Reputation: 225
I am trying to write a simple script to send a mail via my gmail account. But I am a beginner so it is not that simple. I tryed google but exept for hackage, there is no help or examples at all.
The problem is that I did not find the way to use tls-extra(or tls) to initiate the STARTTLS exchange.
Ok, here is the code:
import Network
import Network.TLS.Extra
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
server = ""
port = 25 --that has to chage, I think
forever a = a >> forever a
main = test1
write :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
write h s = do
hPrintf h "%s\r\n" s
printf "> %s\n" s
listen :: Handle -> IO ()
listen h = forever $ hGetLine h >>= putStrLn
test1 = do h <- connectTo server (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
write h "EHLO"
write h "STARTTLS"
listen h
Another thing is that I use the listen function to know what is going on. But I cannot figure out how to use it along with write. That is to say, I would like to be able to see what is going on server-side while sending some data.
I found two functions that may resolve my problems:
connectionClient :: CryptoRandomGen g => String -> String -> TLSParams -> g -> IO (TLSCtx Handle)
forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
The first for tls and the second to send and receive at the same time. But can't seem to make them work.
I hope I am not to messy here, any help would be appreciated.
PS: English is not my native.
EDIT: So, I have made some progress.
import Network
import Network.TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Crypto.Random
serv :: String
serv = ""
port :: Int
port = 25 --that has to chage, I think
main :: IO ()
main = test1
write :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
write h s = do
hPrintf h "%s\r\n" s
printf "> %s\n" s
listen :: Handle -> IO ()
listen h = forever $ hGetLine h >>= putStrLn
printSock :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
printSock h s = do write h s
hGetLine h >>= putStrLn
threadDelay 25
params :: TLSParams
params=defaultParams {pConnectVersion=TLS12
,pAllowedVersions=[TLS10, TLS11, TLS12]
test1 = do h <- connectTo serv (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
printSock h "EHLO"
printSock h "STARTTLS"
--google waits for tls handshake
--the problem is from here
g <- newGenIO :: IO SystemRandom
tlsH <- client params g h
handshake tlsH --the handshake is failling
Still, I cannot figure out how to negotiate that tls handshake.
I have to say, I am quite surprised by the lack of answer. The others few times I had a problem, the community was quite quick to help. But this doesn't seem to interess (just a constatation). Here at SO or even at #haskell or
Anyways some pointers about google and tls would be welcome. I have taken a look at the msmtp client code but frankly I don't have the required level.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 925
Reputation: 126
You could use the connection package which simplify client connection and provide all the necessary bits for this. The following code will works to connect to
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import Network.Connection
import Data.Default
readHeader con = do
l <- connectionGetLine 1024 con
putStrLn $ show l
if B.isPrefixOf "250 " l
then return ()
else readHeader con
main = do
ctx <- initConnectionContext
con <- connectTo ctx $ ConnectionParams
{ connectionHostname = ""
, connectionPort = 25
, connectionUseSecure = Nothing
, connectionUseSocks = Nothing
-- read the server banner
connectionGetLine 1024 con >>= putStrLn . show
-- say ehlo to the smtp server
connectionPut con "EHLO\n"
-- wait for a reply and print
readHeader con
-- Tell the server to start a TLS context.
connectionPut con "STARTTLS\n"
-- wait for a reply and print
connectionGetLine 1024 con >>= putStrLn . show
-- negociate the TLS context
connectionSetSecure ctx con def
------- connection is secure now
-- send credential, passwords, ask question, etc.
-- then quit politely.
connectionPut con "QUIT\n"
connectionClose con
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 8136
I don't know exactly what's causing the problem you're having (My SMTP is a little rusty), but I believe part of the problem is that you're connecting on the wrong port. I think these are the correct parameters for using SMTP with Google.
Gmail SMTP server address:
Gmail SMTP user name: Your full Gmail address (e.g. [email protected])
Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail password
Gmail SMTP port: 465
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes
Edit: I did a quick search of Hackage to see if there was an SMTP package that would allow you to login with a username and password, using TLS/SSL, but I didn't see anything. (I could have overlooked something, though!) The closest I found was simplesmtpclient. I don't think it supports SSL, but perhaps you could extend that, or use it as a guide for writing your own.
Upvotes: 1