Reputation: 20200
We have one main project and two subprojects. One of the subprojects is the playframework which has a "unique" build structure. How can I override the source directories BUT only for that one subproject such that all other projects are using the standard layout of source directories src/main/java, etc.
I tried the first answer which is not working and for my directory structure
build.gradle (1)
build.gradle (2)
The 2nd gradle file is this
java.srcDirs = ['app']
task build << {
println "source sets=$"
When I run this, it prints out stserver/app as my srcDir instead of stserver/webserver/app???? What am I doing wrong here?
thanks, Dean
Upvotes: 3
Views: 3304
Reputation: 15029
Please have a look at the docs Peter has suggested. I have a ready build.gradle
that I have working with Play Framework 2.0~, so I'll share it here in hope you'll find some useful setup tips.
My project structure:
+- master/
+- build.gradle <-- contains common setup,
and applies 'java' plugin to all subprojects
+- ui/ <-- project using Play framework
+- build.gradle <-- excerpt from this file is posted below
The excerpt from build.gradle
//Play dependencies will be downloaded from here
url ""
//Optional but useful. Finds 'play' executable from user's PATH
def findPlay20(){
def pathEnvName = ['PATH', 'Path'].find{ System.getenv()[it] != null }
for(path in System.getenv()[pathEnvName].split(File.pathSeparator)){
for(playExec in ['play.bat', 'play', '']){
if(new File(path, playExec).exists()){
project.ext.playHome = path
project.ext.playExec = new File(path, playExec)
throw new RuntimeException("""'play' command was not found in PATH.
Make sure you have Play Framework 2.0 installed and in your path""")
//Configuration to hold all Play dependencies
providedPlay "play:play_2.9.1:2.0+"
//Eclipse cannot compile Play template, so you have to tell it to
//look for play-compiled classes
providedPlay files('target/scala-2.9.1/classes_managed')
//other dependencies
java.srcDirs = ['app', 'target/scala-2.9.1/src_managed/main']
//Make sure Play libraries are visible during compilation
compileClasspath += configurations.providedPlay
//This task will copy your project dependencies (if any) to 'lib'
//folder, which Play automatically includes in its compilation classpath
task copyPlayLibs(type: Copy){
doFirst { delete 'lib' }
from configurations.compile
into 'lib'
//Sets up common play tasks to be accessible from gradle.
//Can be useful if you use gradle in a continuous integration
//environment like Jenkins.
//'play compile' becomes 'gradle playCompile'
//'play run' becomes 'gradle playRun', and so on.
[ ['run', [copyPlayLibs]],
['compile', [copyPlayLibs]],
['clean', []],
['test', []],
['doc', [copyPlayLibs]],
['stage', [copyPlayLibs]] ].each { cmdSpec ->
def playCommand = cmdSpec[0]
def depTasks = cmdSpec[1]
task "play${playCommand.capitalize()}" (type: Exec,
dependsOn: depTasks,
description: "Execute 'play ${playCommand}'") {
commandLine playExec, playCommand
//Interate playClean and playCompile task into standard
//gradle build cycle
clean.dependsOn "playClean"
[compileScala, compileJava]*.dependsOn "playCompile"
//Include Play libraries in Eclipse classpath
eclipse {
classpath {
plusConfigurations += configurations.providedPlay
Note: I have just extracted the above from an existing bigger gradle file, so it might be missing some things, so no guarantees:) Hope it's useful anyway. Good luck.
Upvotes: 2