Reputation: 37724
I am not sure what is the difference between fold
and foldLeft
in Scala.
The question Difference between fold and foldLeft or foldRight? has an answer that talks about ordering. That is understandable. But I still don't understand why this works (from REPL):
scala> Array("1","2","3").foldLeft(0)(_ + _.toInt)
res6: Int = 6
but this does not:
scala> Array("1","2","3").fold(0)(_ + _.toInt)
<console>:8: error: value toInt is not a member of Any
Array("1","2","3").fold(0)(_ + _.toInt)
What does this error message mean?
This line from the documentation is also confusing to me.
z - a neutral element for the fold operation; may be added to the result an arbitrary number of times, and must not change the result (e.g., Nil for list concatenation, 0 for addition, or 1 for multiplication.)
Why will it be added an arbitrary number of times? I thought folding works differently.
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It has been mentioned, but without example: If you want to allow parallelism with different data types for output and input, you could use aggregate
Array("1","2","3").aggregate(0)(_ + _.toInt, _ + _)
The first function gets called first. Its results are then reduced with the second function. See Explanation of the aggregate scala function.
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As defined by Scala, foldLeft
is a linear operation while fold
is allowed to be a tree operation. For example:
List(1,2,3,4,5).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
// This is the only valid order of operations
0+1 = 1
1+2 = 3
3+3 = 6
6+4 = 10
10 + 5 = 15
15 // done
List(1,2,3,4,5).fold(0)(_ + _)
// This is valid
0+1 = 1 0+3 = 3 0+5 = 5
1+2 = 3 3+4 = 7 5
3 + 7=10 5
10 + 5 = 15
15 // done
In order to allow arbitrary tree decompositions of a sequential list, you must have a zero that doesn't do anything (so you can add it wherever you need it in the tree) and you must create the same sort of thing that you take as your binary arguments so the types don't change on you depending on how you decompose the tree.
(Being able to evaluate as a tree is nice for parallelization. If you want to be able to transform your output time as you go, you need both a combination operator and a standard start-value-transforms-sequence-element-to-desired-type function just like foldLeft
has. Scala has this and calls it aggregate
, but in some ways this is more like foldLeft
than fold
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The error. You are getting a compile-time error because the signature of fold
only allows folding values of type which is the supertype of the type of the values in the collection, and the only supertype of String
(your collection type) and Int
(the type of your provided zero element) is Any
. So, the type of the fold result is inferred to be Any
- and Any
does not have a method toInt
Note that the two versions of fold
have different signatures:
fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B
Why do they have different signatures? This is because fold
could be implemented in parallel, as is the case with parallel collections. When multiple processors fold over the values in the collections, each one of the processors takes a subset of elements of type A
and produces the folded value of type A1
, by consecutively applying op
. The results produced by those processors must be combined together into a final folding value - this is done using the op
function, which does exactly that.
Now, note that this cannot be done using the f
in foldLeft
, because each of the processors produces a folded value of type B
. Several values of type B
cannot be combined using f
, because f
only combines value B
with another value of type A
- there is no correspondance between types A
and B
Example. In your example, assume the 1st processor takes elements "1", "2"
and the 2nd takes element "3"
. The first one will produce the folded value 3
, and the second will produce another folded value 3
. Now they have to combine their results to get the final folded value - this is impossible, because the closure _ + _.toInt
only knows how to combine an Int
and String
, and not 2 Int
For situations where these types differ, use aggregate
, in which you have to define how to combine two values of type B
def aggregate[B](z: B)(seqop: (B, A) => B, combop: (B, B) => B): B
The combop
above defines how to do the final step when the fold result and the elements in the collection have different types.
The neutral element. As described above, multiple processors may fold over subsets of elements in the collection. Each one of them will start its folded value by adding the neutral element.
In the following example:
List(1, 2, 3).foldLeft(4)(_ + _)
always returns 10 = 4 + 1 + 2 + 3
However, 4
should not be used with fold
, as it is not a neutral element:
List(1, 2, 3).fold(4)(_ + _)
The above may return (4 + 1 + 2) + (4 + 3) = 14
or (4 + 1) + (4 + 2) + (4 + 3) = 18
. If you don't use the neutral element for the fold
, the results are nondeterministic. In the same way, you can use the Nil
as a neutral element, but not a non-empty list.
