Reputation: 5847
Is there any way to configure Devise Omniauth for multiple models without STI?
We have the models Students and Professors and we didn't want to use STI but now we realized that Devise with Omniauth doesn't play well with multiple models.
.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/devise-2.1.0/lib/devise/rails/routes.rb:384:in `devise_omniauth_callback': Wrong OmniAuth configuration. If you are getting this exception, it means that either: (RuntimeError)
1) You are manually setting OmniAuth.config.path_prefix and it doesn't match the Devise one
2) You are setting :omniauthable in more than one model
3) You changed your Devise routes/OmniAuth setting and haven't restarted your server
Upvotes: 9
Views: 3374
Reputation: 1060
Currently, Devise's Omniauthable module does not work with multiple models. ( In a nutshell you need to stop relying on devise to do its magic via "omniauthable" and do this by hand. It is not complicated and once you get first model to work over middelware then it's obvious how to extent for multiple models as it boils down to exactly same code with just different model name.
Steps needed:
I solved similar problem and I have detailed explanation here: Code for middleware oauth setup is here:
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 51
Currently, Devise's Omniauthable module does not work with multiple models. No need to worry though, as the Omniauthable module is but a simple wrapper around OmniAuth.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5075
Hi i came here with a similar problem and i came across with this solution, maybe i will help the next one. In my case i have two devise models where i work with omniauth in different ways, my first model was an user who can sign in with normal devise sign up or with omniauth, the second one was an artist, who just can sign up with regular sing up form, but i still going to need omniauth for authenticate a value from twitter, the verified field(That little check on twitters profiles that means if a famous user is really that guy).
So when i came with i can't have two devise omniauthable models i just decide to use the same omniauth for both.
class Users::OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController
def all
if artist_signed_in? and session["devise.authorize"] ==
session["devise.authorize"] = nil
if current_artist.artist_profile.update_from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
if current_artist.artist_profile.verified
flash[:notice] = "You were verified"
flash[:alert] = "Twitter go well but you aren't verified there"
redirect_to edit_artist_profile_path(current_artist.artist_profile)
flash[:error] = "We can't connect with #{request.env["omniauth.auth"].provider.titleize.split(" ").first}"
redirect_to edit_artist_profile_path(current_artist.artist_profile)
elsif !user_signed_in?
user = User.from_omniauth(request.env["omniauth.auth"])
if user.persisted?
flash[:notice] = I18n.t "devise.omniauth_callbacks.success", :kind => user.provider.titleize.split(" ").first
sign_in_and_redirect user, :event => :authentication
session["count_errors"] = 0 if session["devise.user_attributes"] == nil
session["devise.user_attributes"] = user.attributes
redirect_to new_user_registration_url
flash[:notice] = "You are already log in #{}"
redirect_to root_path
def after_omniauth_failure_path_for(scope)
if artist_signed_in? and session["devise.authorize"] ==
session["devise.authorize"] = nil
alias_method :twitter, :all
For the first case, the normal users, we have
elsif !user_signed_in?
it will do the normal process and everything is just like every guide, but for the second case(the verified field and the artist profiles) i send a little session with some random value
and i call the link with a new route from my artist profile controller
<%= link_to "Verify with Twitter", artist_profiles_integrate_twitter_path %>
who loads the session and redirects to the user omniauth route
class ArtistProfilesController < ApplicationController
def integrate_twitter
session["devise.authorize"] =
redirect_to user_omniauth_authorize_path(:twitter)
Then i defined a couple of methods in each classes for working with omniauth, the first creates the user(based on railscast episode "devise-omniauth-revised") and the second just update the field on my artist profile model, you should override after_omniauth_failure_path_for(scope), this just returns the path for failures on login, using the same technique you change the after error path(when fails to connect with twitter, for example, it will redirect to user sign up path, and the session will be around for a while) we can have normal behavior and clean the session in all cases with this.
Hope it helps, regards!
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 7723
I think rather than writing :omniauthable
to individual Student
& Professor model
. You should generate third model like Omniuser
and add :omniauthable
settings to it.
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :omniuser
class Professor < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :omniuser
Upvotes: 1