Reputation: 914
Is there a simple way to export the data from a meteor deployed app?
So, for example, if I had deployed an app named
How could I easily download the data that has been collected by that app - so that I could run it locally with data from the deployed app?
Upvotes: 71
Views: 18055
Reputation: 11
Here is a simple bash script that lets you dump your database from hosted sites.
name="$(meteor mongo --url $site)"
echo $name
IFS='@' read -a mongoString <<< "$name"
echo "HEAD: ${mongoString[0]}"
echo "TAIL: ${mongoString[1]}"
IFS=':' read -a pwd <<< "${mongoString[0]}"
echo "${pwd[1]}"
echo "${pwd[1]:2}"
echo "${pwd[2]}"
IFS='/' read -a site <<< "${mongoString[1]}"
echo "${site[0]}"
echo "${site[1]}"
mongodump -u ${pwd[1]:2} -h ${site[0]} -d ${site[1]}\
-p ${pwd[2]}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1787
I think you can use a remotely mounted file system via sshfs and then rsync to synchronize the mongodb's folder itself or your entire Meteor folder I believe as well. This is like doing an incremental backup and potentially more efficient. It's possible to use the same solution for sending changes of your code, etc. so why not get you database changes back at the same time too?! (killing 2 birds with 1 stone)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 212
# How to upload local db to meteor:
# -h = host, -d = database name, -o = dump folder name
mongodump -h -d meteor -o meteor
# get meteor db url, username, and password
meteor mongo --url
# -h = host, -d = database name (app domain), -p = password, folder = the path to the dumped db
mongorestore -u client -h -d myapp_meteor_com -p 'password' folder/
While uploading local db to remote db, having an assertion Exception
shubham@shubham-PC:$ mongorestore -u client -h -d myapp_meteor_com -p my_password local/
2015-04-22T16:37:38.504+0530 Assertion failure _setName.size() src/mongo/client/dbclientinterface.h 219
2015-04-22T16:37:38.506+0530 0xdcc299 0xd6c7c8 0xd4bfd2 0x663468 0x65d82e 0x605f98 0x606442 0x7f5d102f8ec5 0x60af41
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x39) [0xdcc299]
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc+0x198) [0xd6c7c8]
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo12verifyFailedEPKcS1_j+0x102) [0xd4bfd2]
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo16ConnectionStringC2ENS0_14ConnectionTypeERKSsS3_+0x1c8) [0x663468]
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo16ConnectionString5parseERKSsRSs+0x1ce) [0x65d82e]
mongorestore(_ZN5mongo4Tool4mainEiPPcS2_+0x2c8) [0x605f98]
mongorestore(main+0x42) [0x606442]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f5d102f8ec5]
mongorestore() [0x60af41]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mongo::AssertionException'
what(): assertion src/mongo/client/dbclientinterface.h:219
Aborted (core dumped)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2411
I have created a tool, mmongo
, that wraps all the Mongo DB client shell commands for convenient use on a Meteor database. If you use npm
(Node Package Manager), you can install it with:
npm install -g mmongo
Otherwise, see README.
To back up your Meteor database, you can now do:
mmongo dump
To upload it to your local development meteor would be:
mmongo restore dump/test_meteor_com
And if you accidentally delete your production database:
mmongo --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' # whoops!
You can easily restore it:
mmongo restore dump/test_meteor_com
If you'd rather export a collection (say tasks
) to something readable:
mmongo export -c tasks -o tasks.json
Then you can open up tasks.json
in your text editor, do some changes and insert the changes with:
mmongo import tasks.json -c tasks --upsert
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 21911
meteor-backup is by far the easiest way to do this.
sudo npm install -g meteor-db-utils
meteor-backup [domain] [collection...]
As of March 2015 you still need to specify all collections you want to fetch though (until this issue is resolved).
Stuff from the past below
I'm doing
mongodump $(meteor mongo -U | coffee url2args.cfee)
together with this little coffeescript, with a mangled extension in order not to confuse Meteor, url2args.cfee
stdin = process.openStdin()
stdin.setEncoding 'utf8'
stdin.on 'data', (input) ->
m = input.match /mongodb:\/\/(\w+):((\w+-)+\w+)@((\w+\.)+\w+):27017\/(\w+)/
console.log "-u #{m[1]} -h #{m[4]} -p #{m[2]} -d #{m[6]}"
(it would be nicer if meteor mongo -U --mongodumpoptions would give these options, or if mongodump would accept the mongo:// URL)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9441
To use an existing local mongodb database on your meteor deploy myAppName
site, you need to dump, then restore the mongodb.
