Thanks to everyone in advance:
This outputs: -10
But in PHP/Java it outputs 11111111111111111111111111111110
Am I missing something? Why does Javascript add a "-" to the output?
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performs a 1's complement conversion of the
decimal which gives us -2
function basically takes the decimal without the sign 2
, converts it to binary 10
and adds a -
sign which gives us -10
.It's in the function .toString()
. When you output a number via .toString()
If the numObj is negative, the sign is preserved. This is the case even if the radix is 2; the string returned is the positive binary representation of the numObj preceded by a - sign, not the two's complement of the numObj.
Taken from the we got this formula that calculates the 1's complement of an integer, this is used when you perform a NOT (~) on a decimal:
Bitwise NOTing any number x yields -(x + 1). For example, ~5 yields -6.
Maybe it's better explained with this table and an example:
| Base 10 Integer | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| Base 10 1's Complement | 2 | 1 | 0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 |
| Base 2 | | | | 0 | 1 | 10 | 11 |
| Result ~x.toString(2) | 10 | 1 | 0 | -1 | -10 | -11 | -100 |
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You can use the shift operator >>> to convert the number to an unsigned integer before converting to binary:
(~1 >>> 0).toString(2) // "11111111111111111111111111111110"
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This assumes that you are working in 32 bits...
var valueToNot = parseInt("11110000", 2);
var notResult = 0xFFFFFFFF - valueToNot;
results in 11111111111111111111111100001111
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Here's a solution to implement NOT in javascript. It ain't pretty but it works.
// Since ~ is the two's complement, then the one's complement is ~(num -1).
var num = 9;
num.toString(2); //returns 1001
~(num - 1).toString(2); //returns -1001
// WHAT the hell?? I guess the negative sign acts as a sign bit.
If you want to view the Binary String of a decimal after a NOT (bit Toggle), then use the following code.
// Programer: Larry Battle
// Purpose: Provide a bit toggle function for javascript.
var getStrCopy = function (str, copies) {
var newStr = str;
copies = (copies > 0) ? copies : 1;
while (--copies) {
newStr += str;
return newStr;
var convertDecToBase = function ( dec, base, length, padding ) {
padding = padding || '0' ;
var num = dec.toString( base );
length = length || num.length;
if (num.length !== length) {
if (num.length > length) {
throw new Error("convertDecToBase(): num(" + num + ") > length(" + length + ") too long.");
num = getStrCopy( padding, (length - num.length)) + num;
return num;
var formatBinaryStr = function( str ){
return str.replace( /\d{4}/g, '$& ' ).replace( /\s$/,'');
var toggleBits = function( dec, length, doFormat ){
length = length || 8;
var str = convertDecToBase( dec, 2, length || 8 );
var binaryStr = str.replace( /0/g, 'o' ).replace( /1/g, '0').replace( /o/g, '1' );
return ( doFormat ) ? formatBinaryStr( binaryStr ) : binaryStr ;
// The following requires Firebug or Google Chrome Dev Tools
console.log( toggleBits( 1 ) ); // returns "11111110"
console.log( toggleBits( 2 ) ); // returns "11111101"
console.log( toggleBits( 50, 16 ) );// returns "1111111111001101"
console.log( toggleBits( 15, 8, true ) ); // returns "1111 0000"
console.log( toggleBits( 520, 16, true ) ); //returns "1111 1101 1111 0111"
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I know Java uses two's complement to represent negative numbers, and 11111111111111111111111111111110 in binary, which is what ~1 gives, represents -2. Or, represented in binary with a negative sign, -10, which is what you got.
The way you calculate the negative of 10 (in base 2) using two's complement is that you first invert all of the bits, giving you:
then you add 1, giving you:
I guess the same is happening in Javascript.
Upvotes: 9