Reputation: 607
I am trying to see if the usage of shared memory for the problem in object can improve the execution time and result in some speedup:
Kernel function without using shared memory:
__global__ void 3dc(const int nx, const int ny, const int nz, const float* in1,
const float* in2, const float* in3, const float* in4, float* out)
int i, j, k;
int tidx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
if(tidx < (nx)*(ny)*(nz)){
k = tidx/((nx)*(ny));
j = (tidx - k*(nx)*(ny))/(nx);
i = tidx - k*(nx)*(ny) - j*(nx);
out[i + nx*j + nx*ny*k] =
in1[i + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in1[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in1[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in1[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in1[i + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in1[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in1[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in1[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in2[i + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in2[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in2[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in2[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in2[i + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in2[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in2[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in2[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in3[i + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in3[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in3[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in3[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in3[i + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in3[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in3[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in3[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in4[i + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in4[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*k ]+
in4[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in4[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*k ]+
in4[i + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in4[(i+1) + nx*j + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in4[(i+1) + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)]+
in4[i + nx*(j+1) + nx*ny*(k+1)];
} // 3dc
Kernel function using shared memory:
__global__ void 3d_shared_memory(const int nx, const int ny, const int nz, const float* in1, const float* in2, const float* in3, const float* in4, float* out){
int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int idy = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int idz = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
__shared__ float smem1[16][16][4];
__shared__ float smem2[16][16][4];
__shared__ float smem3[16][16][4];
__shared__ float smem4[16][16][4];
if ((idx < nx) && (idy < ny) && (idz < nz)){
smem1[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = in1[idz * nx * ny + idy * nx + idx];
smem2[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = in2[idz * nx * ny + idy * nx + idx];
smem3[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = in3[idz * nx * ny + idy * nx + idx];
smem4[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.z] = in4[idz * nx * ny + idy * nx + idx];
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
for(int j = 0; j < 15; j++){
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++){
out[idz * nx * ny + idy * nx + idx] = smem1[i][j][k] + smem1[i+1][j][k] + smem1[i+1][j+1][k] + smem1[i][j+1][k] + smem1[i][j][k+1] + smem1[i+1][j][k+1] + smem1[i+1][j+1][k+1] + smem1[i][j+1][k+1] +
smem2[i][j][k] + smem2[i+1][j][k] + smem2[i+1][j+1][k] + smem2[i][j+1][k] + smem2[i][j][k+1] + smem2[i+1][j][k+1] + smem2[i+1][j+1][k+1] + smem2[i][j+1][k+1] +
smem3[i][j][k] + smem3[i+1][j][k] + smem3[i+1][j+1][k] + smem3[i][j+1][k] + smem3[i][j][k+1] + smem3[i+1][j][k+1] + smem3[i+1][j+1][k+1] + smem3[i][j+1][k+1] +
smem4[i][j][k] + smem4[i+1][j][k] + smem4[i+1][j+1][k] + smem4[i][j+1][k] + smem4[i][j][k+1] + smem4[i+1][j][k+1] + smem4[i+1][j+1][k+1] + smem4[i][j+1][k+1];
} //3d_shared_memory example
The shared memory code is always slower. Is there a better way to exploit shared memory for this problem? Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 698
Reputation: 21505
I'm providing a late answer to this post to remove it from the unanswered list.
You are basically implementing a boxcar filter in 3D using shared memory. Besides those already mentioned in the comments above, I see two possible reasons why you are not experiencing a speedup when using shared memory:
.Below, I'm providing a code to compare the case of use of global memory only and of shared memory. The code is a modification of the code posted by Robert Crovella at 3d CUDA kernel indexing for image filtering?.
Results from this code, for DATASIZE_X x DATASIZE_Y x DATASIZE_Z = 1024 x 1024 x 64
GT 540M case
2 360ms 342ms
4 1292ms 583ms
6 3675ms 1166ms
Kepler K20c case
2 8ms 16ms
4 40ms 33ms
6 142ms 102ms
The code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define BOXCAR_SIZE 6
#define DATASIZE_X 1024
#define DATASIZE_Y 1024
#define DATASIZE_Z 64
#define BLOCKSIZE_X 8
#define BLOCKSIZE_Y 8
#define BLOCKSIZE_Z 8
#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
__global__ void boxcar_shared(int* __restrict__ output, const int* __restrict__ input)
int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int idy = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int idz = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
if ((idx < (DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)) && (idy < (DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)) && (idz < (DATASIZE_Z+BOXCAR_SIZE-1))){
smem[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x]=input[idz*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idy*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idx];
if ((threadIdx.z > (BLOCKSIZE_Z - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z))
smem[threadIdx.z + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = input[(idz + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idy*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idx];
if ((threadIdx.y > (BLOCKSIZE_Y - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y))