Follow the instructions above to mongodump
(remember the path) and then run the following to generate your 'mongorestore
' (replaces the second step and copy/pasting):
CMD=meteor mongo -U | tail -1 | sed 's_mongodb://\([a-z0-9\-]*\):\([a-f0-9\-]*\)@\(.*\)/\(.*\)_mongorestore -u \1 -p \2 -h \3 -d \4_'
$CMD /path/to/dump
From Can mongorestore take a single url argument instead of separate arguments?
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 31
Here is another solution in bash
#! /bin/bash
# inspired by
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -x
function nowString {
date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
# prod_url="mongodb://...:...@...:.../..."
prod_url=$(meteor mongo katapoolt --url | tr -d '\n')
[[ ${prod_url} =~ ${prod_pattern} ]]
mkdir -p dumps
# local_url="mongodb://...:.../..."
local_url=$(meteor mongo --url | tr -d '\n')
[[ ${local_url} =~ ${local_pattern} ]]
mongodump --host ${PROD_HOST} --port ${PROD_PORT} --username ${PROD_USER} --password ${PROD_PASSWORD} --db ${PROD_DB} --out ${PROD_DUMP_DIR}
mongorestore --port ${LOCAL_PORT} --host ${LOCAL_HOST} --db ${LOCAL_DB} ${PROD_DUMP_DIR}/${PROD_DB}
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 511
And here's how to do the opposite: (uploading your local monogo db to meteor)
# How to upload local db to meteor:
# -h = host, -d = database name, -o = dump folder name
mongodump -h -d meteor -o meteor
# get meteor db url, username, and password
meteor mongo --url
# -h = host, -d = database name (app domain), -p = password, folder = the path to the dumped db
mongorestore -u client -h -d myapp_meteor_com -p 'password' folder/
Upvotes: 38
Reputation: 2559
I made this simple Rakefile to copy the live db to local.
To restore the live db to my local machine I just do...
rake copy_live_db
Replace myapp
with the name of your - e.g
require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' desc "Backup the live db to local ./dump folder" task :backup_live_db do uri = `meteor mongo myapp --url` pass = uri.match(/client:([^@]+)@/)[1] puts "Using live db password: #{pass}" `mongodump -h -d myapp_meteor_com -u client -p #{pass}` end desc "Copy live database to local" task :copy_live_db => :backup_live_db do server = `meteor mongo --url` uri = URI.parse(server) `mongorestore --host #{} --port #{uri.port} --db meteor --drop dump/myapp_meteor_com/` end desc "Restore last backup" task :restore do server = `meteor mongo --url` uri = URI.parse(server) `mongorestore --host #{} --port #{uri.port} --db meteor --drop dump/myapp_meteor_com/` end
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1839
Based on Kasper Souren's solution I created an updated script that works with current versions of Meteor and also works when you protect your remote Meteor app with a password.
Please create the following script
spawn = require('child_process').spawn
mongo = spawn 'meteor', ['mongo', '--url', ''], stdio: [process.stdin, 'pipe', process.stderr]
mongo.stdout.on 'data', (data) ->
data = data.toString()
m = data.match /mongodb:\/\/([^:]+):([^@]+)@([^:]+):27017\/([^\/]+)/
if m?
process.stdout.write "-u #{m[1]} -p #{m[2]} -h #{m[3]} -d #{m[4]}"
if data == 'Password: '
process.stderr.write data
Then execute it like this in a *nix shell:
mongodump `coffee`
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 1686
To get the URL for your deployed site at use the command (you may need to provide your site password if you password protected it):
meteor mongo --url
Which will return something like :
mongodb://client:[email protected]:27017/YOURSITE_meteor_com
Which you can give to a program like mongodump
mongodump -u client -h -d YOURSITE_meteor_com\
The password is only good for one minute. For usage:
$ meteor --help mongo
Upvotes: 90
Reputation: 23963
I suppose your data is in a mongodb database, so if that's the case, the question is more mongo-related than meteor. You may take a look at mongoexport and mongoimport command line tools.
Edit (for example):
mongoexport -h -u my_user -p my_pwd -d my_db -c my_coll
You need to install mongodb on your computer to have this command line tool, and obviously you need your mongodb informations. In the above example, I connect to MongoHQ ( is the host, '12345' is the port of your mongo server), but I don't know which Mongo host is actually used by the meteor hosting. If you tried the Meteor examples (TODOs, Leaderboard, etc.) locally, chances are you already installed Mongo, since it uses a local server by default.
Upvotes: 5