Reputation: 16839
I have a bash script that cuts out a section of a logfile between 2 timestamps, but because of the size of the files, it takes quite a while to run.
If I were to rewrite the script in Perl, could I achieve a significant speed increase - or would I have to move to something like C to accomplish this?
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "USAGE $0 <logfile(s)> <from date (epoch)> <to date (epoch)>"
exit 1
rm -f /tmp/getlogs??????
TEMP=`mktemp /tmp/getlogsXXXXXX`
ls -lnt $LOGFILES|awk '{print $8}' > $TEMP
cp /dev/null $TEMP
findEntry() {
t1=`tail -n+$ln1 $fil|head -n1|cut -c1-15`
dt1=`date -d "$t1" +%s`
t2=`tail -n+$ln2 $fil|head -n1|cut -c1-15`
dt2=`date -d "$t2" +%s`
if [ $dt -ge $dt2 ]; then
mid=$(( (($ln2-$ln1)*($dt-$dt1)/($dt2-$dt1))+$ln1 ))
t3=`tail -n+$mid $fil|head -n1|cut -c1-15`
dt3=`date -d "$t3" +%s`
# finished
if [ $dt -eq $dt3 ]; then
# FOUND IT (scroll back to the first match)
while [ $dt -eq $dt3 ]; do
mid=$(( $mid-1 ))
t3=`tail -n+$mid $fil|head -n1|cut -c1-15`
dt3=`date -d "$t3" +%s`
RETURN=$(( $mid+1 ))
if [ $(( $mid-1 )) -eq $ln1 ] || [ $(( $ln2-1)) -eq $mid ]; then
# not finished yet
if [ $dt -lt $dt3 ]; then
# too high
findEntry $dt $fil $ln1 $mid
if [ $dt -ge $dt3 ]; then
# too low
findEntry $dt $fil $mid $ln2
# Check timestamps on logfiles
for LOG in $LOGFILES; do
filetime=`ls -ln $LOG|awk '{print $6,$7}'`
timestamp=`date -d "$filetime" +%s`
if [ $timestamp -ge $FROM ]; then
# Check first and last dates in LOGS to refine further
for LOG in $LOGS; do
if [ ${LOG%.gz} != $LOG ]; then
gunzip -c $LOG > $TEMP
t=`head -n1 $TEMP|cut -c1-15`
FIRST=`date -d "$t" +%s`
t=`tail -n1 $TEMP|cut -c1-15`
LAST=`date -d "$t" +%s`
if [ $TO -lt $FIRST ] || [ $FROM -gt $LAST ]; then
# This file is entirely out of range
cp /dev/null $TEMP
if [ $FROM -le $FIRST ]; then
if [ $TO -ge $LAST ]; then
# Entire file is within range
cat $TEMP
# Last part of file is out of range
head -n$RETURN $TEMP
if [ $TO -ge $LAST ]; then
# First part of file is out of range
tail -n+$RETURN $TEMP
# range is entirely within this logfile
tail -n+$n1 $TEMP|head -n$(( $n2-$n1 ))
rm -f /tmp/getlogs??????
Upvotes: 15
Views: 19924
Reputation: 22254
Based on the shell code you have, with multiple calls to tail/head, I'd say absolutely Perl could be faster. C could be even faster, but the development time probably won't be worth it, so I'd stick to Perl. (I say "could" because you can write shell scripts in Perl, and I've seen enough of those to cringe. That obviously wouldn't have the speed benefit that you want.)
Perl has a higher startup cost, or so it's claimed. Honestly, I've never noticed. If your alternative is to do it in Java, Perl has no startup cost. Compared to Bash, I simply haven't noticed. What I have noticed is that as I get away from calling all the specialised Unix tools, which are great when you don't have alternatives, and get toward doing it all in a single process, speed goes up. The overhead of creating new processes on Unix isn't as severe as it may have been on Windows, but it's still not entirely negligible as you have to reinitialise the C runtime library (libC) each time, parse arguments, open files (perhaps), etc. In Perl, you end up using vast swaths of memory as you pass everything around in a list or something, but it is all in memory, so it's faster. And many of the tools you're used to are either built in (map/grep
, regexes) or are available in modules on CPAN. A good combination of these would get the job done easily.
