Reputation: 5191
Consider a string of length n (1 <= n <= 100000).
Determine its minimum lexicographic rotation.
For example, the rotations of the string “alabala” are:
and the smallest among them is “aalabal”.
This is the problem from ACM ICPC 2003 .This problem has already been asked in stack flow by some other user.[But that wasn't useful as , I want to do it by suffix Array.]
How to do this problem using the Suffix Array?
Till Now what I had done??
(1) Lets say the given string is S.
I concatenated the string S with itself to get a string S'.
ie. S'=S+S.
(2).Then I found the suffix array of S' in O(nlog n )time.
For example:
Suffix No. Index Suffixes
0 13 a
1 6 aalabala
2 9 abala
3 2 abalaalabala
4 11 ala
5 4 alaalabala
6 7 alabala
7 0 alabalaalabala
8 10 bala
9 3 balaalabala
10 12 la
11 5 laalabala
12 8 labala
13 1 labalaalabala
So I calculated the suffix-array SA well ,SA[]={13,6,9,2,11,4,7,0,10,3,12,5,8,1}.
Also I calculated the LCPs b/w every suffixes [Although i am not confident that I will require it in this problem].
Now How to proceed further.How to use SA to get a desired result?
Explanation with a very *small example will be quite effective.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5264
Reputation: 1
This links shows the implementation of a suffix array.
In this code replace:
suffixes[i].rank[1] = ((i+1) < n)? (txt[i + 1] - 'a'): -1;
suffixes[i].rank[1] = ((i+1) < n)? (txt[i + 1] - 'a'): txt[n-(i+1)];
Then replace:
suffixes[i].rank[1] = (nextindex < n) suffixes[ind[nextindex]].rank[0]: -1;
suffixes[i].rank[1] = (nextindex < n)?suffixes[ind[nextindex]].rank[0]: suffixes[ind[nextindex-n]].rank[0];
Now take the first index value of the returned suffix array and the lexicographically smallest rotated string starts from this index.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5191
Thanks all .Both the answer by vkorchagin and usamec is correct for most Test Cases ,but they won't work for the Following Test Case(S="baabaa")
S=baabaa; S'=baabaabaabaa;
Suffix| Suffix | Suffixes
Index | Length |
11 1 a
10 2 aa
7 5 aabaa
4 8 aabaabaa
1 11 aabaabaabaa
8 4 abaa
5 7 abaabaa
2 10 abaabaabaa
9 3 baa
6 6 baabaa
3 9 baabaabaa
0 12 baabaabaabaa
Taking the First Suffix whose Index is between 0 to S.length()-1 does not work for the above test case.If I does so ,then the result is 4 ,but the correct answer is 1.
So I modified the answer ,a bit .
This is what i did or added/modified an extra condition to the above answers ::
(1)I took the First Suffix whose Index is between 0 to S.length()-1 .
Lets say its index is :=ExpectedIdx.
In the above Example ExpectedIdx=4.
(2).Now the ExpectedIdx may or may not be the answer. The reason is the Next suffix in Suffix Array may produce the same answer.
Example ::
Taking the suffix whose starting Index is 4 (ExpectedIdx),aabaab
aa.,we get aabaab
as Minimum Lexograhic rotated String.
Taking the Next suffix , aabaab
We also get aabaab
as Minimum Lexograhic rotated String.
But the former one requires the shift of 4 while the latter one requires the shift of 1 .So correct answer is 1 ,not 4.
So i used the concept of Longest Common Prefix (LCP) to check the similarities and Finally got accepted.
Edit:: This is the Pseudocode -
int ExpectedIdx,ExpectedSuffixNumber,ExpectedSuffixLength;
for(int i=0;i<strlen(str);++i)//str = Length of S'
if(suffixsize>(Len/2))//Len/2:=Size of S
//Now this ExpectediDx may or may not be the correct answer.
int finalans=ExpectedIdx;//Lets assume initially that ExpectedIdx is a correct/final answer.
for(int i=(ExpectedSuffixNumber+1);i<Len;++i)//Check the Next Suffix
if(LCP[i]>Len/2)//LCP[i]=Lingest common prefix of adjacent prefixes in a suffix Array.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2394
If you are using O(n log n) algorithm (sort by first letter, then by first two letters, then by first four, ...), you can make a little bit modified suffix array.
Don't sort suffixes of string but it's cyclic rotations. It should be really small modification in the algorithm. A then you will get desired result directly.
If you still want to use your method, then just take first index which is between 0 and N.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 656
It seems that you should take first suffix in SA, which index is between 0 and length(S) - 1.
Some explanation: all rotations of S are in the beginning of S' suffixes from positions between 0 and length(S) - 1. Suffix array keeps suffixes in lexicographical order, so you just need to pick the first one which begins from rotation of S.
Upvotes: 4