Reputation: 11
My app used to work before the latest belle update but doesnt anymore. The splash screen only works when i downgrade 1.1 to 1.0 on both the init.qml file and the splashcreen.qml file but then doesnt display the main.qml file. When I instruct main.cpp to directly load main.qml the app does work…. Im lost! Here is the code I have for main.cpp:
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "qmlapplicationviewer.h"
Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QScopedPointer<QApplication> app(createApplication(argc, argv));
QmlApplicationViewer viewer;
return app->exec();
For init.qml:
import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.1
Item {
id: init
SplashScreen {
id: splash
show: true // show splash
minTimeout: 3000 // show splash at least for 3 sec
image: "data/splash_screen.png" // path to splash image
canFinish: false // change to true when main QML will be loaded
z: 100 // highest page.
Loader { // this component performs deferred loading.
id: mainLoader
onStatusChanged: {
if( mainLoader.status == Loader.Ready )
// main page is loaded
// time to hide splash
splash.canFinish = true
Component.onCompleted: {
// splash is already rendered on the screen
// user is looking on splash
// now we can start loader to load main page
mainLoader.source = "main.qml"
And for splashscreen.qml :
import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.1
Rectangle {
id: splash
anchors.fill: parent
color: "black"
property int minTimeout: 3000 // 3s by default.
property string image; // path to splash image
property bool show: false // if show is true then image opacity is 1.0, else 0.0
property bool canFinish: false // if true then we can hide spash after timeout
state: show ? "showingSplash" : ""
onStateChanged: {
if( state == "showingSplash" )
opacity: 0.0
Image {
source: image
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
anchors.fill: parent
smooth: true
Timer {
id: splashTimer
interval: minTimeout
running: false
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
if( splash.canFinish )
// finally we can stop timer and hide splash = false
splashTimer.repeat = false
// canFinish is false, but main.qml is not loaded yet
// we should run timer again and again
splashTimer.interval = 1000 // 1 sec
splashTimer.repeat = true
states: [
State {
name: "showingSplash"
PropertyChanges { target: splash; opacity: 1.0 }
// hide splash using animation
transitions: [
Transition {
from: ""; to: "showingSplash"
reversible: true
PropertyAnimation { property: "opacity"; duration: 500; }
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2793
Reputation: 2097
As for me, I use an "old school" way to show Splash without any QML. Here you can see, how to construct it, with image logo placed on the gradiented background:
QSplashScreen *Application::buildSplashScreen() {
const QPixmap logoPixmap(":/images/logo.png");
QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop();
QRect desktopRect = desktop->availableGeometry();
QPixmap splashPixmap(desktopRect.width(), desktopRect.height());
QPainter painter;
QLinearGradient backgroundGradient(splashPixmap.rect().width() / 2,
splashPixmap.rect().width() / 2,
backgroundGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor::fromRgb(40, 50, 57));
backgroundGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor::fromRgb(19, 25, 29));
painter.fillRect(splashPixmap.rect(), backgroundGradient);
QRect logoRect((splashPixmap.width() - logoPixmap.width()) / 2,
(splashPixmap.height() - logoPixmap.height()) / 2,
painter.drawPixmap(logoRect, logoPixmap);
QScopedPointer<QSplashScreen> splashScreen(new QSplashScreen(splashPixmap));
if (desktopRect.width() > desktopRect.height()) {
splashScreen->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LockLandscapeOrientation, true);
} else {
splashScreen->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LockPortraitOrientation, true);
return splashScreen.take();
Then I use this manually built splash when program starts up:
int Application::run() {
QScopedPointer<QSplashScreen> splashScreen(buildSplashScreen());
QScopedPointer<QDeclarativeView> applicationWindow(buildRootView());
return QApplication::exec();
Upvotes: 2