Reputation: 391
I have a PHP statement on a sidebar, the sidebar is included on all pages. In the sidebar I want hide content on the results page, so I'm using this:
if ($page!='results')
<?php } ?>
The problem is that it looks like its not recognising the page as having
at the top of it. Maybe because the code is in a included page but I thought it would just get read as one page?
If I add
to the start of the above script, it works (just to verify I have written the code correctly.
I have also checked that results.php has
right at the very top of it.
Can I not use this code on an include or am I missing something?
As per navnav's request, here is the code for the include and the actual page. NOTE I am not actually using '$results' I'd just used that as an example for my post. In the real code below, you'll see I am using '$getvaluation'
Code for sidebar....
<div class="right_part right_home">
<h1 style="padding-left: 25px">Property <span>Search</span></h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
var v = $(this).val();
var v = $(this).val();
var v = $(this).val();
$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$page = explode('/', $page);
if (isset($_POST['bed']) && $_POST['bed'] != '' && $page[2] == 'test.php'){
$url = '';
$target = 'target="hello"';
$js_submit = true;
$bed = $_POST['bed'];
$min = $_POST['lop'];
$max = $_POST['hip'];
$area1 = $_POST['cou1'];
$area2 = $_POST['cou2'];
$area3 = $_POST['cou3'];
// Hidden Fields
$hidden1 = $_POST['slo'];
$hidden2 = $_POST['fid'];
$hidden3 = $_POST['bid'];
$hidden4 = $_POST['dbt'];
$hidden5 = $_POST['nre'];
$hidden6 = $_POST['thu'];
$hidden7 = $_POST['vto'];
$hidden8 = $_POST['ord'];
$hidden9 = $_POST['nba'];
} else {
$url = 'test.php';
$target = '';
$js_submit = false;
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $url; ?>" name="searchform" id="searchform" <?php echo $target; ?> >
<dl id="property_search">
<dt class="bord">Bedrooms</dt>
<dd><select name="bed" class="type1 Selectrooms">
<option <?php if($bed == '0'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="0">0</option>
<option <?php if($bed == '1'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="1">1</option>
<option <?php if($bed == '2'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="2">2</option>
<option <?php if($bed == '3'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="3">3</option>
<option <?php if($bed == '4'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="4">4</option>
<option <?php if($bed == '5'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="5">5+</option>
<dt class="bord">Minimum Price</dt>
<dd><select class="type2 SelectPrices" name="lop">
<option <?php if ($min == '0'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="0">£0</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '25000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="25000">£25,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '50000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="50000">£50,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '75000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="75000">£75,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '100000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="100000">£100,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '125000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="125000">£125,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '150000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="150000">£150,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '175000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="175000">£175,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '200000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="200000">£200,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '225000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="225000">£225,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '250000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="250000">£250,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '275000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="275000">£275,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '300000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="300000">£300,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '325000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="325000">£325,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '350000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="350000">£350,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '375000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="375000">£375,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '400000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="400000">£400,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '500000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="500000">£500,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '600000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="600000">£600,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '700000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="700000">£700,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '800000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="800000">£800,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '900000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="900000">£900,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '1000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="1000000">£1,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '2000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="2000000">£2,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '3000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="3000000">£3,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '4000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="4000000">£4,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '5000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="5000000">£5,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($min == '6000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="6000000">£6,000,000</option>
<dt class="bord">Maximum Price</dt>
<dd><select name="hip" class="type3 SelectPrices">
