
Reputation: 403

Running 7Z in a dos command from VBA Excel causes warning alert

I am currently using the following code to run a dos command as follows from VBA.

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

dos_command="\\\10.xx.xx.xx\test\7z.exe  a -r " etc etc etc

result = objShell.Run(dos_command, 0, True)

Set objShell =nothing

All runs well, the only problem is that I get an annoying Warning Windows Box advising a program is trying to run in my computer, press OK or Cancel

I must use "objshell" because I need VBA to wait until DOS command is completed.

is there a way to avoid the warning box from coming up from within VBA or adding some additional parameters to the DOS command ?

The 7z.exe file is running in a server (not local PC) so I assume that's the problem.

I cannot use or install 7z.exe in each machine.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 3023

Answers (2)


Reputation: 24227

Here are three options, presented in order from quickest/dirtiest to most robust:

  1. Create a text file as part of command line and wait for its existence: modify your command line to something like this and run it using Shell (not your objShell):

    dos_command = "\\\10.xx.xx.xx\test\7z.exe  a -r " etc etc etc
    dos_command = dos_command & " && echo > " & TempFileName

    This will create a text file named TempFileName after your 7-zip code completes. You just need to make sure TempFileName does not exist before you run your shell command, then run the command and wait for the TempFileName file to exist.

  2. Use OpenProcess and GetExitCodeProcess APIs: launch your command line using the OpenProcess API call which provides access to your new process (note that the Shell function returns the ProcessID of the launched process). Then use the ProcessID to sit in a loop and poll the process via GetExitCodeProcess. Relevant declarations:

    Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" _
            (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _
             ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _
             ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" _
            (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
             lpExitCode As Long) As Long
    Private Const STILL_ACTIVE = &H103
    ' Procedure : ShellWait
    ' DateTime  : 2/15/2008 10:59
    ' Author    : Mike
    ' Purpose   : Executes a shell command and waits for it to complete.
    ' Notes     : Runs the shell as a batch file, allowing the user to pass a string with
    '             line breaks to execute a multi-line command.
    '           : Provides two means to break out of the loop.
    '             1) Provide a timeout in seconds.
    '                The code breaks out once it reaches the timeout.
    '             2) Provide a flag to tell the procedure to stop running.
    '                To use this option, you would need to pass the procedure a global flag
    '                that the user has the ability to change through the interface.
    ' Update (5/23/2008):
    '           - Uses a progressive sleep timer to allow fast processes to run quickly
    '               and long processes to get increasing clock cycles to work with.
    '           - Changed default window mode to hidden.
    Public Function ShellWait(DosCmd As String, _
                              Optional StartIn As String = "WINDOWS TEMP FOLDER", _
                              Optional WindowStyle As VbAppWinStyle = vbHide, _
                              Optional TimeOutSeconds As Long = -1, _
                              Optional ByRef StopWaiting As Boolean = False)    'vv
        On Error GoTo Err_ShellWait
        Dim hProcess As Long, RetVal As Long, StartTime As Long
        Dim BatName As String, FileNum As Integer, SleepTime As Long
        StartTime = Timer
        BatName = TempFileName(StartIn, "bat")
        FileNum = FreeFile()
        Open BatName For Output As #FileNum
        ChDrive Left(BatName, 1)
        ChDir Left(BatName, InStrRev(BatName, "\"))
        Print #FileNum, DosCmd
        Close #FileNum
        hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, Shell(BatName, WindowStyle))
        SleepTime = 10
            'Get the status of the process
            GetExitCodeProcess hProcess, RetVal
            DoEvents: Sleep SleepTime
            If TimeOutSeconds <> -1 Then
                If Timer - StartTime > TimeOutSeconds Then Exit Do
            End If
            If StopWaiting Then Exit Do
            'Progressively increase the SleepTime by 10%
            '  This allows a quick process to finish quickly, while providing
            '  a long process with increasingly greater clock cycles to work with
            SleepTime = SleepTime * 1.1
        Loop While RetVal = STILL_ACTIVE
        Kill BatName
        Exit Function
        MsgBox Err.Description
        Resume Exit_ShellWait
    End Function
    ' Procedure : TempFileName
    ' DateTime  : 12/9/08
    ' Author    : Mike
    ' Purpose   : Returns an unused file name but does not create the file.  Path can be
    '             passed with or without the trailing '\'.
    ' Requires  : TempPath() function
    Function TempFileName(Optional ByVal Path As String = "WINDOWS TEMP FOLDER", _
                          Optional Ext As String = "txt", _
                          Optional Prefix As String = "temp") As String    'vv
    Dim TempFName As String, i As Integer
        If Path = "WINDOWS TEMP FOLDER" Then Path = TempPath
        If Right(Path, 1) <> "\" Then Path = Path & "\"
        If Not (Path Like "?:\*" Or Path Like "\\*") Then
            Err.Raise 52    '"Bad file name or number."
        ElseIf Dir(Path, vbDirectory) = "" Then
            Err.Raise 76    '"Path not found."
        End If
        TempFName = Path & Prefix & "." & Ext
        For i = 1 To 500
            If Dir(TempFName) = "" Then
                TempFileName = TempFName
                GoTo Exit_TempFileName
            End If
            TempFName = Path & Prefix & "_" & Format(i, "000") & "." & Ext
        Next i
        TempFileName = ""
    End Function
    ' Procedure : TempPath
    ' Author    : Mike
    ' Date      : 8/12/2008
    ' Purpose   : Returns something like:
    '               C:\DOCUME~1\BGRAND~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\
    Function TempPath() As String    'vv
    Const TemporaryFolder = 2
    Static TempFolderPath As String
    Dim fs As Object
        If Len(TempFolderPath) = 0 Then
            Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            TempFolderPath = fs.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) & "\"
        End If
        TempPath = TempFolderPath
    End Function
  3. Use CreateProcess and WaitForSingleObject APIs: refer to the "Super Shell" example at this help page for CreateProcess

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 11182

Calling Microsoft® Windows® Script Host causes windows to display the message. Instead try this

Public Sub test()
   Dim dos_command$, lRet&
   dos_command = """\\\xxx\xxx\7z.exe"" a ""\\\xxx\xxx\*.log"" -r"
   lRet = Shell(dos_command, vbMaximizedFocus)
   MsgBox lRet
End Sub


You may do the following and use your code:

  • Open Start | Run and type gpedit.msc. Click OK
  • User Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> Windows Components >> Attachment Manager
  • Add 7z.exe to the Inclusion list for moderate risk file types setting.

Hpe this helps

Upvotes: 1

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