Reputation: 185
hi i'm in a situation here need help about heading data in ios, I'm making a i used CoreLocation framework in my application
my .h file
@interface ViewController : UIViewController<CLLocationManagerDelegate>{
UIImageView *arrowImage;
UILabel *magneticHeadingLabel;
UILabel *trueHeadingLabel;
CLLocationManager *locationManager;
@property (nonatomic, retain) CLLocationManager *locationManager;
in .m file
@implementation ViewController
@synthesize locationManager;
-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager*)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading*)newHeading {
NSLog(@"New magnetic heading: %f", newHeading.magneticHeading);
NSLog(@"New true heading: %f", newHeading.trueHeading);
NSLog(@"=>%@",[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1fmi",newHeading.headingAccuracy]);
NSString *headingstring = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%f",newHeading.trueHeading];
trueHeadingLabel.text = headingstring;
[headingstring release];
NSString *magneticstring = [[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:@"%f",newHeading.magneticHeading];
magneticHeadingLabel.text = magneticstring;
[magneticstring release];
self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
self.locationManager.delegate = self;
if ([CLLocationManager headingAvailable] )
NSLog(@"Heading Available...!");
self.locationManager.headingFilter = kCLHeadingFilterNone;
[self.locationManager startUpdatingHeading];
else {
NSLog(@"No Heading Available: ");
UIAlertView *noCompassAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"No Compass!" message:@"This device does not have the ability to measure magnetic fields." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[noCompassAlert show];
[noCompassAlert release];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
arrowImage = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"right_arrow"]];
arrowImage.frame = CGRectMake(95, 30, 128, 128);
[self.view addSubview:arrowImage];
trueHeadingLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15, 300, 250, 30)];
trueHeadingLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;
trueHeadingLabel.textColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
trueHeadingLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
trueHeadingLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:13];
trueHeadingLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"trueHeadingLabel:"];
[self.view addSubview:trueHeadingLabel];
magneticHeadingLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(15, 350, 250, 30)];
magneticHeadingLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;
magneticHeadingLabel.textColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
magneticHeadingLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
magneticHeadingLabel.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:13];
magneticHeadingLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"magneticHeadingLabel:"];
[self.view addSubview:magneticHeadingLabel];
UIButton *start = [[UIButton alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(140, 310, 50, 30)];
[start setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[start setTitle:@"start" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[start addTarget:self action:@selector(getHeadInfo) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[self.view addSubview:start];
[start release];
the thing is i know that the simulator doesn't return the heading data, i'm using an ipod touch, but still [CLLocationManager headingAvailable] doesn't return true.this is kinda emergency please help any one
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Views: 1364
Reputation: 7344
I am not quite sure, but the iPod touch does NOT include an GPS / compass module as far as i know it. It get its location information through a wifi database. Hence you won't get a heading because an iPod Touch is not capable to give it to you.
An iPod Touch has "only" a gyroscope and an accelerometer available. To read out information about these you have to use the Core Motion Framework
A CMMotionManager object is the gateway to the motion services provided by iOS. These services provide an application with accelerometer data, rotation-rate data, magnetometer data, and other device-motion data such as attitude. These types of data originate with a device’s accelerometers and (on some models) its magnetometer and gyroscope.
Upvotes: 2