<option <?php if ($max == '25000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="25000"> £25,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '50000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="50000">£50,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '75000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="75000">£75,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '100000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="100000">£100,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '125000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="125000">£125,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '150000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="150000">£150,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '175000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="175000">£175,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '200000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="200000">£200,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '225000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="225000">£225,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '250000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="250000">£250,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '275000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="275000">£275,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '300000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="300000">£300,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '325000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="325000">£325,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '350000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="350000">£350,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '375000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="375000">£375,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '400000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="400000">£400,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '500000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="500000">£500,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '600000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="600000">£600,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '700000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="700000">£700,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '800000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="800000">£800,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '900000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="900000">£900,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '1000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="1000000">£1,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '2000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="2000000">£2,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '3000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="3000000">£3,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '4000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="4000000">£4,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '5000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="5000000">£5,000,000</option>
<option <?php if ($max == '6000000'){ echo 'selected="selected"';} ?> value="6000000">£6,000,000+</option>
<dt>Regions</dt><dd><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" /></dd>
<dt><input <?php if( $area1 == '43' ){ echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> type="checkbox" name="cou1" id="couHertfordshire" value="43" /></dt><dd>Hertfordshire</dd>
<dt><input <?php if( $area2 == '126' ){ echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> type="checkbox" name="cou2" id="couLondonNorth" value="126" /></dt><dd>London, North</dd>
<dt><input <?php if( $area3 == '127' ){ echo 'checked="checked"';} ?> type="checkbox" name="cou3" id="couLondonNorthWest" value="127" /></dt><dd>London, North West</dd>
<input type="hidden" name="cou" id="couHertfordshire_hide" value="<?php if ( $area1 == '43' ) { echo '43';} ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="cou" id="couLondonNorth_hide" value="<?php if ( $area2 == '126' ) { echo '126';} ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="cou" id="couLondonNorthWest_hide" value="<?php if ( $area3 == '127' ) { echo '127';} ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="slo" value="undefined" />
<input type="hidden" name="fid" value="894" />
<input type="hidden" name="bid" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="dbt" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="nre" value="undefined" />
<input type="hidden" name="thu" value="undefined" />
<input type="hidden" name="vto" value="undefined" />
<input type="hidden" name="ord" value="undefined"/>
<input type="hidden" name="nba" value="undefined" />
<dt><input type="submit" class="search_now" value="Find Property" /></dt><dd><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" /></dd>
<?php if($js_submit){ ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<?php } ?>
<div><a href="register.php" class="register_with_us"><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" /></a></div>
<div><a href="contact.php" class="our_branches"><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" /></a></div>
<div><a href="valuation.php" class="free_valuation"><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" /></a></div>
if ($page!='getvaluation')
{ ?>
<h1 class='bot_line'>Featured <span>Property</span></h1>
<?php perch_content('Featured Property Image');?>
<h3><?php perch_content('Featured Property Title'); ?></h3>
<?php perch_content('Featured Property Description'); ?>
<?php } ?>
Code for Valuation Page
include('perch/runtime.php'); ?>
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<div id="wrapper">
<?php include("header.php"); ?>
<div id="content">
<div class="left_part left_home">
<h1 class="bot_line">Please use the form below to arrange a free valuation</span></h1>
// Text Section
<?php perch_content('Form Text');?>
Upvotes: 0
Views: 189
Make sure you're including the file that assigns result
to $page
before you do the comparing.
This is bad:
if ($page!='results')
<?php }
include("the-file-here-that-defines-$page");//The include line is AFTER the comparing here...which means the $page value will not be changed until after the comparing...
This is good:
include("the-file-here-that-defines-$page");//the include line is BEFORE the comparing, so $page will change before, and it should all work well..
if ($page!='results')
<?php }
I've taken a look at your edit, and my original suggestion is causing the issue. In your sidebar.php
you have $page = explode('/', $page);
which is executed after you do $page='getvaluation';
but, you're also doing your comparing in sidebar.php
which you also re-define $page
A quick fix for this would be to simply use another variable to represent 'getvaluation':
So, in your sidebar.php:
if($getValuation===true){$page='getvaluation';}//check if $getValuation is true (which will will be defined in your valuation page)
if ($page!='getvaluation')
{ ?>
<h1 class='bot_line'>Featured <span>Property</span></h1>
<?php perch_content('Featured Property Image');?>
<h3><?php perch_content('Featured Property Title'); ?></h3>
<?php perch_content('Featured Property Description'); ?>
<?php } ?>
And now, in your valuation page:
Instead of:
do this:
and on other pages (pages where you would like the side bar to show), simply do not define $getValuation
or assign it to false
Upvotes: 1