smem[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.x] = input[idz*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idy+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idx];
if ((threadIdx.x > (BLOCKSIZE_X - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idx < DATASIZE_X))
smem[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)] = input[idz*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idy*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idx+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))];
if ((threadIdx.z > (BLOCKSIZE_Z - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (threadIdx.y > (BLOCKSIZE_Y - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y))
smem[threadIdx.z + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.y + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.x] = input[(idz+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idy+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idx];
if ((threadIdx.z > (BLOCKSIZE_Z - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (threadIdx.x > (BLOCKSIZE_X - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z) && (idx < DATASIZE_X))
smem[threadIdx.z + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)] = input[(idz+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + idy*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idx+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))];
if ((threadIdx.y > (BLOCKSIZE_Y - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (threadIdx.x > (BLOCKSIZE_X - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y) && (idx < DATASIZE_X))
smem[threadIdx.z][threadIdx.y + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.x + (BOXCAR_SIZE-1)] = input[idz*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idy+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idx+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))];
if ((threadIdx.z > (BLOCKSIZE_Z - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (threadIdx.y > (BLOCKSIZE_Y - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (threadIdx.x > (BLOCKSIZE_X - BOXCAR_SIZE)) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y) && (idx < DATASIZE_X))
smem[threadIdx.z+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.y+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1)][threadIdx.x+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1)] = input[(idz+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idy+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (idx+(BOXCAR_SIZE-1))];
if ((idx < DATASIZE_X) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z)){
int temp = 0;
for (int i=0; i<BOXCAR_SIZE; i++)
for (int j=0; j<BOXCAR_SIZE; j++)
for (int k=0; k<BOXCAR_SIZE; k++)
temp = temp + smem[threadIdx.z + i][threadIdx.y + j][threadIdx.x + k];
output[idz*DATASIZE_X*DATASIZE_Y + idy*DATASIZE_X + idx] = temp;
__global__ void boxcar(int* __restrict__ output, const int* __restrict__ input)
int idx = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int idy = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
int idz = blockIdx.z*blockDim.z + threadIdx.z;
if ((idx < DATASIZE_X) && (idy < DATASIZE_Y) && (idz < DATASIZE_Z)){
int temp = 0;
for (int i=0; i<BOXCAR_SIZE; i++)
for (int j=0; j<BOXCAR_SIZE; j++)
for (int k=0; k<BOXCAR_SIZE; k++)
temp = temp + input[(k+idz)*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1)*(DATASIZE_Y+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (j+idy)*(DATASIZE_X+BOXCAR_SIZE-1) + (i+idx)];
output[idz*DATASIZE_X*DATASIZE_Y + idy*DATASIZE_X + idx] = temp;
/* MAIN */
int main(void)
int i, j, k, u, v, w, temp;
// --- these are just for timing
clock_t t0, t1, t2, t3;
double t1sum=0.0f;
double t2sum=0.0f;
double t3sum=0.0f;
const int nx = DATASIZE_X;
const int ny = DATASIZE_Y;
const int nz = DATASIZE_Z;
const int wx = BOXCAR_SIZE;
const int wy = BOXCAR_SIZE;
const int wz = BOXCAR_SIZE;
// --- start timing
t0 = clock();
// --- CPU memory allocations
int *input, *output, *ref_output;
if ((input = (int*)malloc(((nx+(wx-1))*(ny+(wy-1))*(nz+(wz-1)))*sizeof(int))) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc Fail \n"); return 1; }
if ((output = (int*)malloc((nx*ny*nz)*sizeof(int))) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc Fail \n"); return 1; }
if ((ref_output = (int*)malloc((nx*ny*nz)*sizeof(int))) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc Fail \n"); return 1; }
// --- Data generation
for(int i=0; i<(nz+(wz-1)); i++)
for(int j=0; j<(ny+(wy-1)); j++)
for (int k=0; k<(nx+(wx-1)); k++)
input[i*(ny+(wy-1))*(nx+(wx-1))+j*(nx+(wx-1))+k] = rand();
t1 = clock();
// --- Allocate GPU space for data and results
int *d_output, *d_input; // storage for input
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_input, (((nx+(wx-1))*(ny+(wy-1))*(nz+(wz-1)))*sizeof(int))));
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&d_output, ((nx*ny*nz)*sizeof(int))));
// --- Copy data from GPU to CPU
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_input, input, (((nx+(wx-1))*(ny+(wy-1))*(nz+(wz-1)))*sizeof(int)), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
float time;
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
boxcar_shared<<<gridSize,blockSize>>>(d_output, d_input);
cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);
printf("Elapsed time: %3.4f ms \n", time);
// --- Copy result from GPU to CPU
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(output, d_output, ((nx*ny*nz)*sizeof(int)), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
t2 = clock();
t2sum = ((double)(t2-t1))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf(" Device compute took %3.2f seconds. Beginning host compute.\n", t2sum);
// --- Host-side computations
for (int u=0; u<nz; u++)
for (int v=0; v<ny; v++)
for (int w=0; w<nx; w++){
temp = 0;
for (int i=0; i<wz; i++)
for (int j=0; j<wy; j++)
for (int k=0; k<wx; k++)
temp = temp + input[(i+u)*(ny+(wy-1))*(nx+(wx-1))+(j+v)*(nx+(wx-1))+(k+w)];
ref_output[u*ny*nx + v*nx + w] = temp;
t3 = clock();
t3sum = ((double)(t3-t2))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf(" Host compute took %3.2f seconds. Comparing results.\n", t3sum);
// --- Check CPU and GPU results
for (int i=0; i<nz; i++)
for (int j=0; j<ny; j++)
for (int k=0; k<nx; k++)
if (ref_output[i*ny*nx + j*nx + k] != output[i*ny*nx + j*nx + k]) {
printf("Mismatch at x= %d, y= %d, z= %d Host= %d, Device = %d\n", i, j, k, ref_output[i*ny*nx + j*nx + k], output[i*ny*nx + j*nx + k]);
return 1;
printf("Results match!\n");
// --- Freeing memory
return 0;
Upvotes: 3