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Here are the prototypes of the methods
fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1
foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) ⇒ B): B
So, for fold the result is of type A1 >: A
instead of any B
. Moreover, as specified in the doc, for fold
the order is not
When typing scala> Array("1","2","3").fold(0)(_ + _.toInt)
you assume that 0
, an int
is a subtype of String
. This is why the compiler throws an error.
Here we have to see the implementation of fold
to understand what happens. Here is what we get:
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1 = foldLeft(z)(op)
So basically, fold
is an implementation of foldleft
with a constraint on the output type.
We can now see that z
will in practice be used the same way as in foldleft
. So we can just conclude that this comment was made because nothing assures that behavior in future implementations. We can already see it now, with parallels:
def fold[U >: T](z: U)(op: (U, U) => U): U = {
executeAndWaitResult(new Fold(z, op, splitter))
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NOTE: I could be completely wrong here. My scala is less than perfect.
I think that the difference is in the signature of the methods:
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, T) ⇒ B): B
In short, fold is defined as operating on some type A1 which is a supertype of the array's type, which for your string array the compiler defines as "Any" (probably because it needs a type that can store your String or an int- notice that the combiner method passed to fold Fold takes two parameters of the same type?) That's also what the documentation means when it talks about z- the implementation of Fold could be such that it combines your inputs in parallel, for instance:
"1" + "2" --\
--> 3 + 3 -> 6
"3" + *z* --/
On the other hand, foldLeft operates on type B (unconstrained) and only asks that you provide a combiner method that takes a parameter of type B and another of your array's type (String, in your case), and produces a B.
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As another answer points out, the fold
method is primarily there to support a parallel fold. You can see this as follows. First we can define a kind of wrapper for integers that allows us to keep track of the operations that have been performed on its instances.
case class TrackInt(v: Int) {
val log = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]
def plus(that: TrackInt) = {
this.log += that.v
that.log += this.v
new TrackInt(this.v + that.v)
Next we can create a parallel collection of these things and an identity element:
val xs = (1 to 10).map(TrackInt(_)).par
val zero = TrackInt(0)
First we'll try foldLeft
scala> xs.foldLeft(zero)(_ plus _)
res0: TrackInt = TrackInt(55)
scala> zero.log
res1: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1)
So our zero value is only used once, as we'd expect, since foldLeft
performs a sequential fold. Next we can clear the log and try fold
scala> zero.log.clear()
scala> xs.fold(zero)(_ plus _)
res2: TrackInt = TrackInt(55)
scala> zero.log
res3: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 6, 2, 7, 8)
So we can see that the fold has been parallelized in such a way that the zero value is used multiple times. If we ran this again we'd be likely to see different values in the log.
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Reputation: 7761
I am not familiar with Scala, but Scala's collection library has a similar design to Haskell's. This answer is based on Haskell and is probably accurate for Scala as well.
Because foldLeft
processes its inputs from left to right, it can have different input and output types. On the other hand, fold
can process its inputs in various orders and so the inputs and output must all have the same type. This is easiest to see by expanding out the fold expressions. foldLeft
operates in a specific order:
Array("1","2","3").foldLeft(0)(_ + _.toInt)
= ((0 + "1".toInt) + "2".toInt) + "3".toInt
Note that array elements are never used as the first parameter to the combining function. They always appear on the right of the +
does not guarantee a specific order. It could do various things, such as:
Array("1","2","3").fold(0)(_ + _.toInt)
= ((0 + "1".toInt) + "2".toInt) + "3".toInt
or (0 + "1".toInt) + ("2" + "3".toInt).toInt
or "1" + ("2" + ("3" + 0.toInt).toInt).toInt
Array elements can appear in either parameter of the combining function. But your combining function expects its first argument to be an int. If you don't respect that constraint, you end up adding strings to ints! This error is caught by the type system.
The neutral element may be introduced multiple times because, generally, a parallel fold is implemented by splitting up the input and executing multiple sequential folds. A sequential fold introduces the neutral element once. Imagine one particular execution of Array(1,2,3,4).fold(0)(_ + _)
where the array is split into two separate arrays, and these are folded sequentially in two threads. (Of course, the real fold
function does not spit the array into multiple arrays.) One thread executes Array(1,2).fold(0)(_ + _)
, computing 0 + 1 + 2
. The other thread executes Array(3,4).fold(0)(_ + _)
, computing 0 + 3 + 4
. Finally, the partial sums from the two threads are added together. Note that the neutral element, 0
, appears twice.
Upvotes: 30