- doQuery username (Just password) Nothing (Just query)
rows <- xmlResultsToMaps results
let clients = map makeClient rows
return clients
When I run the program it hangs at "querying WM..." I don't think http-conduit is ever actually running. Any hints on how to make this work?
Thanks in advance, Neil
Upvotes: 5
Views: 386
Reputation: 8153
You claim it worked with hard-coded username, password, date before haskeline. To help debug, perhaps you could not lift the conduit into InputT. Does the following still fail? (I did not compile this, so feel free to fix the syntax errors...)
-- Isolate the haskeline monad to just the input part:
main = loop
loop :: IO ()
loop = do
(username,password,date) <- runInputT defaultSettings $ do
Just username <- getInputLine "WM username: "
Just password <- getPassword (Just '*') "WM password: "
Just date <- getInputLine "Date (YYYYMMDD): "
return (username,password,date)
putStrLn "querying WM..."
clients <- getWMClients username password
putStrLn "successfully retrieved client list from WM..."
let outHeader = renderHeader date username
putString <- mapM (\x -> createString x clients) cList
writeFile (date ++ "_report.html") (outHeader ++ concat reportString)
putStrLn "Done"
Upvotes: 1