The big thing is to avoid re-reading files. It's costly. And you're doing it many times. Heck, you could use the :gzip
modifier on open to read your gzip files directly, saving yet another pass - and this would be faster in that you'd be reading less from disk.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 2174
actually reads the file a line at a time as it interprets it on the fly (which you'll be made painfully aware of if you ever modify a bash
script while it's still running), rather than preloading and parsing it all at once. So yeah, Perl will generally be a lot faster if you're doing anything that you wouldn't normally do in bash
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 35077
Well, bash is intepreted line by line as it runs and depends on calling a lot of external progs (depending on what you want to do).You often have to use temp files as intermediate storage for result sets. It (shell) was originally designed to talk to the system and automate cmd sequences (shell files).
Perl is more like C, it's largely self contained with a huge library of free code and it's compiled , so it runs much faster, eg about 80-90% speed of C, but easier to program (eg variable sizes are dynamic).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 118118
Updated script based on Brent's comment: This one is untested.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %months = (
jan => 1, feb => 2, mar => 3, apr => 4,
may => 5, jun => 6, jul => 7, aug => 8,
sep => 9, oct => 10, nov => 11, dec => 12,
while ( my $line = <> ) {
my $ts = substr $line, 0, 15;
next if parse_date($ts) lt '0201100543';
last if parse_date($ts) gt '0715123456';
print $line;
sub parse_date {
my ($month, $day, $time) = split ' ', $_[0];
my ($hour, $min, $sec) = split /:/, $time;
return sprintf(
$months{lc $month}, $day,
$hour, $min, $sec,
Previous answer for reference: What is the format of the file? Here is a short script which assumes the first column is a timestamp and prints only lines that have timestamps in a certain range. It also assumes that the timestamps are sorted. On my system, it took about a second to filter 900,000 lines out of a million:
use strict;
use warnings;
while ( <> ) {
my ($ts) = split;
next if $ts < 1247672719;
last if $ts > 1252172093;
print $ts, "\n";
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 16700
In your bash script, put this:
perl -ne "print if /$FROM/../$TO/" $LOGFILES
$FROM and $TO are really regex to your start and end time.
They are inclusive, so you might want to put 2009-06-14 23:59:59
for your end time, since 2009-06-15 00:00:00
will include transactions at midnight.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 297155
Perl is absurdly faster than Bash. And, for text manipulation, you can actually achieve better performances with Perl than with C, unless you take time to write complex algorithms. Of course, for simple stuff C can be unbeatable.
That said, if your "bash" script is not looping, just calling other programs, then there isn't any gain to be had. For example, if your script looks like "cat X | grep Y | tr -f 3-5 | sort | uniq
", then most of the time is spent on cat, grep, tr, sort and uniq, NOT on Bash.
You'll gain performance if there is any loop in the script, or if you save multiple reads of the same file.
You say you cut stuff between two timestamps on a file. Let's say your Bash script looks like this:
LINE1=`grep -n TIMESTAMP1 filename | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 1`
LINE2=`grep -n TIMESTAMP2 filename | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 1`
tail +$LINE1 filename | head -$(($LINE2-$LINE1))
Then you'll gain performance, because you are reading the whole file three times: once for each command where "filename" appears. In Perl, you would do something like this:
my $state = 0;
while(<>) {
exit if /TIMESTAMP2/;
print $_ if $state == 1;
$state = 1 if /TIMESTAMP1/;
This will read the file only once and will also stop once you read TIMESTAMP2. Since you are processing multiple files, you'd use "last" or "break" instead of "exit", so that the script can continue to process the files.
Anyway, seeing your script I'm positive you'll gain a lot by rewriting it in Perl. Notwithstanding the loops dealing with file names (whose speed WILL be improved, but is probably insignificant), for each file which is not fully inside or outside scope you do:
Furthermore, head your tails. Each time you do that, some piece of code is reading that data. Some of those lines are being read up to 10 times or more!
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 1117
I agree that moving from a bash-only script to Perl (or even awk if a perl environment is not readily available) could yield a speed benefit, assuming both are equally well written.
However, if the extract was amenable to being formed by a bash script that creates parameters for and then calls grep with a regex then that could be faster than a 'pure' script.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 342273
it depends on how your bash script is written. if you are not using awk to parse the log file, instead using bash's while read loop, then changing it to awk will improve the speed.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 28665
I would profile all three solutions and pick which is best in terms of initial startup speed, processing speed, and memory usage.
Something like Perl/Python/Ruby may not be the absolute fastest, but you can rapidly develop in those languages - much faster than in C and even Bash.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 124257
You will almost certainly realize a massive speed benefit from writing your script in Perl just by cutting off the file read when you pass your second timestamp.
More generally, yes; a bash
script of any complexity, unless it's a truly amazing piece of wizardry, can handily be outperformed by a Perl script for equivalent inputs and outputs.
Upvotes: 20