Reputation: 23
Is it right to use List as counterpart of the repeated field in protobuf? I'm trying this and always got exception:
Invalid wire-type; this usually means you have over-written a file without truncating or setting the length; see Using Protobuf-net, I suddenly got an exception about an unknown wire-type
The whole buffer is (the first msg, next which arrive are appended to this): 9 8 5 26 5 24 238 98 32 1
java protobuf file:
package XXX;
option java_package = "XXX";
option java_outer_classname = "Protos";
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message V3DDelta {
optional int32 bid = 1;
optional int32 bidSize = 2;
optional int32 ask = 3;
optional int32 askSize = 4;
message Request {
optional int32 type = 1;
optional string request = 2;
message Response {
optional int32 type = 1;
optional string response = 2;
repeated V3DDelta v3dDelta = 3;
and protbuf-net classes:
public class V3DDelta {
public double bid { get; set; }
public int bidSize { get; set; }
public double ask { get; set; }
public int askSize { get; set; }
public class Request {
public int Type { get; set; }
public string Rq { get; set; }
public class Response {
public int Type { get; set; }
public string Rsp { get; set; }
public List<V3DDelta> v3dDelta { get; set; }
public Response() {
v3dDelta = new List<V3DDelta>();
I tried V3DDelta[] but result is the same. Reading message:
Response rsp = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix<Response>(rcvstream, PrefixStyle.Base128);
and in java message is send using writeDelimitedTo. Buffer in c# is exactly the same as in java. When there was na v3dDelta field everything works as expected.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 10205
Reputation: 1064014
Yes, either List<T>
or an array (T[]
) will work for repeated
. Incidentally, there is a tool for generating protobuf-net classes from a .proto definition.
You are trying to read it "with length prefix", however: 9 is not valid as a varint prefix (9
, as a field header, means "field 1, fixed 64-bit data", however: in this context it should be a varint).
Actually, none of your data is compatible with 9
as a field header, since you don't have any 64-bit values in your definition as field 1
. You do have a double
as field 3
, which would do the job nicely - however, that would be 73
as a field header.
I would tell you what the sequence 9,8,5,... represents, however - we would have:
9 : field 1, fixed 64-bit
8 5 26 5 24 238 98 32 <== payload for above
1 : field 0, fixed 64-bit
^^ not *really* valid, but fields <= 0 generally mean "stop" - but
frankly this is not a clean/defined/expected exit condition
So again: please check your data. That doesn't look like a protobuf stream, or at least not one that matches your schema.
Edit: it occurred that maybe the java writeDelimitedTo includes just the length, without a header) making it technically not a consistent protobuf file, but... meh), so let's investigate that:
int len = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(ms);
which gives us 9
, and we have 9
bytes left, so looking good...
8 : Field 1, varint
5 = payload of above
26 : Field 3, length-delimited
5 = length of payload
24 238 98 32 1 = payload of ^^^
24 : Field 3, varint
238, 98 = payload of ^^^ = 12654
32 : Field 4, varint
1 = payload of ^^^ = 1
This now looks like it should parse... investigating why it isn't...
Edit 2: after a bit more debugging, part of this is because you (sorry to say) borked the V3DDelta
properties. You defined them as int32
in the proto (and field 3 is a varint in the data), but you implemented them as double
... and double
and int32
are not friends.
public class V3DDelta
public int bid { get; set; }
public int bidSize { get; set; }
public int ask { get; set; }
public int askSize { get; set; }
and then the following works fine:
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer))
int len = ProtoReader.DirectReadVarintInt32(ms);
var resp = (Response)model.Deserialize(ms, null, typeof(Response), len);
Assert.AreEqual(5, resp.Type);
Assert.AreEqual(1, resp.v3dDelta.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(12654, resp.v3dDelta[0].ask);
Assert.AreEqual(1, resp.v3dDelta[0].askSize);
Technically, I could make protobuf-net accept a varint
for a double
value, but this is highly indicative of a schema that doesn't really match, so I think the correct thing is to change the type in this case.
Upvotes: 2